- 2017学年春季学期
- 课程时间(1-19周):
- 教学1班 : 星期四 5-6节 / 7-8节
- 教学2班 : 星期五 1-2节 / 3-4节
- 课程地点:
- 教学1班 : B202
- 教学2班 : B201
- Instructor:
- 郑贵锋:Email:zhenggf@mail.sysu.edu.cn
- TAs:
- 孔令爽:E_mail: kong1021@qq.com
- 余明静:E_mail: 949657511@qq.com
- 周林:E_mail: 1696837023@qq.com
- 黄泳锋:E_mail: 635051045@qq.com
- 卢家熙:E_mail: 914670787@qq.com
- 林伟涵:E_mail: seventrap@qq.com
- Submit Address:
- Deadline: 指定周实验课的前一天晚上23:59
- Name: SID_Name_labX.zip (eg: 1530000_陈XX_lab1.zip)
- Hand In: Source Code and Lab Report (清理解决方案、PDF)
- Format: 注:根目录为文件夹
15331111_huashen_lab1 -- | -- lab1实验报告.pdf | -- lab1_code(包含项目代码文件)
Lectures: 01-UWP概览.pptx、C#-Tutorial
Homework 1: Homework1需求文档
Lectures: 06-XAMLDataBinding.pptx、07-XAMLPerformance.pptx、Data_Binding_Supplement.pdf、05-AdaptiveCode.pptx (optional)
Ref: MVVM Light document, http://www.mvvmlight.net/doc
- Lectures: 08-VisualStudio(选讲).pptx、 09-Edge&WebApps(选讲).pptx、10-ApplicationLifecycle.pptx、11-BackgroundExecution
- Lab:week4.pptx、视频附件
- Homework 2: Homework2 需求文档
- Lectures: 12-CloudIntegration(选讲).pptx、13-LiveTilesNotifications.pptx、 14-MorePersonalComputing(选讲).pptx、15-ApptoAppCommunication.pptx
- Lab:week5.pptx、Live Tiles and Notifications官方文档.docx
- Lectures: week6FileManagement.pptx、week6SQLiteDatabase.pptx
- Lab:week6.pptx
- Lab:期中要求.docx
- 项目计划书: 项目计划书.xlsx
- 实验报告模板: 实验报告模板.doc
- Lectures: week7.pptx
- Lab:week7.pptx
- Homework 3: Homework3 需求文档
- Lectures: week8.pptx、微软认知服务.pptx
- Lab:week8.pptx 、视频附件
- Lectures: week9_cocos2d-x_基础概念概述.pptx
- Lab:homework9
- Lectures:week10_cocos2d-x_简单游戏元素.pptx
- Lab:homework10、Demo
- Lectures:week11_ui_调度器_帧动画.pptx
- Lab:homework11、Demo
- Lectures:week12_tile_map.pptx
- Lab:homework13、Demo Video、Additional Files
- Lab:期末要求.pptx
- 实验报告模板: 实验报告模板.doc
- Lectures:week14_事件处理与音效.pptx
- Lab:homework14、Demo Video、Needed Files
- Lectures:week15_物理引擎与粒子系统.pptx
- Lab:homework15、Demo Video、Needed Files
- Lectures: week16_网络访问与常用算法.pptx
- Lab: homework16、Needed Files
- Lectures: week17_热更新与游戏AI.pptx
- Lab: homework17、Needed Files