From 0eb05505437ee830eae4014b4bedfa1575663861 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: getzze <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 13:27:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add IPODRegression

---           |  28 ++
 docs/src/     |   1 +
 src/RobustModels.jl |   4 +
 src/ipod.jl         | 965 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/ipod.jl        | 238 +++++++++++
 test/runtests.jl    |   1 +
 6 files changed, 1237 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/ipod.jl
 create mode 100644 test/ipod.jl

diff --git a/ b/
index f43e3ca..fcd23da 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ This package implements:
 * Robust Ridge regression (using any of the previous estimator)
 * Quantile regression using interior point method
 * Regularized Least Square regression
+* Θ-IPOD regression, possibly with a penalty term
 ## Installation
@@ -68,6 +69,11 @@ For Regularized Least Squares and a penalty term, use `rlm`:
 `m = rlm(X, y, L1Penalty(); method=:cgd)`
+For Θ-IPOD regression with outlier detection and a penalty term, use `ipod`:
+`m = ipod(X, y, L2Loss(), SquaredL2Penalty(); method=:auto)`
 For robust version of `mean`, `std`, `var` and `sem` statistics, specify the estimator as first argument.
 Use the `dims` keyword for computing the statistics along specific dimensions.
 The following functions are also implemented: `mean_and_std`, `mean_and_var` and `mean_and_sem`.
@@ -128,6 +134,12 @@ refit!(m10; quantile=0.8)
 ## Penalized regression
 m11 = rlm(form, data, SquaredL2Penalty(); method=:auto)
+## Θ-IPOD regression with outlier detection
+m12 = ipod(form, data, TukeyLoss(); method=:auto)
+## Θ-IPOD regression with outlier detection and a penalty term
+m13 = ipod(form, data, L2Loss(), L1Penalty(); method=:ama)
 # output
@@ -235,6 +247,21 @@ With a penalty, the following solvers are available (instead of the other ones):
     - `:ama`, Alternating Minimization Algorithm [4].
     - `:admm`, Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers [5].
+To use a robust loss function with a penalty, see Θ-IPOD regression.
+### Θ-IPOD regression
+_Θ-IPOD regression_ (Θ-thresholding based Iterative Procedure for Outlier Detection) results from
+minimizing the following objective function [6]:
+`L = ½ Σᵢ |yᵢ - 𝒙ᵢ 𝜷 - γᵢ|² + P(𝜷) + Q(γ)`,
+where `Q(γ)` is a penalty function on the outliers `γ` that is sparse so the problem is not underdetermined.
+We don't need to know the expression of this penalty function, just that it leads to thresholding using
+one of the loss function used by M-Estimators. Then Θ-IPOD is equivalent to solving an M-Estimator.
+This problem is solved using an alternating minimization technique, for the outlier detection.
+Without penalty, the coefficients are updated at every step using a solver for _Ordinary Least Square_.
+`P(𝜷)` is an optionnal (sparse) penalty on the coefficients.
 ## Credits
@@ -253,3 +280,4 @@ for implementing the Iteratively Reweighted Least Square algorithm.
 [3] "A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems", 2009, A. Beck, M. Teboulle
 [4] "Applications of a splitting algorithm to decomposition in convex programming and variational inequalities", 1991, P. Tseng
 [5] "Fast Alternating Direction Optimization Methods", 2014, T. Goldstein, B. O'Donoghue, S. Setzer, R. Baraniuk
+[6] "Outlier Detection Using Nonconvex Penalized Regression", 2011, Y. She, A.B. Owen
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
index 7d67de9..f53be1c 100644
--- a/docs/src/
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ RobustModels.FISTAPred
 ## Constructors for models
diff --git a/src/RobustModels.jl b/src/RobustModels.jl
index ba6d7e5..ac8e22b 100644
--- a/src/RobustModels.jl
+++ b/src/RobustModels.jl
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ export LossFunction,
+       IPODRegression,
+       ipod,
+       outliers,
@@ -201,6 +204,7 @@ include("linresp.jl")
 end # module
diff --git a/src/ipod.jl b/src/ipod.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb4e3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipod.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+using LinearAlgebra: qr, norm, eigmin, eigmax, rdiv!
+using SparseArrays: sparse
+### LinPred methods
+initpred!(p::LinPred, wt::AbstractVector{T}=T[], σ::Real=one(T); verbose::Bool=false) where {T<:BlasReal} = p
+solvepred!(p::LinPred, r::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:BlasReal} = delbeta!(p, r)
+solvepred!(p::LinPred, r::AbstractVector{T}, wts::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:BlasReal} =
+    delbeta!(p, r, wts)
+updatepred!(p::LinPred, args...; kwargs...) = p
+function update_beta!(
+    p::LinPred,
+    r::AbstractVector{T},
+    wts::AbstractVector{T}=T[],
+    σ2::T=one(T);  # placeholder
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T<:BlasReal}
+    if isempty(wts)
+        return solvepred!(p, r)
+    else
+        return solvepred!(p, r, wts)
+    end
+function initpred!(
+    p::Union{DensePredCG{T},SparsePredCG{T}},
+    wt::AbstractVector{T}=T[],
+    σ::Real=one(T);  # placeholder
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T<:BlasReal}
+    # Initialize the scratchm1 matrix
+    if isempty(wt)
+        scr = transpose(copy!(p.scratchm1, p.X))
+    else
+        scr = transpose(broadcast!(*, p.scratchm1, wt, p.X))
+    end
+    # Initialize the Gram matrix
+    mul!(p.Σ, scr, p.X)
+    p
+function solvepred!(
+    p::Union{DensePredCG{T},SparsePredCG{T}},
+    r::AbstractVector{T},
+) where {T<:BlasReal}
+    ## Assume that the relevant matrices are pre-computed
+    # Compute the left-hand side.
