+Expand source code
+# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Geosiris.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import datetime
+import random
+import re
+import sys
+import typing
+import uuid as uuid_mod
+from dataclasses import Field
+from enum import Enum
+from importlib import import_module
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union, Dict, Tuple
+from .manager import get_class_pkg, get_class_pkg_version, RELATED_MODULES, \
+ get_related_energyml_modules_name, get_sub_classes, get_classes_matching_name
+from .xml import parse_content_type, ENERGYML_NAMESPACES
+primitives = (bool, str, int, float, type(None))
+def is_enum(cls: Union[type, Any]):
+ """
+ Returns True if :param:`cls` is an Enum
+ :param cls:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if isinstance(cls, type):
+ return Enum in cls.__bases__
+ return is_enum(type(cls))
+def is_primitive(cls: Union[type, Any]) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns True if :param:`cls` is a primitiv type or extends Enum
+ :param cls:
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ if isinstance(cls, type):
+ return cls in primitives or Enum in cls.__bases__
+ return is_primitive(type(cls))
+def is_abstract(cls: Union[type, Any]) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns True if :param:`cls` is an abstract class
+ :param cls:
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ if isinstance(cls, type):
+ return not is_primitive(cls) and (cls.__name__.startswith("Abstract") or (hasattr(cls, "__dataclass_fields__") and len(cls.__dataclass_fields__)) == 0) and len(get_class_methods(cls)) == 0
+ return is_abstract(type(cls))
+def get_class_methods(cls: Union[type, Any]) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Returns the list of the methods names for a specific class.
+ :param cls:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return [func for func in dir(cls) if callable(getattr(cls, func)) and not func.startswith("__") and not isinstance(getattr(cls, func), type)]
+def get_class_from_name(class_name_and_module: str) -> Optional[type]:
+ """
+ Return a :class:`type` object matching with the name :param:`class_name_and_module`.
+ :param class_name_and_module:
+ :return:
+ """
+ module_name = class_name_and_module[: class_name_and_module.rindex(".")]
+ last_ns_part = class_name_and_module[
+ class_name_and_module.rindex(".") + 1:
+ ]
+ try:
+ # Required to read "CustomData" on eml objects that may contain resqml values
+ # ==> we need to import all modules related to the same version of the common
+ import_related_module(module_name)
+ return getattr(sys.modules[module_name], last_ns_part)
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ if "2d" in last_ns_part:
+ return get_class_from_name(
+ class_name_and_module.replace("2d", "2D")
+ )
+ elif "3d" in last_ns_part:
+ return get_class_from_name(
+ class_name_and_module.replace("3d", "3D")
+ )
+ elif last_ns_part[0].islower():
+ return get_class_from_name(
+ module_name + "." + last_ns_part[0].upper() + last_ns_part[1:]
+ )
+ else:
+ print(e)
+ return None
+def get_class_from_content_type(content_type: str) -> Optional[type]:
+ """
+ Return a :class:`type` object matching with the content-type :param:`content_type`.
+ :param content_type:
+ :return:
+ """
+ ct = parse_content_type(content_type)
+ domain = ct.group("domain")
+ if domain is None:
+ domain = "opc"
+ if domain == "opc":
+ xml_domain = ct.group("xmlDomain")
+ if "." in xml_domain:
+ xml_domain = xml_domain[xml_domain.rindex(".") + 1:]
+ if "extended" in xml_domain:
+ xml_domain = xml_domain.replace("extended", "")
+ opc_type = pascal_case(xml_domain)
+ # print("energyml.opc.opc." + opc_type)
+ return get_class_from_name("energyml.opc.opc." + opc_type)
+ else:
+ domain = ct.group("domain")
+ obj_type = ct.group("type")
+ if obj_type.lower().startswith("obj_"): # for resqml201
+ obj_type = "Obj" + obj_type[4:]
+ version_num = str(ct.group("domainVersion")).replace(".", "_")
+ if domain.lower() == "resqml" and version_num.startswith("2_0"):
+ version_num = "2_0_1"
+ return get_class_from_name(
+ "energyml."
