This project contains the system and integration tests of Test Data Generation for APIs (TDG). Includes the required test classes, result files and the SUT projects, along with an additional module to evaluate the mutation score of the tests for one of the SUTs.
- Swagger Petstore (
folder). This is a detached fork of at v1.0.17 (2022-09-30) with some additions - Market (
folder). This is a detached fork of (2022-02-07) with some additions - Gestao Hospital (
folder). This is a detached fork of (2023-07-05) with some additions
- Module
:- Java tests (
) for each SUT. - Files for test result comparison (
) - Clasess
contain some commented examples to illustrate some details of the TDG approach. - There is a common base class for all tests (
) and Each namespace has an additional base class with the particular configuration of each SUT.
- Java tests (
- A folder for each of the SUTs that are tested in this projects.
- A folder
with scripts to run each SUT (backend and databases). - Module
: To evaluate the effectiveness of the test data my measuring the mutation score of the tests using PIT (
The tests are in the st-tdg-test
To run the tests of a SUT in your local development environment:
- Ensure that the port bindings of each SUT are not used by other application
- Run the server from the
folder and wait until it is up - Execute the tests in the namespace that corresponds with the SUT
- To execute this module from maven:
mvn -pl st-tdg-test test
Port reservation and endpoints: To avoid conflicts when running in local, different host port are reserved for each SUT. Below are the ports and the main endpoint urls to check that SUTs are working:
- Petstore: 8081:8080 (api) | api example | swagger-ui | api-docs
- Market: 8082 (web), 8083 (api), 8087 (db) api example | swagger-ui | api-docs
- Gestao Hospital: 8085:8080 (api), 8086:27017 (default mongo) (db) | api example | api-docs
The whole sequence of tests for all SUTs is run when executed in CI
The tests are located in the st-tdg-eval
Run this maven command:
mvn -pl st-tdg-eval test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
Test results of the module are in the target
and the mutation report in target/pit-reports
- Swagger Petstore (src/test/resources/petstore/
Pet <--"*" Order
Customer <--"*" Order
Customer *--"*" Customer_address_xa
Category <--"*" Pet_category_xt
Pet *--"*" Pet_photoUrls_xa
Pet *--"*" Pet_tags_xa
Pet *--"1" Pet_category_xt
Pet0 <--"*" Order0
Customer0 <--"*" Order0
Pet0 *--"1" Pet0_category_xt
Category <--"*" Pet1_category_xt
Pet1 *--"1" Pet1_category_xt
Customer_address_xa ..|> Address
Pet_category_xt ..|> Category
Pet_tags_xa ..|> Tag
Pet1_category_xt ..|> Category
class User
class ApiResponse
Order: +post(/store/order)
Customer: +post(/store/customer)
Category: +post(/category)
Category: +post(/backid/category)
User: +post(/user)
User: +post(/user/createWithList)
User: +put(/user/{username})
Pet: +post(/pet)
Pet: +post(/backid/pet)
Pet: +put(/pet)
Customer0: +post(/store/customer0)
Order0: +post(/store/order0)
Pet0: +post(/pet0)
Pet1: +post(/pet1)
ApiResponse: +post(/pet/{petId}/uploadImage)
- Market (/src/test/resources/market/
UserDTOReq <--"*" CartDTO
CartDTO <--"*" CartItemDTOReq
ProductDTOReq <--"*" CartItemDTOReq
ProductDTORes <--"*" CartItemDTORes
CartDTO <--"*" CartItemDTORes
UserDTOReq <--"*" ContactsDTOReq
UserDTORes <--"*" ContactsDTORes
RegionDTOReq <--"*" DistilleryDTOReq
RegionDTORes <--"*" DistilleryDTORes
CreditCardDTO <--"*" OrderDTO
UserDTOReq <--"*" OrderDTO
DistilleryDTOReq <--"*" ProductDTOReq
DistilleryDTORes <--"*" ProductDTORes
CartDTO: +put(/customer/cart)
CartDTO: +put(/customer/cart/delivery)
CartItemDTOReq: +put(/customer/cart)
ContactsDTOReq: +put(/customer/contacts)
ContactsDTORes: +put(/customer/contacts)
CreditCardDTO: +post(/customer/cart/pay)
DistilleryDTOReq: +post(/distillerydto)
DistilleryDTORes: +post(/distillerydto)
OrderDTO: +post(/customer/cart/pay)
ProductDTOReq: +post(/products/productdto)
RegionDTOReq: +post(/regiondto)
RegionDTORes: +post(/regiondto)
UserDTOReq: +post(/register)
UserDTORes: +post(/register)
- Gestao Hospital (src/test/resources/gestaoHospital/
GeoJsonPoint *--"*" GeoJsonPoint_coordinates_xa
Location_location_xt *--"*" Location_location_xt_coordinates_xa
GeoJsonPoint <--"*" Location_location_xt
Location_position_xt *--"*" Location_position_xt_coordinates_xa
GeoJsonPoint <--"*" Location_position_xt
Patient_location_xt_location_xt *--"*" Patient_location_xt_location_xt_coordinates_xa
GeoJsonPoint <--"*" Patient_location_xt_location_xt
Patient_location_xt_position_xt *--"*" Patient_location_xt_position_xt_coordinates_xa
GeoJsonPoint <--"*" Patient_location_xt_position_xt
Location <--"*" Patient_location_xt
Patient_location_xt *--"1" Patient_location_xt_location_xt
Patient_location_xt *--"1" Patient_location_xt_position_xt
HospitalDTO <--"*" Patient
Patient *--"1" Patient_location_xt
HospitalDTO <--"*" ProductDTO
Location *--"1" Location_location_xt
Location *--"1" Location_position_xt
Location_location_xt ..|> GeoJsonPoint
Location_position_xt ..|> GeoJsonPoint
Patient_location_xt_location_xt ..|> GeoJsonPoint
Patient_location_xt_position_xt ..|> GeoJsonPoint
Patient_location_xt ..|> Location
class LocationDTO
HospitalDTO: +post(/v1/hospitais/)
HospitalDTO: +put(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id})
Patient: +post(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id}/pacientes/checkin)
Patient: +post(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id}/pacientes/checkout)
Patient: +put(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id}/pacientes/{patientId})
ProductDTO: +post(/v1/hospitais/estoque)
ProductDTO: +post(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id}/estoque)
ProductDTO: +put(/v1/hospitais/{hospital_id}/estoque/{produto_id})