+    mul!(p.scratchbeta, transpose(p.scratchm1), r)
+    # Solve the linear system
+    cg!(p.delbeta, Hermitian(p.Σ, :U), p.scratchbeta)
+    p
+### IPODResp
+    IPODResp
+Robust Θ-IPOD linear response structure.
+Solve the following minimization problem:
+\\min \\left\\lVert(\\dfrac{\\mathbf{y} - \\mathbf{X}\\mathbf{\\beta} - \\mathbf{gamma}}
+{\\hat{\\sigma}}\right\\rVert^2_2 + P_c\\left(\\dfrac{\\mathbf{\\gamma}}{\\hat{\\sigma}}\\right)
+# Fields
+- `loss`: loss used for the model
+- `y`: response vector
+- `μ`: mean response vector
+- `wts`: prior case weights.  Can be of length 0.
+- `outliers`: outlier vector subtracted from `y` to form the working response.
+- `σ`: current estimate of the scale or dispersion
+- `wrky`: working response
+- `wrkres`: working residuals
+mutable struct IPODResp{T<:AbstractFloat,V<:AbstractVector{T},L<:LossFunction} <: RobustResp{T}
+    "`loss`: loss used for the model"
+    loss::L
+    "`y`: response vector"
+    y::V
+    "`μ`: mean response vector"
+    μ::V
+    "`precision`: prior precision weights. Can be of length 0."
+    precision::V
+    "`outliers`: outlier vector subtracted from `y` to form the working response."
+    outliers::V
+    "`σ`: current estimate of the scale or dispersion"
+    σ::T
+    "`wrky`: working response."
+    wrky::V
+    "`wrkres`: working residuals"
+    wrkres::V
+    function IPODResp{T,V,L}(
+        l::L,
+        y::V,
+        precision::V,
+        outliers::V,
+        σ::Real,
+    ) where {L<:LossFunction,V<:AbstractVector{T}} where {T<:AbstractFloat}
+        n = length(y)
+        ll = length(precision)
+        ll == 0 || ll == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("length of precision is $ll, must be $n or 0"))
+        σ > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("σ must be positive: $σ"))
+        wrky = y - outliers
+        new{T,V,L}(l, y, zeros(T, n), precision, outliers, convert(T, σ), wrky, copy(wrky))
+    end
+    IPODResp(l::L, y::V, precision::V, outliers::V=zeros(eltype(y), length(y)), σ::Real=1)
+            where {L<:LossFunction, V<:FPVector}
+Initialize the Robust Θ-IPOD linear response structure.
+function IPODResp(
+    l::L,
+    y::V,
+    precision::V=T[],
+    outliers::V=zeros(T, length(y)),
+    σ::Real=1,
+) where {L<:LossFunction, V<:AbstractVector{T}} where {T<:AbstractFloat}
+    r = IPODResp{T,V,L}(l, y, precision, outliers, T(σ))
+    initresp!(r)
+    return r
+    IPODResp(l::L, y, wts, outliers=zeros(eltype(y), length(y)), σ::Real=1) where {L<:LossFunction}
+Convert the arguments to float arrays.
+IPODResp(l::L, y, precision=eltype(y)[], outliers=zeros(eltype(y), length(y)), σ::Real=1) where {L<:LossFunction} =
+    IPODResp(l, float(collect(y)), float(collect(precision)), float(collect(outliers)), σ)
+function Base.getproperty(r::IPODResp, s::Symbol)
+    if s ∈ (:mu, :η, :eta)
+        r.μ
+    elseif s ∈ (:sigma, :scale)
+        r.σ
+    elseif s ∈ (:γ, :gamma)
+        r.outliers
+    elseif s ∈ (:λ, :lambda)
+        r.precision
+    else
+        getfield(r, s)
+    end
+    initresp!(r::IPODResp)
+Initialize the response structure.
+function initresp!(r::IPODResp)
+    # Set working y
+    broadcast!(-, r.wrky, r.y, r.outliers)
+    # Set residual (without offset)
+    broadcast!(-, r.wrkres, r.wrky, r.μ)
+function update_outliers!(r::IPODResp)
+    if isempty(r.precision)
+        λi = one(eltype(r.y))
+        @inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(r.y, r.μ, r.wrkres, r.outliers)
+            # Use threshold to compute outliers
+            r.outliers[i] = r.σ * threshold(r.loss, (r.y[i] - r.μ[i]) / r.σ, λi)
+            r.wrky[i] = r.y[i] - r.outliers[i]
+            r.wrkres[i] = r.wrky[i] - r.μ[i]
+        end
+    else
+        @inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(r.y, r.μ, r.wrkres, r.outliers, r.precision)
+            λi = r.precision[i]
+            # Use threshold to compute outliers
+            r.outliers[i] = r.σ * threshold(r.loss, (r.y[i] - r.μ[i]) / r.σ, λi)
+            r.wrky[i] = r.y[i] - r.outliers[i]
+            r.wrkres[i] = r.wrky[i] - r.μ[i]
+        end
+    end
+    r
+function update_residuals!(r::IPODResp)
+    # update residuals
+    @. r.wrkres = r.wrky - r.μ
+    r
+function update_scale!(r::IPODResp)
+    r.σ = sqrt((sum(abs2, r.wrkres) + dot(r.outliers, r.wrkres)) / length(r.y))
+    r
+outliers_criteria(r::IPODResp{T}, γold::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} =
+    maximum(abs(γold[i] - r.outliers[i]) / r.σ for i in eachindex(γold, r.outliers))
+    dev_criteria(r::IPODResp)
+Deviance part coming from the loss and the response struct.
+dev_criteria(r::IPODResp) = sum(abs2, r.wrkres) / r.σ^2
+    outliers(r::IPODResp)
+Returns the vector of the outlier part γ of the response y, so that `(y - γ) | X ~ Normal`.
+outliers(r::IPODResp) = r.outliers
+### IPODRegression
+    IPODRegression
+Robust regression using the Φ-IPOD algorithm
+## Fields
+* `resp`: the [`IPODResp`](@ref) structure.