+ + domain
+ + ".v"
+ + version_num
+ + "."
+ + ns[ns.rindex("/") + 1:]
+ + "."
+ + obj_type
+ )
+def snake_case(s: str) -> str:
+ """ Transform a str into snake case. """
+ s = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', s)
+ s = re.sub('__([A-Z])', r'_\1', s)
+ s = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s)
+ return s.lower()
+def pascal_case(s: str) -> str:
+ """ Transform a str into pascal case. """
+ return snake_case(s).replace("_", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
+def flatten_concatenation(matrix) -> List:
+ """
+ Flatten a matrix.
+ Example :
+ [ [a,b,c], [d,e,f], [ [x,y,z], [0] ] ]
+ will be translated in: [a, b, c, d, e, f, [x,y,z], [0]]
+ :param matrix:
+ :return:
+ """
+ flat_list = []
+ for row in matrix:
+ flat_list += row
+ return flat_list
+def import_related_module(energyml_module_name: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Import related modules for a specific energyml module. (See. :const:`RELATED_MODULES`)
+ :param energyml_module_name:
+ :return:
+ """
+ for related in RELATED_MODULES:
+ if energyml_module_name in related:
+ for m in related:
+ try:
+ import_module(m)
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ # print(e)
+def get_class_fields(cls: Union[type, Any]) -> Dict[str, Field]:
+ """
+ Return all class fields names, mapped to their :class:`Field` value.
+ :param cls:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if not isinstance(cls, type): # if cls is an instance
+ cls = type(cls)
+ try:
+ return cls.__dataclass_fields__
+ except AttributeError:
+ return {}
+def get_class_attributes(cls: Union[type, Any]) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ returns a list of attributes (not private ones)
+ """
+ # if not isinstance(cls, type): # if cls is an instance
+ # cls = type(cls)
+ # return list(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("__"), dir(cls)))
+ return list(get_class_fields(cls).keys())
+def get_matching_class_attribute_name(
+ cls: Union[type, Any], attribute_name: str, re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ From an object and an attribute name, returns the correct attribute name of the class.
+ Example : "ObjectVersion" --> object_version.
+ This method doesn't only transform to snake case but search into the obj class attributes
+ """
+ class_fields = get_class_fields(cls)
+ # a search with the exact value
+ for name, cf in class_fields.items():
+ if (
+ snake_case(name) == snake_case(attribute_name)
+ or ('name' in cf.metadata and cf.metadata['name'] == attribute_name)
+ ):
+ return name
+ # search regex after to avoid shadowing perfect match
+ pattern = re.compile(attribute_name, flags=re_flags)
+ for name, cf in class_fields.items():
+ # print(f"\t->{name} : {attribute_name} {pattern.match(name)} {('name' in cf.metadata and pattern.match(cf.metadata['name']))}")
+ if pattern.match(name) or ('name' in cf.metadata and pattern.match(cf.metadata['name'])):
+ return name
+ return None
+def get_object_attribute(
+ obj: Any, attr_dot_path: str, force_snake_case=True
+) -> Any:
+ """
+ returns the value of an attribute given by a dot representation of its path in the object
+ example "Citation.Title"
+ """
+ while attr_dot_path.startswith("."): # avoid '.Citation.Title' to take an empty attribute name before the first '.'
+ attr_dot_path = attr_dot_path[1:]
+ current_attrib_name = attr_dot_path
+ if "." in attr_dot_path:
+ current_attrib_name = attr_dot_path.split(".")[0]
+ if force_snake_case:
+ current_attrib_name = snake_case(current_attrib_name)
+ value = None
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ value = obj[int(current_attrib_name)]
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ value = obj[current_attrib_name]
+ else:
+ value = getattr(obj, current_attrib_name)
+ if "." in attr_dot_path:
+ return get_object_attribute(
+ value, attr_dot_path[len(current_attrib_name) + 1:]
+ )
+ else:
+ return value
+def get_object_attribute_advanced(obj: Any, attr_dot_path: str) -> Any:
+ """
+ see @get_matching_class_attribute_name and @get_object_attribute
+ """
+ current_attrib_name = attr_dot_path
+ if "." in attr_dot_path:
+ current_attrib_name = attr_dot_path.split(".")[0]
+ current_attrib_name = get_matching_class_attribute_name(
+ obj, current_attrib_name
+ )
+ value = None
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ value = obj[int(current_attrib_name)]
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ value = obj[current_attrib_name]
+ else:
+ value = getattr(obj, current_attrib_name)
+ if "." in attr_dot_path:
+ return get_object_attribute_advanced(
+ value, attr_dot_path[len(current_attrib_name) + 1:]
+ )
+ else:
+ return value
+def get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj: Any, attr_name: str) -> Any:
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute named after param :param:`attr_name` without verification (may raise an exception
+ if it doesn't exists).
+ Note: attr_name="0" will work if :param:`obj` is of type :class:`List`
+ :param obj:
+ :param attr_name:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return obj[int(attr_name)]
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return obj[attr_name]
+ else:
+ return getattr(obj, attr_name)
+def get_object_attribute_rgx(obj: Any, attr_dot_path_rgx: str) -> Any:
+ """
+ see @get_object_attribute. Search the attribute name using regex for values between dots.
+ Example : [Cc]itation.[Tt]it\\.*
+ """
+ current_attrib_name = attr_dot_path_rgx
+ attrib_list = re.split(r"(?<!\\)\.+", attr_dot_path_rgx)
+ if len(attrib_list) > 0:
+ current_attrib_name = attrib_list[0]
+ # unescape Dot
+ current_attrib_name = current_attrib_name.replace("\\.", ".")
+ real_attrib_name = get_matching_class_attribute_name(
+ obj, current_attrib_name
+ )
+ if real_attrib_name is not None:
+ value = get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj, real_attrib_name)
+ if len(attrib_list) > 1:
+ return get_object_attribute_rgx(
+ value, attr_dot_path_rgx[len(current_attrib_name) + 1:]
+ )
+ else:
+ return value
+ return None
+def get_obj_type(obj: Any) -> str:
+ """ Return the type name of an object. If obj is already a :class:`type`, return its __name__"""
+ if isinstance(obj, type):
+ return str(obj.__name__)
+ return get_obj_type(type(obj))
+def class_match_rgx(
+ cls: Union[type, Any],
+ rgx: str,
+ super_class_search: bool = True,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ if not isinstance(cls, type):
+ cls = type(cls)
+ if re.match(rgx, cls.__name__, re_flags):
+ return True
+ if not is_primitive(cls) and super_class_search:
+ for base in cls.__bases__:
+ if class_match_rgx(base, rgx, super_class_search, re_flags):
+ return True
+ return False
+def search_attribute_matching_type_with_path(
+ obj: Any,
+ type_rgx: str,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ return_self: bool = True, # test directly on input object and not only in its attributes
+ deep_search: bool = True, # Search inside a matching object
+ super_class_search: bool = True, # Search inside in super classes of the object
+ current_path: str = "",
+) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
+ """
+ Returns a list of tuple (path, value) for each sub attribute with type matching param "type_rgx".
