is a collection of Git command Extensions.
The most useful one is git exec. This extension permits to execute a git command against multiple repositories at once.
You can then manage a mono-repository where all subdirectories are an independent git repository.
Don't get lockup of your Git Hosting repository if you lose your account. Create backup with git hosting backup so that you are always in control.
- git auto-commit - Pull, add, commit and push in one command, no argument needed
- git auto-pull - Stash, Pull in one command
- git commit-status - Shows the commit status (to push/to merge)
- git exec - Execute a command against multiple repositories at once
- git hosting - Main entry for Git Hosting Command
- git hosting backup - Backup your repositories on a Git Hosting Service such as GitHub
- git last - Shows the last commit
- git-last-delete - Delete the last commit and put the files back in the working area
- git log pretty - Shows the commit logs in a pretty way
- git status-human - Print the status in a human way (ie one letter status explained)
- git restart - Restart with a clean state (as
git clone
docker run \
--rm \
Mac / Linux / Windows WSL with HomeBrew
brew install --HEAD gerardnico/tap/gitx
- git-extras commands
- git-standup command - Already installed by git-extras
- Git Stats command
- Git Absorb command: Don't create new commit
- Git Undo command - Conflict with git-extras
- LazyGit Terminal GUI