+* `pred`: the [`IPODPred`](@ref) structure.
+* `formula`: either a `FormulaTerm` object or `nothing`
+* `wts`: the prior observation weights (can be empty).
+* `fitdispersion`: if true, the dispersion is estimated otherwise it is kept fixed
+* `fitted`: if true, the model was already fitted
+mutable struct IPODRegression{
+    T<:AbstractFloat,
+    R<:IPODResp{T},
+    P<:Union{LinPred,AbstractRegularizedPred},
+    V<:AbstractVector{T},
+} <: AbstractRobustModel{T}
+    resp::R
+    pred::P
+    formula::Union{FormulaTerm,Nothing}
+    wts::V
+    fitdispersion::Bool
+    fitted::Bool
+function IPODRegression(
+    X::AbstractMatrix{T},
+    y::AbstractVector{T},
+    loss::LossFunction,
+    penalty::Union{Nothing,PenaltyFunction}=nothing;
+    method::Symbol=:auto,  # :chol, :qr, :cg, :cgd, :fista, :ama, :admm
+    wts::FPVector=similar(y, 0),
+    precision::FPVector=similar(y, 0),
+    fitdispersion::Bool=false,
+    pivot::Bool=false,
+    formula::Union{Nothing,FormulaTerm}=nothing,
+    use_backtracking::Bool=false,
+    AMA::Bool=false,
+    A::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}=zeros(T, 0, 0),
+    b::AbstractVector{<:Real}=zeros(T, 0),
+    restart::Bool=true,
+    adapt::Bool=true,
+    penalty_omit_intercept::Bool=true,
+) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
+    # Check that X and y have the same number of observations
+    n, p = size(X)
+    n == size(y, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("number of rows in X and y must match"))
+    ll = size(wts, 1)
+    ll in (0, n) || throw(DimensionMismatch("length of wts is $ll, must be 0 or $n."))
+    # Response object
+    rr = IPODResp(loss, y, precision)
+    # Method
+    nopen_methods = (:auto, :chol, :cg, :qr)
+    pen_methods = (:auto, :cgd, :fista, :ama, :admm)
+    if isnothing(penalty) && method ∉ nopen_methods
+        @warn("Incorrect method `:$(method)` without a penalty, should be one of $(nopen_methods)")
+        method = :auto
+    elseif !isnothing(penalty) && method ∉ pen_methods
+        @warn("Incorrect method `:$(method)` with a penalty, should be one of $(pen_methods)")
+        method = :auto
+    end
+    # Predictor without penalty
+    if isnothing(penalty)
+        pred = if method === :cg
+            cgpred(X)
+        elseif method === :qr
+            qrpred(X, pivot)
+        elseif method in (:chol, :auto)
+            cholpred(X, pivot)
+        else
+            error("without penalty, method :$method is not allowed, should be in: $nopen_methods")
+        end
+    # Predictor with penalty
+    else
+        # Penalty
+        new_penalty = try
+            intercept_col = penalty_omit_intercept ? get_intercept_col(X, formula) : nothing
+            concrete(penalty, p, intercept_col)
+        catch
+            error("penalty is not compatible with coefficients size $p: $(penalty)")
+        end
+        # Predictor
+        pred = if method === :fista
+            FISTARegPred(X, new_penalty, wts, use_backtracking)
+        elseif method === :ama
+            AMARegPred(X, new_penalty, wts, A, b, restart)
+        elseif method === :admm
+            ADMMRegPred(X, new_penalty, wts, A, b, restart, adapt)
+        elseif method in (:cgd, :auto)
+            CGDRegPred(X, new_penalty, wts)
+        else
+            error("with penalty, method :$method is not allowed, should be in: $pen_methods")
+        end
+    end
+    return IPODRegression(rr, pred, formula, wts, fitdispersion, false)
+function Base.getproperty(r::IPODRegression, s::Symbol)
+    if s ∈ (:beta0, :β)
+        r.pred.beta0
+    elseif s ∈ (:delbeta, :dβ)
+        r.pred.delbeta
+    else
+        getfield(r, s)
+    end
+function, obj::IPODRegression)
+    msg = "Robust Θ-IPOD regression with $(obj.resp.loss)\n\n"
+    if hasformula(obj)
+        msg *= "$(formula(obj))\n\n"
+    end
+    msg *= "Coefficients:\n"
+    println(io, msg, coeftable(obj))
+### Interface
+hasformula(m::IPODRegression) = isnothing(m.formula) ? false : true
+function StatsModels.formula(m::IPODRegression)
+    if !hasformula(m)
+        throw(ArgumentError("model was fitted without a formula"))
+    end
+    return m.formula
+StatsAPI.modelmatrix(r::IPODRegression) = r.pred.X
+function StatsAPI.vcov(r::IPODRegression, wt::AbstractVector)
+    wXt = isempty(wt) ? modelmatrix(r)' : (modelmatrix(r) .* wt)'
+    return inv(Hermitian(float(Matrix(wXt * modelmatrix(r)))))
+StatsAPI.vcov(r::IPODRegression) = vcov(r, weights(r))
+function projectionmatrix(r::IPODRegression, wt::AbstractVector)
+    X = modelmatrix(r)
+    wXt = isempty(wt) ? X' : (wt .* X)'
+    return Hermitian(X * vcov(r, wt) * wXt)
+projectionmatrix(r::IPODRegression) = projectionmatrix(r, weights(r))
+# Define the methods, but all `variant` give the same result
+for fun in (:vcov, :projectionmatrix, :leverage, :leverage_weights)
+    @eval begin
+        $(fun)(m::IPODRegression, variant::Symbol) = $(fun)(m)
+    end
+function GLM.dispersion(
+    r::IPODRegression,
+    sqr::Bool=false,
+    wts = weights(r)
+    res = residuals(r)
+    dofres = dof_residual(r)
+    s = if isempty(wts)
+        sum(abs2, res) / dofres
+    else
+        sum(i -> wts[i] * abs2(res[i]), eachindex(wts, res)) / dofres
+    end
+    return sqr ? s : sqrt(s)
+    location_variance(r::RobustLinResp, sqr::Bool=false)
+Compute the part of the variance of the coefficients `β` that is due to the encertainty
+from the location. If `sqr` is `false`, return the standard deviation instead.