+ The path is a dot-version like ".Citation.Title"
+ :param obj:
+ :param type_rgx:
+ :param re_flags:
+ :param return_self:
+ :param deep_search:
+ :param super_class_search:
+ :param current_path:
+ :return:
+ """
+ res = []
+ if obj is not None:
+ if return_self and class_match_rgx(
+ obj, type_rgx, super_class_search, re_flags
+ ):
+ res.append((current_path, obj))
+ if not deep_search:
+ return res
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ cpt = 0
+ for s_o in obj:
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_type_with_path(
+ obj=s_o,
+ type_rgx=type_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ return_self=True,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ current_path=f"{current_path}.{cpt}",
+ super_class_search=super_class_search,
+ )
+ cpt = cpt + 1
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ for k, s_o in obj.items():
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_type_with_path(
+ obj=s_o,
+ type_rgx=type_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ return_self=True,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ current_path=f"{current_path}.{k}",
+ super_class_search=super_class_search,
+ )
+ elif not is_primitive(obj):
+ for att_name in get_class_attributes(obj):
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_type_with_path(
+ obj=get_object_attribute_rgx(obj, att_name),
+ type_rgx=type_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ return_self=True,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ current_path=f"{current_path}.{att_name}",
+ super_class_search=super_class_search,
+ )
+ return res
+def search_attribute_in_upper_matching_name(
+ obj: Any,
+ name_rgx: str,
+ root_obj: Optional[Any] = None,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ current_path: str = "",
+) -> Optional[Any]:
+ """
+ See :func:`search_attribute_matching_type_with_path`. It only returns the value not the path
+ :param obj:
+ :param name_rgx:
+ :param root_obj:
+ :param re_flags:
+ :param current_path:
+ :return:
+ """
+ elt_list = search_attribute_matching_name(obj, name_rgx, search_in_sub_obj=False, deep_search=False)
+ if elt_list is not None and len(elt_list) > 0:
+ return elt_list
+ if obj != root_obj:
+ upper_path = current_path[:current_path.rindex(".")]
+ if len(upper_path) > 0:
+ return search_attribute_in_upper_matching_name(
+ obj=get_object_attribute(root_obj, upper_path),
+ name_rgx=name_rgx,
+ root_obj=root_obj,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ current_path=upper_path,
+ )
+ return None
+def search_attribute_matching_type(
+ obj: Any,
+ type_rgx: str,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ return_self: bool = True, # test directly on input object and not only in its attributes
+ deep_search: bool = True, # Search inside a matching object
+ super_class_search: bool = True, # Search inside in super classes of the object
+) -> List[Any]:
+ """
+ See :func:`search_attribute_matching_type_with_path`. It only returns the value not the path
+ :param obj:
+ :param type_rgx:
+ :param re_flags:
+ :param return_self:
+ :param deep_search:
+ :param super_class_search:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return [
+ val
+ for path, val in search_attribute_matching_type_with_path(
+ obj=obj,
+ type_rgx=type_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ return_self=return_self,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ super_class_search=super_class_search,
+ )
+ ]
+def search_attribute_matching_name_with_path(
+ obj: Any,
+ name_rgx: str,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ current_path: str = "",
+ deep_search: bool = True, # Search inside a matching object
+ search_in_sub_obj: bool = True, # Search in obj attributes
+) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
+ """
+ Returns a list of tuple (path, value) for each sub attribute with type matching param "name_rgx".
+ The path is a dot-version like ".Citation.Title"
+ :param obj:
+ :param name_rgx:
+ :param re_flags:
+ :param current_path:
+ :param deep_search:
+ :param search_in_sub_obj:
+ :return:
+ """
+ while name_rgx.startswith("."):
+ name_rgx = name_rgx[1:]
+ current_match = name_rgx
+ next_match = current_match
+ if '.' in current_match:
+ attrib_list = re.split(r"(?<!\\)\.+", name_rgx)
+ current_match = attrib_list[0]
+ next_match = '.'.join(attrib_list[1:])
+ res = []
+ match_value = None
+ match_path_and_obj = []
+ not_match_path_and_obj = []
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ cpt = 0
+ for s_o in obj:
+ match = re.match(current_match.replace("\\.", "."), str(cpt), flags=re_flags)
+ if match is not None:
+ match_value = match.group(0)
+ match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{cpt}", s_o) )
+ else:
+ not_match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{cpt}", s_o) )
+ cpt = cpt + 1
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ for k, s_o in obj.items():
+ match = re.match(current_match.replace("\\.", "."), k, flags=re_flags)
+ if match is not None:
+ match_value = match.group(0)
+ match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{k}", s_o) )
+ else:
+ not_match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{k}", s_o) )
+ elif not is_primitive(obj):
+ match_value = get_matching_class_attribute_name(obj, current_match.replace("\\.", "."))
+ if match_value is not None:
+ match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{match_value}", get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj, match_value)) )
+ for att_name in get_class_attributes(obj):
+ if att_name != match_value:
+ not_match_path_and_obj.append( (f"{current_path}.{att_name}", get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj, att_name)) )
+ for matched_path, matched in match_path_and_obj:
+ if next_match != current_match and len(next_match) > 0: # next_match is different, match is not final
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_name_with_path(
+ obj=matched,
+ name_rgx=next_match,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ current_path=matched_path,
+ deep_search=False, # no deep with partial
+ search_in_sub_obj=False, # no partial search in sub obj with no match
+ )
+ else: # a complete match
+ res.append( (matched_path, matched) )
+ if deep_search:
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_name_with_path(
+ obj=matched,
+ name_rgx=name_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ current_path=matched_path,
+ deep_search=deep_search, # no deep with partial
+ search_in_sub_obj=True,
+ )
+ if search_in_sub_obj:
+ for not_matched_path, not_matched in not_match_path_and_obj:
+ res = res + search_attribute_matching_name_with_path(
+ obj=not_matched,
+ name_rgx=name_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ current_path=not_matched_path,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ search_in_sub_obj=True,
+ )
+ return res
+def search_attribute_matching_name(
+ obj: Any,
+ name_rgx: str,
+ re_flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+ deep_search: bool = True, # Search inside a matching object
+ search_in_sub_obj: bool = True, # Search in obj attributes
+) -> List[Any]:
+ """
+ See :func:`search_attribute_matching_name_with_path`. It only returns the value not the path
+ :param obj:
+ :param name_rgx:
+ :param re_flags:
+ :param deep_search:
+ :param search_in_sub_obj:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return [
+ val
+ for path, val in search_attribute_matching_name_with_path(
+ obj=obj,
+ name_rgx=name_rgx,
+ re_flags=re_flags,
+ deep_search=deep_search,
+ search_in_sub_obj=search_in_sub_obj
+ )
+ ]
+# Utility functions
+def gen_uuid() -> str:
+ """
+ Generate a new uuid.
+ :return:
+ """
+ return str(uuid_mod.uuid4())
+def get_obj_uuid(obj: Any) -> str:
+ """
+ Return the object uuid (attribute must match the following regex : "[Uu]u?id|UUID").
+ :param obj:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return get_object_attribute_rgx(obj, "[Uu]u?id|UUID")
+def get_obj_version(obj: Any) -> str:
+ """
+ Return the object version (check for "object_version" or "version_string" attribute).
+ :param obj:
+ :return:
+ """
+ try:
+ return get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj, "object_version")
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ try:
+ return get_object_attribute_no_verif(obj, "version_string")
+ except Exception:
+ print(f"Error with {type(obj)}")
+ raise e
+def get_direct_dor_list(obj: Any) -> List[Any]:
+ """
+ Search all sub attribute of type "DataObjectreference".
+ :param obj:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return search_attribute_matching_type(obj, "DataObjectreference")
+def get_data_object_type(cls: Union[type, Any], print_dev_version=True, nb_max_version_digits=2):
+ return get_class_pkg(cls) + "." + get_class_pkg_version(cls, print_dev_version, nb_max_version_digits)
+def get_qualified_type_from_class(cls: Union[type, Any], print_dev_version=True):
+ return (
+ get_data_object_type(cls, print_dev_version, 2)
+ .replace(".", "") + "." + get_object_type_for_file_path_from_class(cls)
+ )
+def get_content_type_from_class(cls: Union[type, Any], print_dev_version=True, nb_max_version_digits=2):
+ if not isinstance(cls, type):
+ cls = type(cls)
+ if ".opc." in cls.__module__:
+ if cls.__name__.lower() == "coreproperties":
+ return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"
+ else:
+ return ("application/x-" + get_class_pkg(cls)
+ + "+xml;version=" + get_class_pkg_version(cls, print_dev_version, nb_max_version_digits) + ";type="
+ + get_object_type_for_file_path_from_class(cls))
+ print(f"@get_content_type_from_class not supported type : {cls}")
+ return None
+def get_object_type_for_file_path_from_class(cls) -> str:
+ # obj_type = get_obj_type(cls)
+ # pkg = get_class_pkg(cls)
+ # if re.match(r"Obj[A-Z].*", obj_type) is not None and pkg == "resqml":
+ # return "obj_" + obj_type[3:]
+ # return obj_type
+ try:
+ return cls.Meta.name # to work with 3d transformed in 3D and Obj[A-Z] in obj_[A-Z]
+ except AttributeError:
+ pkg = get_class_pkg(cls)
+ return get_obj_type(cls)
+def now(time_zone=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=1), "UTC")) -> int:
+ """ Return an epoch value """
+ return int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now(time_zone)))
+def epoch(time_zone=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=1), "UTC")) -> int:
+ return int(now(time_zone))
+def date_to_epoch(date: str) -> int:
+ """
+ Transform a energyml date into an epoch datetime
+ :return: int
+ """
+ return int(datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date).timestamp())
+def epoch_to_date(epoch_value: int, time_zone=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=1), "UTC")) -> str:
+ date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_value / 1e3, time_zone)
+ return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
+def get_class_from_simple_name(simple_name: str, energyml_module_context=None) -> type:
+ """
+ Search for a :class:`type` depending on the simple class name :param:`simple_name`.
+ :param simple_name:
+ :param energyml_module_context:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if energyml_module_context is None:
+ energyml_module_context = []
+ try:
+ return eval(simple_name)
+ except NameError as e:
+ for mod in energyml_module_context:
+ try:
+ exec(f"from {mod} import *")
+ # required to be able to access to type in
+ # typing values like "List[ObjectAlias]"
+ except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ return eval(simple_name)
+def _gen_str_from_attribute_name(attribute_name: Optional[str], _parent_class: Optional[type]=None) -> str:
+ """
+ Generate a str from the attribute name. The result is not the same for an attribute named "Uuid" than for an
+ attribute named "mime_type" for example.
+ :param attribute_name:
+ :param _parent_class:
+ :return:
+ """
+ attribute_name_lw = attribute_name.lower()
+ if attribute_name is not None:
+ if attribute_name_lw == "uuid" or attribute_name_lw == "uid":
+ return gen_uuid()
+ elif attribute_name_lw == "title":
+ return f"{_parent_class.__name__} title (" + str(random_value_from_class(int)) + ")"
+ elif attribute_name_lw == "schema_version" and get_class_pkg_version(_parent_class) is not None:
+ return get_class_pkg_version(_parent_class)
+ elif re.match(r"\w*version$", attribute_name_lw):
+ return str(random_value_from_class(int))
+ elif re.match(r"\w*date_.*", attribute_name_lw):
+ return epoch_to_date(epoch())
+ elif re.match(r"path_in_.*", attribute_name_lw):
+ return f"/FOLDER/{gen_uuid()}/a_patch{random.randint(0, 30)}"
+ elif "mime_type" in attribute_name_lw and ("external" in _parent_class.__name__.lower() and "part" in _parent_class.__name__.lower()):
+ return f"application/x-hdf5"
+ elif "type" in attribute_name_lw:
+ if attribute_name_lw.startswith("qualified"):
+ return get_qualified_type_from_class(get_classes_matching_name(_parent_class, "Abstract")[0])
+ if attribute_name_lw.startswith("content"):
+ return get_content_type_from_class(get_classes_matching_name(_parent_class, "Abstract")[0])
+ return "A random str " + (f"[{attribute_name}] " if attribute_name is not None else "") + "(" + str(
+ random_value_from_class(int)) + ")"
+def random_value_from_class(cls: type):
+ """
+ Generate a random value for a :class:`type`. All attributes should be filled with random values.
