Network discoverability, updatability, and metadata for devices
Cell is an abstraction for a set of functionality that a Nerves device can implement, the sum of which allows interesting remote management features.
The current implementation is very preliminary, and relies on hardcoded ports and device descriptions, which will be replaced in time as a more fleshed-out service discovery architecture comes into play.
- LAN Device Announcement (via SSDP for now, mDNS to follow)
- LAN Service Announcement (hard coded for now)
- LAN Firmware updates using nerves_firmware_http
For now, the primary objective of this module is to enable discovery,
management and update of devices on a local area network by using the cell
command line tool.
Since the package is not yet available in hex, add nerves_cell
to your dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:nerves_cell, github: "ghitchens/nerves_cell"}]
Then somewhere in your application when you know that networking is available, start nerves_cell
up by calling: