diff --git a/src/terminal/search.zig b/src/terminal/search.zig
index 35f79ed234..40462491a1 100644
--- a/src/terminal/search.zig
+++ b/src/terminal/search.zig
@@ -448,142 +448,3 @@ test "SlidingWindow two pages" {
     try testing.expect(w.next(needle) == null);
     try testing.expect(w.next(needle) == null);
-pub const PageSearch = struct {
-    alloc: Allocator,
-    node: *PageList.List.Node,
-    needle: []const u8,
-    cell_map: Page.CellMap,
-    encoded: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{},
-    i: usize = 0,
-    pub fn init(
-        alloc: Allocator,
-        node: *PageList.List.Node,
-        needle: []const u8,
-    ) !PageSearch {
-        var result: PageSearch = .{
-            .alloc = alloc,
-            .node = node,
-            .needle = needle,
-            .cell_map = Page.CellMap.init(alloc),
-        };
-        const page: *const Page = &node.data;
-        _ = try page.encodeUtf8(result.encoded.writer(alloc), .{
-            .cell_map = &result.cell_map,
-        });
-        return result;
-    }
-    pub fn deinit(self: *PageSearch) void {
-        self.encoded.deinit(self.alloc);
-        self.cell_map.deinit();
-    }
-    pub fn next(self: *PageSearch) ?Selection {
-        // Search our haystack for the needle. The resulting index is
-        // the offset from self.i not the absolute index.
-        const haystack: []const u8 = self.encoded.items[self.i..];
-        const i_offset = std.mem.indexOf(u8, haystack, self.needle) orelse {
-            self.i = self.encoded.items.len;
-            return null;
-        };
-        // Get our full index into the encoded buffer.
-        const idx = self.i + i_offset;
-        // We found our search term. Move the cursor forward one beyond
-        // the match. This lets us find every repeated match.
-        self.i = idx + 1;
-        const tl: PageList.Pin = tl: {
-            const map = self.cell_map.items[idx];
-            break :tl .{
-                .node = self.node,
-                .y = map.y,
-                .x = map.x,
-            };
-        };
-        const br: PageList.Pin = br: {
-            const map = self.cell_map.items[idx + self.needle.len - 1];
-            break :br .{
-                .node = self.node,
-                .y = map.y,
-                .x = map.x,
-            };
-        };
-        return Selection.init(tl, br, false);
-    }
-test "search single page one match" {
-    const testing = std.testing;
-    const alloc = testing.allocator;
-    var s = try Screen.init(alloc, 80, 24, 0);
-    defer s.deinit();
-    try s.testWriteString("hello, world");
-    // We want to test single-page cases.
-    try testing.expect(s.pages.pages.first == s.pages.pages.last);
-    const node: *PageList.List.Node = s.pages.pages.first.?;
-    var it = try PageSearch.init(alloc, node, "world");
-    defer it.deinit();
-    const sel = it.next().?;
-    try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-        .x = 7,
-        .y = 0,
-    } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.start()).?);
-    try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-        .x = 11,
-        .y = 0,
-    } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.end()).?);
-    try testing.expect(it.next() == null);
-test "search single page multiple match" {
-    const testing = std.testing;
-    const alloc = testing.allocator;
-    var s = try Screen.init(alloc, 80, 24, 0);
-    defer s.deinit();
-    try s.testWriteString("hello. boo! hello. boo!");
-    // We want to test single-page cases.
-    try testing.expect(s.pages.pages.first == s.pages.pages.last);
-    const node: *PageList.List.Node = s.pages.pages.first.?;
-    var it = try PageSearch.init(alloc, node, "boo!");
-    defer it.deinit();
-    {
-        const sel = it.next().?;
-        try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-            .x = 7,
-            .y = 0,
-        } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.start()).?);
-        try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-            .x = 10,
-            .y = 0,
-        } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.end()).?);
-    }
-    {
-        const sel = it.next().?;
-        try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-            .x = 19,
-            .y = 0,
-        } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.start()).?);
-        try testing.expectEqual(point.Point{ .active = .{
-            .x = 22,
-            .y = 0,
-        } }, s.pages.pointFromPin(.active, sel.end()).?);
-    }
-    try testing.expect(it.next() == null);