Leaf traits and spectral data from Yang et al., 2016 RSE
This is the dataset for the following paper:
Yang, X., Tang, J., Mustard, J.F., Wu, J., Zhao, K., Serbin, S. and Lee, J.E., 2016. Seasonal variability of multiple leaf traits captured by leaf spectroscopy at two temperate deciduous forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 179, pp.1-12.
There are two sites. One in 2011 Martha's Vineyard (MV), and the other in 2012 Harvard Forest (HF). You will find all the spectra in the two zip files. Each individual file for the two zip files is from one single day's sampling and corresponds to one row in the leaf traits spreadsheet. Each column in the spectra spreadsheet corresponds to one sample, and its traits are in the leaf traits spreadsheet.