+ :param cls:
+ :return:
+ """
+ energyml_module_context = []
+ if not is_primitive(cls):
+ # import_related_module(cls.__module__)
+ energyml_module_context = get_related_energyml_modules_name(cls)
+ return _random_value_from_class(cls=cls, energyml_module_context=energyml_module_context, attribute_name=None)
+def _random_value_from_class(cls: Any, energyml_module_context: List[str], attribute_name: Optional[str] = None, _parent_class: Optional[type]=None):
+ """
+ Generate a random value for a :class:`type`. All attributes should be filled with random values.
+ :param cls:
+ :param energyml_module_context:
+ :param attribute_name:
+ :param _parent_class: the :class:`type`of the parent object
+ :return:
+ """
+ try:
+ if isinstance(cls, str) or cls == str:
+ return _gen_str_from_attribute_name(attribute_name, _parent_class)
+ elif isinstance(cls, int) or cls == int:
+ return random.randint(0, 10000)
+ elif isinstance(cls, float) or cls == float:
+ return random.randint(0, 1000000) / 100.
+ elif isinstance(cls, bool) or cls == bool:
+ return random.randint(0, 1) == 1
+ elif is_enum(cls):
+ return cls[cls._member_names_[random.randint(0, len(cls._member_names_) - 1)]]
+ elif isinstance(cls, typing.Union.__class__):
+ type_list = list(cls.__args__)
+ if type(None) in type_list:
+ type_list.remove(type(None)) # we don't want to generate none value
+ chosen_type = type_list[random.randint(0, len(type_list))]
+ return _random_value_from_class(chosen_type, energyml_module_context, attribute_name, cls)
+ elif cls.__module__ == 'typing':
+ nb_value_for_list = random.randint(2, 3)
+ type_list = list(cls.__args__)
+ if type(None) in type_list:
+ type_list.remove(type(None)) # we don't want to generate none value
+ if cls._name == "List":
+ lst = []
+ for i in range(nb_value_for_list):
+ chosen_type = type_list[random.randint(0, len(type_list) - 1)]
+ lst.append(_random_value_from_class(chosen_type, energyml_module_context, attribute_name, list))
+ return lst
+ else:
+ chosen_type = type_list[random.randint(0, len(type_list) - 1)]
+ return _random_value_from_class(chosen_type, energyml_module_context, attribute_name, _parent_class)
+ else:
+ potential_classes = list(filter(lambda _c: not is_abstract(_c), [cls] + get_sub_classes(cls)))
+ if len(potential_classes) > 0:
+ chosen_type = potential_classes[random.randint(0, len(potential_classes) - 1)]
+ args = {}
+ for k, v in get_class_fields(chosen_type).items():
+ # print(f"get_class_fields {k} : {v}")
+ args[k] = _random_value_from_class(
+ cls=get_class_from_simple_name(simple_name=v.type, energyml_module_context=energyml_module_context),
+ energyml_module_context=energyml_module_context,
+ attribute_name=k,
+ _parent_class=chosen_type)
+ if not isinstance(chosen_type, type):
+ chosen_type = type(chosen_type)
+ return chosen_type(**args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"exception on attribute '{attribute_name}' for class {cls} :")
+ raise e
+ print(f"@_random_value_from_class Not supported object type generation {cls}")
+ return None