We have now completed our workshop. Let us review what we did:
- Created an API Specification collaborating with business
- Created a Mock Application to agree and test the Spec
- Created a Web Based Flogo App to implement the Spec
- Included a LowCodeApp to automate Business Process for waiving shipping fees.
- Imported and Activated the completed App
- Tested the Application end to end
- Published the APP to Mashery directly
- Worked with the Mashery Control Center to Design the API endpoint
- Assigned Package and Plan to the API
- Enabled Self Service on the API in Mashery
We have barely scratched the surface on what is capable by leveraging the power of TIBCO Cloud Integration.
You are now ready to : Build your own TIBCO CLOUD INTEGRATION
Reference Cloud Documentation : https://account.cloud.tibco.com/docs/index
Where will your digital transformation take you? The sky (or the cloud) is the limit.