I am Giacomo, a Machine Learning engineer specialising in Vision and Audio. Currently, I am the CTO at Gemmo AI, a Dublin-based start-up that provides bespoke Deep Learning solutions.
In my previous life I was a String Theorist at Swansea University (Wales), where I learned how to survive daily rains and to efficiently drink beers.
In my spare time, I am trying to develop tools for leveraging Deep Learning to tackle what I believe are interesting problems in the artistic aspects of Vision and Audio.
If you are interested, get in touch with me on X @G_Piccinini_!
Here is a list of the projects I am currently working on in my spare time. I have ranked them based on difficulty/size, and you can find the corresponding repos here on GitHub. If you like, do feel free to contribute!
rush: A Swiss-army knife for media inspection and manipulation, written in Rust.
DrumsGPT: Inspired by Andrej Karpathy's NanoGPT lecture, a GPT-like model for writing (read: completing) drum tracks in MIDI format. Currently private repo, as still in the making.
metrify: pip-installable package to add some metrics (informedness, markedness,
chronopy: pip-installable package to keep track of execution time in Python scripts. Currently downloadable, pip install chronopy
. See also this Medium post about it.
giacomo-website: My first (and only) attempt at creating a personal website. Take a look at it here and feel free to scrape the code! Built with NextJS 14 and deployed on Vercel.
audio-graph: API deployed on Modal to create and compare the frequency spectra of two audio files. Ideally useful for ensuring that, when mixing a song, your track is on par with industry standard.
snippet-api: API deployed on Modal to create images of code snippets automatically. Similar (but not as fancy as) Carbon.
Spotilist: Streamlit application accessible here. Use it to find curators of Spotify playlists that include emerging artists. Try and get in touch with them to see your band featured!