A site for sharing reviews of castles and other historical sites. Built with Node and Express. Based off the YelpCamp project I built for Colt Steele's Web Dev Bootcamp course.
- Users can create an account, create and edit review pages for castles (and other historical sites), leave comments.
- Users with admin priviledges can edit and delete reviews and comments.
- Users can search for specific castles.
- Includes authentication with emailed password resets.
- Users can add images, which are uploaded to Cloudinary.
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB
- Passport.js
- Mongoose
- Google Maps API
- Google Places API
- Multer
- Cloudinary
- Nodemailer
- Bootstrap 4
Hosted on Heroku. See the current version here.
Current issues:
- Allow users to update castle image.
- Fix bug in Google Places autocomplete.
- Generally improve error handling.
- Add star rating system.