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A free and fast alternative for qualitative-data-analysis (like MaxQDA)

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fastQDA - a fast and simple alternative for quality-data-analysis

fastQDA - Overview

What is fastQDA?

The aim of this project is to create an open-source alternative to the market leader MaxQDA. Written in C++ and Qt it is possible to use fastQDA on almost every plattform from mobile to desktop.


FastQDA is a 3-pane window which enables the user to interact freely with his code- and document-database and his active document in the center of the application. Each code can be colorized and represents the markercolor for the documents.


Each code consits of a name, a definition, an example (called the anchor), its representing color and its headcode. The code is identified with its unique name. Each settings is adjustable via the 'settings-dialog'.


With the usage of Qt it is possible to create an user-experience that matches the operating-systems style. It is not needed to have a special design for every plattform because everything is already provided by the Qt-framework.

Usage notes

At the time of writing the developement is made under Mac OS X with Sublime Text 3 and QtCreator for debugging-purpose. The backend for text-coding is made with the xpdf-toolchain which is freely available.


To build fastQDA you need:

1. Download the repository

git clone
cd fastQDA

3. Install CMake

brew install cmake

4. Install Qt5

brew install qt5

Because Qt4 is still used in many other projects, brew does not link the Qt5 binaries automatically. You can do this manually by adding the path to your .bash_profile:

export PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH

5. Install Poppler

brew install poppler.rb --with-qt5

6. Compile fastQDA

mkdir build # create the build-folder (holds the binaries)
cd build    # enter the build-folder
cmake ..    # prepare the build system
make        # compile the prepared files

If everything worked, you will now have the binary in your build-folder.

How could you contribute?

  1. Fork this project to your account.
  2. Create a new branch for the improvements, you intend to make.
  3. Make the changements in your fork.
  4. Send a pull-request from your fork’s branch to my master branch.

You can always use the web-interface to make the changes you want. It helps you automizing the workflow from above.


A free and fast alternative for qualitative-data-analysis (like MaxQDA)






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