+From Maronna et al., Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods, Equation 4.49
+location_variance(r::IPODRegression, sqr::Bool=false) = dispersion(r, sqr)
+StatsAPI.stderror(r::IPODRegression) = location_variance(r, false) .* sqrt.(diag(vcov(r)))
+## Loglikelihood of the full model
+## l = Σi log fi = Σi log ( 1/(σ * Z) exp( - ρ(ri/σ) ) = -n (log σ + log Z) - Σi ρ(ri/σ)
+fullloglikelihood(r::IPODRegression) = -wobs(r) *(log(r.resp.σ) + log(2 * π) / 2)
+StatsAPI.deviance(r::IPODRegression) = sum(abs2, residuals(r)) / scale(r) ^ 2
+function StatsAPI.nulldeviance(r::IPODRegression)
+    y = response(r)
+    wts = weights(r)
+    # Compute location of the null model
+    μ = if !hasintercept(r)
+        zero(eltype(y))
+    elseif isempty(wts)
+        mean(y)
+    else
+        mean(y, weights(wts))
+    end
+    # Sum deviance for each observation
+    dev = 0
+    if isempty(wts)
+        @inbounds for i in eachindex(y)
+            dev += abs2((y[i] - μ) / scale(r))
+        end
+    else
+        @inbounds for i in eachindex(y, wts)
+            dev += wts[i] * abs2((y[i] - μ) / scale(r))
+        end
+    end
+    dev
+StatsAPI.loglikelihood(r::IPODRegression) = fullloglikelihood(r) - deviance(r) / 2
+StatsAPI.nullloglikelihood(r::IPODRegression) = fullloglikelihood(r) - nulldeviance(r) / 2
+StatsAPI.response(r::IPODRegression) = r.resp.y
+StatsAPI.isfitted(r::IPODRegression) = r.fitted
+StatsAPI.fitted(r::IPODRegression) = r.resp.μ
+StatsAPI.residuals(r::IPODRegression) = r.resp.wrkres
+StatsAPI.predict(r::IPODRegression) = fitted(r)
+    scale(m::RobustLinearModel, sqr::Bool=false)
+The robust scale estimate used for the robust estimation.
+If `sqr` is `true`, the square of the scale is returned.
+scale(r::IPODRegression, sqr::Bool=false) = sqr ? r.resp.σ^2 : r.resp.σ
+StatsAPI.weights(r::IPODRegression) = r.wts
+    coef(m::IPODRegression)
+The coefficients of the model.
+StatsAPI.coef(r::IPODRegression) = coef(r.pred)
+    nobs(obj::IPODRegression)::Integer
+For linear and generalized linear models, returns the number of elements of the response.
+For models with prior weights, return the number of non-zero weights.
+function StatsAPI.nobs(r::IPODRegression{T}) where {T}
+    wts = weights(r)
+    if !isempty(wts)
+        ## Suppose that the weights are probability weights
+        count(!iszero, wts)
+    else
+        length(response(r))
+    end
+    wobs(obj::IPODRegression)
+For unweighted linear models, equals to ``nobs``, it returns the number of elements of the response.
+For models with prior weights, return the sum of the weights.
+function wobs(r::IPODRegression{T}) where {T}
+    wts = weights(r)
+    if !isempty(wts)
+        ## Suppose that the weights are probability weights
+        sum(wts)
+    else
+        oftype(sum(one(eltype(wts))), nobs(r))
+    end
+haspenalty(r::IPODRegression{T,R,P,V}) where {T,R,P<:AbstractRegularizedPred,V} = true
+penalty(r::IPODRegression{T,R,P,V}) where {T,R,P<:AbstractRegularizedPred,V} = r.pred.penalty
+    outliers(r::IPODRegression)
+Returns the vector of the outlier part γ of the response y, so that `(y - γ) | X ~ Normal`.
+outliers(r::IPODRegression) = outliers(r.resp)
+function update_fields!(
+    m::IPODRegression{T};
+    wts::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=nothing,
+    initial_scale::Union{Nothing,Symbol,Real}=nothing,
+    σ0::Union{Nothing,Symbol,Real}=initial_scale,
+    initial_coef::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=nothing,
+    β0::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=initial_coef,
+    initial_outliers::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=nothing,
+    γ0::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=initial_outliers,
+    precision::Union{Nothing,Real,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=nothing,
+    λ0::Union{Nothing,Real,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=precision,
+    kwargs...,
+) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
+    resp = m.resp
+    pred = m.pred
+    n = length(response(resp))
+    p = length(coef(pred))
+    if !isnothing(wts)
+        if length(wts) in (0, n)
+            copy!(m.wts, float(wts))
+        else
+            throw(ArgumentError("wts should be a vector of length 0 or $n: $(length(wts))"))
+        end
+    end
+    if !isnothing(σ0)
+        # convert to float
+        if σ0 isa Symbol
+            σ0 = initialscale(modelmatrix(m), response(m), weights(m), σ0)
+        else
+            σ0 = float(σ0)
+        end
+        if σ0 > 0
+            resp.σ = σ0
+        else
+            throw(ArgumentError("σ0 should be a positive real: $(σ0))"))
+        end
+    end
+    if !isnothing(γ0)
+        if length(γ0) == n
+            copy!(resp.outliers, float(γ0))
+        else
+            throw(ArgumentError("γ0 should be a vector of length $n: $(length(γ0))"))
+        end
+    end
+    if !isnothing(λ0)
+        if λ0 isa Real
+            copy!(resp.precision, fill(float(λ0), n))
+        elseif length(λ0) in (0, n)
+            copy!(resp.precision, λ0)
+        else
+            throw(ArgumentError("λ0 should be a real or a vector of length 0 or $n: $(λ0))"))
+        end
+    end
+    if !isnothing(β0)
+        if length(β0) == p
+            copy!(pred.beta0, float(β0))
+        else
+            throw(ArgumentError("β0 should be a vector of length $p: $(length(β0))"))
+        end
+    else
+        fill!(pred.beta0, zero(eltype(coef(m))))
+    end
+    ## The predictor must be updated if wts, σ0 or β0 was changed
+    # return the rest of the keyword arguments
+    return kwargs
+### Fit IPOD model
+    ipod(X, y, args...; kwargs...)
