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165 lines (125 loc) · 6.27 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (125 loc) · 6.27 KB


Set up your dev environment


We use Xcode Version 13.4.1 for development - that is the version that our linters require. You must also use swift 5.7. You can check your swift version with:

swift -version

swift-driver version: 1.62.15 Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51)

Set up

  1. Clone the repository
  2. cd into the repository
  3. Open the package and this will install the dependencies


swift build -v

Run the linter

swiftlint lint

Running Tests

For integration tests, we use a rippled node in standalone mode to test XRPLSwift code against. To set this up, you can either run rippled locally, or set up the Docker container natenichols/rippled-standalone:latest for this purpose. The latter will require you to install Docker.

Single Test

swift test -s BasicTests.PathTests/testContains

Unit Tests

swift build
swift test --filter XRPLSwiftUTests

Integration Tests

# sets up the rippled standalone Docker container - you can skip this step if you already have it set up
docker run -p 6006:6006 -it natenichols/rippled-standalone:latest
swift build
swift test --filter XRPLSwiftITests

Build the swift/swiftlint docker ci

docker build --platform=linux/amd64 --tag transia/swiftlint:latest -f swiftlint.dockerfile .

docker run --platform=linux/amd64 --rm -it transia/swiftlint:latest

docker push transia/swiftlint:latest

Generate reference docs

xcodebuild docbuild \
-scheme TARGET_NAME \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13'

You can see the complete reference documentation at XRPLSwift docs. You can also generate them locally using $(xcrun --find docc) process-archive transform-for-static-hosting "$ARCHIVE" --hosting-base-path XRPLSwift --output-path ../docs

This updates docs/ at the top level, where GitHub Pages looks for the docs.

Update DefinitionsJson

Use this repo to generate a new DefinitionsJson file from the rippled source code. Instructions are available in that README.

Release process

Editing the Code

  • Your changes should have unit and/or integration tests.
  • Your changes should pass the linter.
  • Your code should pass all the tests on Github (which check the linter, unit and integration tests on Swift 5 tests).
  • Open a PR against main and ensure that all CI passes.
  • Get a full code review from one of the maintainers.
  • Merge your changes.


  1. Ensure that all tests passed on the last CI that ran on main.

NOW WE ARE READY TO PUBLISH! No new code changes happen manually now.

  1. Checkout main and git pull.
  2. Create a new branch to capture updates that take place during this process. git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME>
  1. Run npm run build to triple check the build still works
  2. Update the version in the swift-version file.
  1. Create a new PR from this branch into main and merge it.
  2. Checkout main and git pull
  3. Register your cocoapods account: pod trunk register 'Denis Angell' --description='macbook pro'
  4. Run pod trunk push XRPLSwift.podspec --verbose - This will actually publish the packages.
  1. Create a new branch to capture the updated packages from the release (git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME>)
  2. Make a PR to merge those changes into main

NOW YOU HAVE PUBLISHED! But you're not done; we have to notify people!

  1. Pull the most recent changes to main locally.
  2. Run git tag <tagname> -m <tagname>, where <tagname> is the new package and version (e.g. 0.0.1), for each version released.
  3. Run git push --follow-tags, to push the tags to Github.
  4. On Github, click the "releases" link on the right-hand side of the page.
  5. Click "Draft a new release"
  6. Click "Choose a tag", and choose a tag that you just created.
  7. Edit the name of the release to match the tag (IE <version>) and edit the description as you see fit.
  8. Repeat steps 19-21 for each release.
  9. Send an email to xrpl-announce.

Mailing Lists

We have a low-traffic mailing list for announcements of new XRPLSwift releases. (About 1 email every couple of weeks)

If you're using the XRP Ledger in production, you should run a rippled server and subscribe to the ripple-server mailing list as well.