This repository shows how to measure the
- temperature
- barometric pressure
- Windspeed
- Winddirection
and send it as NNMEA2000 meassage.
- PGN 130306 // Wind
- PGN 130314 // Pressure
- PGN 130316 // Temperature
In addition, all data and part of the configuration are displayed as a website.
Idea and basics for this Pojekt is "NMEA2000-TempPressure" from @AK-Homberger.
This repository shows how to measure and with a BMP280 or BMP388 sensor and send it to NMEA2000 network. Additional work a Gateway with inputs NMEA0183 TCP-Stream from my Windsensor "NoWa" or "Yachta" @norbert-walter and send to NMEA2000.
The project requires the NMEA2000 and the NMEA2000_esp32 libraries from Timo Lappalainen:
This project is part of OpenBoatProject
For the BMP 280 and BMP388 the Adafruit BMP3xx library has to be installed via the library manager. For HTML-Files use LittleFS Filesystem, you find her in /data directory.
The ESP32 in this project is an Adafruit Huzzah! ESP32. This is a small module without USB connector.
For the ESP32 CAN bus, i used the SN65HVD230 chip as transceiver. The correct GPIO ports are defined in the main sketch. For this project, I use the pins GPIO4 for CAN RX and GPIO5 for CAN TX.
The 12 Volt is reduced to 5 Volt with a DC Step-Down_Converter. 12V DC comes from the N2k Bus Connector with the M12 Connector.
Aisler PCB Layout link
- C1 C10µ ~ Capacitor_Tantalum_SMD
- C2 C22µ ~ Capacitor_Tantalum_SMD
- D2 B360 Link
- D4 PESD1CAN Link
- D5 LED_RBKG Link
- FL1 EPCO B82789C0513 Link
- J1 Conn_01x04_Socket
- J2,J3 Conn_01x04_Pin
- N1 Housing Wago 789-120 Link
- R1 300R
- R2 10k
- U1 TSR_1-2450 Link
- U2 ESP32-Huzzah Link
- U3 SN65HVD230 Link
- U4 BMP388 Link
- 2.5 Update and add website details
- 2.4 Update windvalues and add windsensortemp for N2k, website cosmetic
- 2.3 Update windvalues for N2k
- 2.2 Update read values from windsensor, Update PCB
- 2.1 Update website Gauge's
- 2.0 Complete Website update, Windsensor Stream read update (code and html files)
- 1.3 Update windsensor Wlan connect code
- 1.2 Update website
- 1.1 Update PCB
- 1.0 working Version