+An alias for `fit(IPODRegression, X, y, loss, penalty; kwargs...)`.
+The arguments `X` and `y` can be a `Matrix` and a `Vector` or a `Formula` and a `DataFrame`.
+ipod(X, y, args...; kwargs...) = fit(IPODRegression, X, y, args...; kwargs...)
+    fit(::Type{M},
+        X::AbstractMatrix{T},
+        y::AbstractVector{T},
+        loss::LossFunction,
+        penalty::Union{Nothing,PenaltyFunction}=nothing;
+        method::Symbol = :auto,  # :chol, :cg, :cgd, :fista
+        dofit::Bool = true,
+        wts::FPVector = similar(y, 0),
+        offset::FPVector = similar(y, 0),
+        fitdispersion::Bool = false,
+        initial_scale::Union{Symbol, Real}=:mad,
+        σ0::Union{Symbol, Real}=initial_scale,
+        initial_coef::AbstractVector=[],
+        β0::AbstractVector=initial_coef,
+        correct_leverage::Bool=false
+        penalty_omit_intercept::Bool=true,
+        fitargs...,
+    ) where {M<:IPODRegression, T<:AbstractFloat}
+Create a robust model with the model matrix (or formula) X and response vector (or dataframe) y,
+using a robust estimator.
+# Arguments
+- `X`: the model matrix (it can be dense or sparse) or a formula
+- `y`: the response vector or a table (dataframe, namedtuple, ...).
+- `loss`: a robust loss function
+- `penalty`: a penalty function, or `nothing` if the coefficients are not penalized.
+# Keywords
+- `method::Symbol = :auto`: the method used to solve the linear system,
+    Without penalty:
+    - Direct method, Cholesky decomposition: `:chol` (default)
+    - Direct method, QR decomposition: `:qr`
+    - Iterative method, Conjugate Gradient: `:cg`
+    With penalty:
+    - Coordinate Gradient Descent: `:cgd` (default)
+    - Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm: `:fista`
+    - Alternating Minimization Algorithm: `:ama`
+    - Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers: `:admm`
+    Use :auto to select the default method based on whether penalty is or is not `nothing`.
+- `dofit::Bool = true`: if false, return the model object without fitting;
+- `dropmissing::Bool = false`: if true, drop the rows with missing values (and convert to
+    Non-Missing type). With `dropmissing=true` the number of observations may be smaller
+    than the size of the input arrays;
+- `wts::Vector = similar(y, 0)`: Prior probability weights of observations.
+    Can be empty (length 0) if no weights are used (default);
+- `precision::Vector = similar(y, 0)`: Prior precision weights of observations for outlier
+    detection. Can be empty (length 0) if all observations have the same precision (default);
+- `fitdispersion::Bool = false`: reevaluate the dispersion;
+- `contrasts::AbstractDict{Symbol,Any} = Dict{Symbol,Any}()`: a `Dict` mapping term names
+    (as `Symbol`s) to term types (e.g. `ContinuousTerm`) or contrasts (e.g., `HelmertCoding()`,
+    `SeqDiffCoding(; levels=["a", "b", "c"])`, etc.). If contrasts are not provided for a variable,
+    the appropriate term type will be guessed based on the data type from the data column:
+    any numeric data is assumed to be continuous, and any non-numeric data is assumed to be
+    categorical (with `DummyCoding()` as the default contrast type);
+- `initial_scale::Union{Symbol, Real}=:mad`: the initial scale estimate, for non-convex estimator
+    it helps to find the global minimum.
+    Automatic computation using `:mad`, `:L1` or `:extrema` (non-robust).
+- `σ0::Union{Nothing, Symbol, Real}=initial_scale`: alias of `initial_scale`;
+- `initial_coef::AbstractVector=[]`: the initial coefficients estimate, for non-convex estimator
+    it helps to find the global minimum.
+- `β0::AbstractVector=initial_coef`: alias of `initial_coef`;
+- `penalty_omit_intercept::Bool=true`: if true, do not penalize the intercept,
+    otherwise use the penalty on all the coefficients;
+- `fitargs...`: other keyword arguments used to control the convergence of the IRLS algorithm
+    (see [`pirls!`](@ref)).
+# Output
+the IPODRegression object.
+    ::Type{M},
+    X::AbstractMatrix{T},
+    y::AbstractVector{T},
+    loss::LossFunction,
+    penalty::Union{Nothing,PenaltyFunction}=nothing;
+    method::Symbol=:auto,  # :chol, :qr, :cg, :cgd, :fista, :ama, :admm
+    dofit::Bool=true,
+    dropmissing::Bool=false,  # placeholder
+    initial_scale::Union{Nothing,Symbol,Real}=:mad,
+    σ0::Union{Nothing,Symbol,Real}=initial_scale,
+    wts::FPVector=similar(y, 0),
+    precision::FPVector=similar(y, 0),
+    fitdispersion::Bool=false,
+    pivot::Bool=false,
+    contrasts::AbstractDict{Symbol,Any}=Dict{Symbol,Any}(),  # placeholder
+    __formula::Union{Nothing,FormulaTerm}=nothing,
+    use_backtracking::Bool=false,
+    A::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}=zeros(T, 0, 0),
+    b::AbstractVector{<:Real}=zeros(T, 0),
+    restart::Bool=true,
+    adapt::Bool=true,
+    penalty_omit_intercept::Bool=true,
+    fitargs...,
+) where {M<:IPODRegression,T<:AbstractFloat}
+    m = IPODRegression(X, y, loss, penalty;
+        method=method,
+        wts=wts,
+        precision=precision,
+        fitdispersion=fitdispersion,
+        pivot=pivot,
+        formula=__formula,
+        use_backtracking=use_backtracking,
+        A=A,
+        b=b,
+        restart=restart,
+        adapt=adapt,
+        penalty_omit_intercept=penalty_omit_intercept,
+    )
+    # Update fields
+    fitargs = update_fields!(m; σ0=σ0, fitargs...)
