So far I couldn't find any react boilerplate I was happy with, so decided to prepare one myself.
It was hand-crafted and should be good enough for any small/medium project.
NOTE: This is an opinionated boilerplate based on my own preferences, but feel free to suggest ideas!
It doesn't contain any state management library simply because not all projects require it, but it's pretty easy to add MobX to it. My first projects were based on Redux but personally I think there is too much hype around it and eventually it makes your codebase much larger and complex. Please give MobX a try instead :)
- parcel bundler
- normalize.css
- react-router
- ESLint rules
A single webpack scriptmini-css-extract-plugin and terser-webpack-plugin in productionImages/CSS/Less/Sass loadersAutomatically generate HTML index file using html-webpack-pluginstyled-jsxDotEnv pluginCode-Splitting