Easily-defined enumerations that can contain data and be matched.
Here they are:
class DivisionResult:
Undefined = Case()
Some = Case(number=float)
def divide(a: float, b: float) -> DivisionResult:
if b == 0: return DivisionResult.Undefined()
return DivisionResult.Some(a / b)
match divide(3, 3):
case DivisionResult.Some(n): assert n == 1
case _: assert False
Also Option is implemented, so you can do it even faster in most cases:
def divide(a: float, b: float) -> Option[float]:
if b == 0: return Option.Nothing()
return Option.Some(a / b)
assert divide(6, 2).unwrap() == 3
assert divide(6, 2).unwrap_or(None) == 3
assert divide(6, 0).unwrap_or(None) is None
assert divide(6, 2).map(lambda v: v * 3) == Option.Some(9)
assert divide(6, 2).and_then(lambda v: divide(v, 3)) == Option.Some(1)
pip install rust_enum