+    return dofit ? fit!(m; fitargs...) : m
+## Convert from formula-data to modelmatrix-response calling form
+## the `fit` method must allow the `wts`, `precision`, `contrasts` and `__formula` keyword arguments
+    ::Type{M},
+    f::FormulaTerm,
+    data,
+    args...;
+    dropmissing::Bool=false,
+    wts::Union{Nothing,Symbol,FPVector}=nothing,
+    precision::Union{Nothing,Symbol,FPVector}=nothing,
+    contrasts::AbstractDict{Symbol,Any}=Dict{Symbol,Any}(),
+    kwargs...,
+) where {M<:IPODRegression}
+    # Extract arrays from data using formula
+    f, y, X, extra = modelframe(f, data, contrasts, dropmissing, M; wts=wts, precision=precision)
+    # Call the `fit` method with arrays
+    fit(M, X, y, args...;
+        wts=extra.wts, precision=extra.precision, contrasts=contrasts, __formula=f, kwargs...)
+    ipod(X, y, l::LossFunction; λ=1)
+She & Owen (2011) - Outlier Detection Using Nonconvex Penalized Regression
+    m::IPODRegression{T,R,P,V};
+    correct_leverage::Bool=false,
+    updatescale::Bool=false,
+    maxiter::Integer= (P <: FISTARegPred) ? 10_000 : 100,
+    minstepfac::Real=1e-3,
+    atol::Real=1e-8,
+    rtol::Real=1e-7,
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T,R,P,V}
+    # Return early if model has the fit flag set
+    m.fitted && return m
+    verbose && println("\nFit with IPOD model: $(m.resp.loss), $(penalty(m))")
+    # TODO: check if it works and if it can work
+    updatescale = false
+    # Initialize the response and predictors
+    init!(m; verbose=verbose)
+    # convergence criteria
+    γold = copy(m.resp.outliers)
+    Δγ = 0
+    devold = dev_criteria(m)
+    dev = devold
+    Δdev = 0
+    ### Loop until convergence
+    cvg = false
+    for i in 1:maxiter
+        ## Update outliers vector
+        update_outliers!(m.resp)
+        Δγ = outliers_criteria(m.resp, γold)
+        ## Update coefficients
+        setη!(m; verbose=verbose)
+        dev = dev_criteria(m)
+        Δdev = abs(dev - devold)
+        # ## Update scale
+         if updatescale
+             update_scale!(m.resp)
+         end
+        ## Postupdate (only for ADMM)
+        updatepred!(m.pred, scale(m); verbose=verbose, force=updatescale)
+        # Test for convergence
+        verbose && println("Iteration: $i, Δoutliers: $(Δγ), Δdev: $(Δdev)")
+        tol = max(rtol * abs(devold), atol)
+        if Δγ < atol && Δdev < tol
+            cvg = true
+            break
+        end
+        copyto!(γold, m.resp.outliers)
+        @assert isfinite(dev)
+        devold = dev
+    end
+    cvg || throw(ConvergenceException(maxiter))
+    m.fitted = true
+    return m
+    refit!(m::RobustLinearModel, [y::FPVector];
+                                 wts::Union{Nothing, FPVector} = nothing,
+                                 offset::Union{Nothing, FPVector} = nothing,
+                                 quantile::Union{Nothing, AbstractFloat} = nothing,
+                                 ridgeλ::Union{Nothing, Real} = nothing,
+                                 kwargs...)
+Refit the [`RobustLinearModel`](@ref).
+This function assumes that `m` was correctly initialized and the model is refitted with
+the new values for the response, weights, offset, quantile and ridge shrinkage.
+Defining a new `quantile` is only possible for [`GeneralizedQuantileEstimator`](@ref).
+Defining a new `ridgeλ` is only possible for [`RidgePred`](@ref) objects.
+function refit!(m::IPODRegression, y::FPVector; kwargs...)
+    r = m.resp
+    # Check that old and new y have the same number of observations
+    if size(r.y, 1) != size(y, 1)
+        mess = "the new response vector should have the same dimension: "*
+               "$(size(r.y, 1)) != $(size(y, 1))"
+        throw(DimensionMismatch(mess))
+    end
+    # Update y
+    copyto!(r.y, y)
+    refit!(m; kwargs...)
+function refit!(
+    m::IPODRegression;
+    method=nothing,
+    kwargs...,
+    if !isnothing(method)
+        @warn("the method cannot be changed when refitting,"*
+              " ignore the keyword argument `method=:$(method)`."
+        )
+    end
+    # Update fields
+    kwargs = update_fields!(m; kwargs...)
+    m.fitted = false
+    fit!(m; kwargs...)
