Individualized speed of deforestation occurrences
Data used in this code came from the folowing sources: [key]
using the flowing [key]: alertDateYY_DD1H_D1H_DD2H_D2H.tif
where, YY is the year (from 21 to 23); DD1 is three numeric digits representing the left limit longitude (from 000 to 180); D1 is two numeric digits representing the bottom limit latitude (from 00 to 90); DD2 is three numeric digits representing the right limit longitude (from 000 to 180); D2 is two numeric digits representing the upper limit latitude (from 00 to 90); H is a one-character letter representing de hemisphere (N/S/E/W). N or S for latitude, E or W for longitude.
Grids 10x10 degrees
Countries Boundaries