Docker base image: php:7.2.12-apache-stretch
Limesurvey is the number one open-source survey software.
Advanced features like branching and multiple question types make it a valuable partner for survey-creation.
Official web site:
You can try it online! Click the below button:
- Docker CE >= 17.06.* ( Ubuntu installation script / CentOS installation script )
- Docker Compose >= 1.22.* ( installation script )
- MariaDB/MySQL server
git clone
cd gb-limesurvey
docker-compose up -d
More details in
You have to specify your sql hostname and credentials using specific variables:
docker run \
-d \
-p 8080:80 \
-v /tmp/lime/upload:/var/www/html/upload \
--name=limesurvey \
--link=mydb \
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_HOST=sql-server-hostname \
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_USER=sql-username \
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_PASSWORD=sql-password \
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_NAME=sql-database-name \
Change ServerName in default-ssl.conf with your host FQDN, then change cert and key file name:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key
Put your server.crt and server.key in the same folder of docker-compose-ssl.yml and then:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml up -d
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_HOST=... (defaults to the IP and port of the linked mysql container)
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_USER=... (defaults to "root")
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_PASSWORD=... (defaults to the value of the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable from the linked mysql container)
-e LIMESURVEY_DB_NAME=... (defaults to "limesurvey")
-e LIMESURVEY_TABLE_PREFIX=... (defaults to "" - set this to "lime_" for example if your database has a prefix)
-e LIMESURVEY_ADMIN_USER=... (defaults to "" - the username of the Limesurvey administrator)
-e LIMESURVEY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=... (defaults to "" - the password of the Limesurvey administrator)
-e LIMESURVEY_ADMIN_NAME=... (defaults to "Lime Administrator" - The full name of the Limesurvey administrator)
-e LIMESURVEY_ADMIN_EMAIL=... (defaults to "lime@lime.lime" - The email address of the Limesurvey administrator)
-e LIMESURVEY_DEBUG=... (defaults to 0 - Debug level of Limesurvey, 0 is off, 1 for errors, 2 for strict PHP and to be able to edit standard templates)
-e LIMESURVEY_SQL_DEBUG=... (defaults to 0 - Debug level of Limesurvey for SQL, 0 is off, 1 is on - note requires LIMESURVEY_DEBUG set to 2)