🚀 Crimson-Tech is an E-Commerece web application for a PC and accessories selling shop. The application contains both admin and client side components. For admin login you can use following credentials;
- email - admin@crimsontech.com
- password - admin@123
🚀 Tech Stack - Reactjs | Express | MongoDB | Tailwind | Heroku
🚀 Working demo - https://crimson-tech.herokuapp.com
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
NPM / Yarn and Node.js installed
Installing NPM modules on both client and server folders
Execute these commands from the project directory
cd client && npm install
cd server && npm install
Open a terminal on server directory
npm run start:dev
and open another terminal on client directory
npm run start
Access the web app at http://localhost:3000