- Changing maintainer to Ghislain Vieilledent ghislain.vieilledent@cirad.fr.
- From 0.2.2 to 0.2.6, there are only minor corrections to pass checks on CRAN.
- New function
for fitting joint species distribution models from continuous Gaussian data, including an overdispersion parameter. - Use of the R package
instead ofraster
, which are depreciated, in the vignette Estimation of Madagascar's plant biodiversity.
- Add the possibility to consider only significant correlations in the
functions. - Documentation corrections
- New function
which aims to improve the convergence of latent variable models fitting by selecting the species constrained to have positive values of factor loadings$\lambda$ and new vignette Bernoulli probit regression with selected constrained species to illustrate its use. - New vignette Estimation of Madagascar's plant biodiversity available.
- Add the possibility of considering an additional hierarchical level in the Bayesian models of the
functions to take into account interactions between species-specific traits and the environment in estimating species effects. - New vignette Bernoulli probit regression including species traits available.
- Separate the drawing of species effects beta and factor loading lambda in the functions
. - New function
to plot species-species associations.
- Use of
for documentation and NAMESPACE. - Rename
the functionjSDM_probit_block
. - New function
for fitting joint species distribution models from presence-absence data in long format able to handle missing observations, multiple visits at sites and to integer species traits as explanatory variables. - New function
for fitting joint species distribution models from abundance data inspired by Hui and Francis K. C. 2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12514). - New function
for fitting joint species distribution models from presence-absence data at multiple-visited sites using a bayesian inference method inspired by Albert, James H. and Chib Siddhartha 1993 Journal of the American Statistical Association (doi:10.1080/01621459.1993.10476321). - Functions to fit models in which site effects are included as fixed effects, as random effects or not included and with or without latent variables.
- New function
to extract covariances and correlations due to shared environmental responses. - Completing
documentation - Add datasets (
). - Seven new vignettes (Bayesian inference methods, Poisson log-linear regression, Bernoulli probit regression, Bernoulli probit regression with missing data and species traits, Binomial logistic regression, Running jSDM in parallel, Comparing SDMs and JSDMs and Comparison jSDM-Hmsc) are available.
- Completing and correcting the vignette Comparison jSDM-boral.
- Adding Code of conduct and Contributing sections.
- New package website available on GitHub: https://ecology.ghislainv.fr/jSDM/.
- First version of the jSDM R package
- Use of Rcpp and C++ code for Gibbs sampling
- Use of GSL (RcppGSL) for random draws
- Use of Armadillo (RcppArmadillo) for vector and matrix operations
- Functions to fit models from Warton et al. 2014 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2015.09.007).
- We use
to build package website. - Package website available on GitHub: https://ecology.ghislainv.fr/jSDM/.