+function dev_criteria(m::IPODRegression)
+    if !haspenalty(m)
+        # this criteria is not used with no penalty
+        return 0
+    end
+    l = dev_criteria(m.resp)
+    l += dev_criteria(m.pred)
+    return l
+function init!(
+    m::IPODRegression{T};
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
+    resp = m.resp
+    pred = m.pred
+    # reset ∇β
+    copyto!(pred.delbeta, pred.beta0)
+    # res = y - Xβ
+    mul!(resp.μ, pred.X, pred.beta0)
+    initresp!(resp)
+    # Initialize the predictor
+    initpred!(pred, m.wts, resp.σ; verbose=verbose)
+    m
+function setη!(
+    m::IPODRegression{T,R,P,V},
+    linesearch_f::Real=1;
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T,R,P<:LinPred,V}
+    μ = m.resp.μ
+    # TODO: add line search
+#    # dβ = Σ \ (X' * r)
+#    mul!(dβ, wXt, p.wrkres)
+#    ldiv!(facΣ, dβ)
+    update_beta!(m.pred, m.resp.wrkres, m.wts)
+    # Install beta
+    broadcast!(+, m.pred.beta0, m.pred.beta0, m.pred.delbeta)
+    # Update linear predictor
+    mul!(μ, m.pred.X, m.pred.beta0)
+    # Update residuals with the new μ
+    update_residuals!(m.resp)
+function setη!(
+    m::IPODRegression{T,R,P,V},
+    linesearch_f::Real=1;
+    verbose::Bool=false,
+) where {T,R,P<:AbstractRegularizedPred,V}
+    wts = weights(m)
+    μ = m.resp.μ
+    σ2 = m.resp.σ^2
+    wrky = m.resp.wrky
+    if m.pred isa CGDRegPred
+        # Update coefs and μ
+        update_βμ!(m.pred, wrky, μ, σ2, wts; verbose=verbose)
+    else
+        # Update coefs
+        update_beta!(m.pred, wrky, wts, σ2; verbose=verbose)
+        # Update linear predictor
+        mul!(μ, m.pred.X, m.pred.beta0)
+    end
+    # Update residuals with the new μ
+    update_residuals!(m.resp)
+    m
diff --git a/test/ipod.jl b/test/ipod.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886e2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ipod.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+loss1 = RobustModels.L2Loss()
+est1 = MEstimator(loss1)
+est2 = MMEstimator(TukeyLoss)
+pen1 = RobustModels.NoPenalty()
+λ = 10_000.0
+pen2 = RobustModels.RangedPenalties([2:RobustModels.End()], [RobustModels.SquaredL2Penalty(λ)])
+m00 = fit(LinearModel, form, data)
+m01 = fit(RobustLinearModel, form, data, est1; method=:chol, initial_scale=1)
+m02 = fit(RobustLinearModel, form, data, est1; method=:chol, initial_scale=1, ridgeλ=λ)
+m03 = fit(RobustLinearModel, form, data, est2)
+σ = scale(m03)
+@testset "Θ-IPOD: L2Loss method, no penalty ($(pen))" for (pen, methods) in zip((nothing, pen1), (nopen_methods, pen_methods))
+    rtol = isnothing(pen) ? 1e-6 : 1e-4
+    @testset "solver method $(method)" for method in methods
+        if method === :fista
+            rtol = 1e-1
+        end
+        # Formula, dense and sparse entry
+        @testset "data type: $(typeof(A))" for (A, b) in ((form, data), (form, nt), (X, y), (sX, y))
+            name  = "Θ-IPOD(L2Loss, $(pen); method=$(method)),\t"
+            name *= if A==form; "formula" elseif A==X; "dense  " else "sparse " end
+            m1 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, pen; method=method, initial_scale=1)
+            @test_nowarn ipod(A, b, loss1, pen; method=method, initial_scale=1)
+            @test all(iszero, outliers(m1))
+            @test all(isfinite.(coef(m1)))
+            VERBOSE && println("\n\t\u25CF $(name)")
+            VERBOSE && println(" rlm : ", coef(m01))
+            VERBOSE && println("ipod($(method)) : ", coef(m1))
+            @test isapprox(coef(m1), coef(m01); rtol=rtol)
+            # Test printing the model
+            @test_nowarn println(m1)
+            # make sure that it is not a TableRegressionModel
+            @test !isa(m1, TableRegressionModel)
+            # refit
+            @test_nowarn refit!(m1)
+            # interface
+            @testset "method: $(f)" for f in interface_methods
+                if f == workingweights
+                    # Not defined for IPODRegression
+                    continue
+                end
+                # make sure the methods for IPODRegression give the same results as RobustLinearModel
+                var0 = f(m01)
+                var1 = f(m1)
+                if f == hasformula
+                    # m01 is defined from a formula
+                    @test var1 == (A isa FormulaTerm)
+                else
+                    @test isapprox(var0, var1; rtol=rtol)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+@testset "Θ-IPOD: robust loss, no penalty ($(pen))" for (pen, methods) in zip((nothing, pen1), (nopen_methods, pen_methods))
+    @testset "solver method $(method)" for method in methods
+        @testset "loss $(loss_name)" for loss_name in ("Huber", "Hampel", "Tukey")
+            typeloss = getproperty(RobustModels, Symbol(loss_name * "Loss"))
+            l = typeloss()
+            est = MEstimator(l)
+            # Formula, dense and sparse entry
+            @testset "data type: $(typeof(A))" for (A, b) in ((X, y), (sX, y))
+                name  = "Θ-IPOD($(l), $(pen); method=$(method)),\t"
+                name *= if A==form; "formula" elseif A==X; "dense  " else "sparse " end
+                m0 = fit(RobustLinearModel, A, b, est; method=:chol, initial_scale=σ)
+                m1 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, l, pen; method=method, initial_scale=σ)
+                β1 = copy(coef(m1))
+                γ1 = copy(outliers(m1))
+                @test any(!iszero, outliers(m1))
+                @test all(isfinite.(coef(m1)))
+                VERBOSE && println("\n\t\u25CF $(name)")
+                VERBOSE && println(" rlm : ", coef(m0))
+                VERBOSE && println("ipod($(method)) : ", coef(m1))
+                @test coef(m0) ≈ coef(m1)  rtol=0.1
