For production use cases, please refer to our official documentation on how to deploy a SonarQube Cluster on Kubernetes.
please follow this documentation
In order to build the deployer, one must be at the top level of this repository and run this command.
# make sure you are on a staging account
export$(gcloud config get-value project | tr ':' '/')
export APP_NAME=sonarqube-dce
export TAG=10.6.0
export MINOR_VERSION=$(echo $TAG | cut -d. -f1,2)
# Deployer does not care about patch version. see [here](
docker build -f google-cloud-marketplace-k8s-app/Dockerfile --build-arg REGISTRY="${REGISTRY}" --build-arg TAG="${TAG}" --tag $REGISTRY/$APP_NAME/deployer:$MINOR_VERSION .
docker push "${REGISTRY}/${APP_NAME}/deployer:${MINOR_VERSION}"
With the deployer being built, one can deploy the app as is, with
# make sure the namespace has been created already.
mpdev install \
--deployer="${REGISTRY}/${APP_NAME}/deployer:${MINOR_VERSION}" \
--parameters='{"name": "sonarqube-dce-gcapp-test", "namespace": "test-ns","ApplicationNodes.jwtSecret": "dZ0EB0KxnF++nr5+4vfTCaun/eWbv6gOoXodiAMqcFo=", "postgresql.enabled": true, "jdbcOverwrite.enabled": false }'
On top of installing through the deployer, we need to verify that our app complies with the requirements.
mpdev verify \
--deployer="${REGISTRY}/${APP_NAME}/deployer:${MINOR_VERSION}" \
--wait_timeout=1200 \
--parameters='{"name": "sonarqube-dce-gcapp-test", "namespace": "test-ns","ApplicationNodes.jwtSecret": "dZ0EB0KxnF++nr5+4vfTCaun/eWbv6gOoXodiAMqcFo=", "postgresql.enabled": true, "jdbcOverwrite.enabled": false }'