+                @test stderror(m0) ≈ stderror(m1)  rtol=0.5
+                # Test printing the model
+                @test_nowarn println(m1)
+                # make sure that it is not a TableRegressionModel
+                @test !isa(m1, TableRegressionModel)
+                # refit
+                @test_nowarn refit!(m1)
+                @test coef(m1) ≈ β1
+                @test outliers(m1) ≈ γ1
+            end
+        end
+    end
+@testset "Θ-IPOD: L2Loss method, Ridge penalty" begin
+    rtol = 1e-3
+    @testset "solver method $(method)" for method in pen_methods
+        if method === :fista
+            rtol = 1e-1
+        end
+        # Formula, dense and sparse entry
+        @testset "data type: $(typeof(A))" for (A, b) in data_tuples
+            name  = "Θ-IPOD(L2Loss, $(pen2); method=$(method)),\t"
+            name *= if A==form; "formula" elseif A==X; "dense  " else "sparse " end
+            m2 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, pen2; method=method, initial_scale=1)
+            @test all(iszero, outliers(m2))
+            @test all(isfinite.(coef(m2)))
+            VERBOSE && println("\n\t\u25CF $(name)")
+            VERBOSE && println(" rlm : ", coef(m02))
+            VERBOSE && println("ipod($(method)) : ", coef(m2))
+            @test isapprox(coef(m2), coef(m02); rtol=rtol)
+            # interface
+            @testset "method: $(f)" for f in interface_methods
+                if f == workingweights
+                    # Not defined for IPODRegression
+                    continue
+                end
+                # make sure the methods for IPODRegression give the same results as RobustLinearModel
+                var0 = f(m02)
+                var1 = f(m2)
+                if f == hasformula
+                    # m0 is defined from a formula
+                    @test var1 == (A isa FormulaTerm)
+                elseif f in (dof, dof_residual)
+                    # Ridge dof is smaller than the unpenalized regression
+                    # IPOD dof is the same as the unpenalized IPOD
+                    @test var1 == f(m01)
+                elseif f in (dispersion, stderror, vcov, leverage)
+                    @test all(abs.(var1) .>= abs.(var0))
+                elseif f in (leverage_weights,)
+                    @test all(abs.(var1) .<= abs.(var0))
+                elseif f in (confint, )
+                    @test isapprox(var0, var1; rtol=1e-1)
+                elseif f in (projectionmatrix, )
+                    continue
+                else
+                    @test isapprox(var0, var1; rtol=rtol)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+@testset "Θ-IPOD: L2Loss method, $(pen_name) penalty" for pen_name in penalties
+    typepenalty = getproperty(RobustModels, Symbol(pen_name * "Penalty"))
+    pen = typepenalty(λ)
+    sep_pen1 = RobustModels.RangedPenalties([1:RobustModels.End()], [pen])
+    sep_pen2 = RobustModels.RangedPenalties([2:RobustModels.End()], [pen])
+    kwargs = (; initial_scale=1, maxiter=1_000)
+    m0 = fit(RobustLinearModel, X, y, pen; method=:auto, kwargs...)
+    # Formula, dense and sparse entry
+    @testset "Omit intercept, data type: $(typeof(A))" for (A, b) in data_tuples
+        name  = "Θ-IPOD(L2Loss, $(pen); method=:auto),\t"
+        name *= if A==form; "formula" elseif A==X; "dense  " else "sparse " end
+        m1 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, pen; kwargs...)
+        m2 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, sep_pen2; kwargs...)
+        m3 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, sep_pen1; kwargs...)
+        m4 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, pen; penalty_omit_intercept=false, kwargs...)
+        m5 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, sep_pen1; penalty_omit_intercept=false, kwargs...)
+        @test all(isfinite.(coef(m1)))
+        @test all(isfinite.(coef(m2)))
+        @test all(isfinite.(coef(m3)))
+        @test all(isfinite.(coef(m4)))
+        @test all(isfinite.(coef(m5)))
+        @test all(iszero, outliers(m1))
+        @test all(iszero, outliers(m2))
+        @test all(iszero, outliers(m3))
+        @test all(iszero, outliers(m4))
+        @test all(iszero, outliers(m5))
+        @test penalty(m0) == penalty(m1)
+        @test penalty(m0) == penalty(m2)
+        @test penalty(m0) == penalty(m3)
+        @test penalty(m4) != penalty(m5)
+        @test penalty(m0) != penalty(m4)
+        @test coef(m0) ≈ coef(m1)
+        @test coef(m0) ≈ coef(m2)
+        @test coef(m0) ≈ coef(m3)
+        @test coef(m4) ≈ coef(m5)
+        @test coef(m4)[2] ≈ 0  atol=0.1
+        @test coef(m5)[2] ≈ 0  atol=0.1
+        VERBOSE && println("\n\t\u25CF $(name)")
+        VERBOSE && println("ipod($(pen), $(method)) : ", coef(m1))
+    end
+    @testset "solver method $(method)" for method in pen_methods
+        m0 = fit(RobustLinearModel, X, y, pen; method=method, kwargs...)
+        # Formula, dense and sparse entry
+        @testset "data type: $(typeof(A))" for (A, b) in data_tuples
+            name  = "Θ-IPOD(L2Loss, $(pen); method=$(method)),\t"
+            name *= if A==form; "formula" elseif A==X; "dense  " else "sparse " end
+            m1 = fit(IPODRegression, A, b, loss1, pen; method=method, kwargs...)
+            @test all(isfinite.(coef(m1)))
+            @test all(iszero, outliers(m1))
+            @test penalty(m0) == penalty(m1)
+            @test coef(m0) ≈ coef(m1)
+            @test coef(m1)[2] ≈ 0  atol=0.1
+            VERBOSE && println("\n\t\u25CF $(name)")
+            VERBOSE && println("ipod($(pen), $(method)) : ", coef(m1))
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 01293e2..36de698 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -105,3 +105,4 @@ include("qreg.jl")