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File metadata and controls

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Mappings defined in GeoDCAT-AP

This documents illustrates the mappings defined in GeoDCAT-AP, as implemented in the iso-19139-to-dcat-ap.xsl XSLT.

Table of contents

Prefix Namespace URI Schema & documentation
adms Asset Description Metadata Schema
cnt Representing Content in RDF 1.0
dc Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1
dcat Data Catalog Vocabulary
dct DCMI Metadata Terms
foaf FOAF Vocabulary
gsp GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data
locn ISA Programme Core Location Vocabulary
owl OWL Web Ontology Language Reference
prov PROV-O: The PROV Ontology
rdf Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax
rdfs RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema
skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - Reference
vcard vCard Ontology
xsd XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition

For a number of INSPIRE metadata elements, this document proposes the use of URI code list registers. These registers include:

  • Code lists defined in the INSPIRE Metadata Regulation [INSPIRE-MD-REG], and made available through the URI registers operated by the INSPIRE Registry [INSPIRE-REGISTRY].
  • URI registers operated by the Publications Office of the EU, whose use is recommended in DCAT-AP.
Metadata elements (ISO 19115 / INSPIRE) Code list URI Code lists Status
Metadata language Language register operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU [MDR-LANG] stable
Resource language
Resource type Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for resource types defined in ISO 19115 stable
Service type Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for service types, as defined in [INSPIRE-MD-REG] stable
Topic category Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for topic categories defined in ISO 19115 stable
Keyword denoting one of the INSPIRE spatial data themes INSPIRE spatial data theme register operated by the INSPIRE Registry stable
Keyword denoting one of the spatial data service categories Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for spatial data service categories defined in ISO 19119 stable
Degree of conformity Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for degrees of conformity, as defined in [INSPIRE-MD-REG] stable
Responsible party role Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for responsible party roles, as defined in [INSPIRE-MD-REG] stable
Format / Encoding File type register operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU [MDR-FT] stable Register of media types used for datasets in INSPIRE download services testing
Maintenance frequency (Maintenance information) Frequency code register operated by the Metadata Registry of the Publications Office of the EU [MDR-FR] stable Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for maintenance frequency codes defined in ISO 19115. The register is not yet available, and the code list URI is tentative. unstable
Spatial representation type Register operated by the INSPIRE Registry for spatial representation type codes defined in ISO 19115. The register is not yet available, and the code list URI is tentative. unstable

The following sections provide a summary of the alignments defined in GeoDCAT-AP.

The alignments are grouped as follows:

  • Alignment for metadata records (metadata on metadata)
  • Alignments for resource metadata common to datasets, series and services
  • Alignments for resource metadata specific to datasets and series
  • Alignments for resource metadata specific to services

The alignments supported only in the extended profile of GeoDCAT-AP are in bold.

The domain of the mappings is dcat:CatalogRecord, with the exception of metadata standard title and version, whose domain is dct:Standard.

Metadata elements (ISO 19115 / INSPIRE) Mappings Mapping status Comments
Property and/or attribute Range
Metadata point of contact prov:qualifiedAttribution prov:Attribution testing Only for the extended profile
dcat:contactPoint vcard:Kind testing Only for the extended profile
Metadata date dct:modified xsd:date testing
Metadata language dct:language dct:LinguisticSystem stable
Metadata file identifier dct:identifier rdfs:Literal stable Only for the extended profile
Metadata character encoding cnt:characterEncoding rdfs:Literal stable Only for the extended profile
Metadata standard dct:conformsTo dct:Standard stable The metadata standard is modelled with dct:Standard, and it is described by a title and a version - see below
* Metadata standard name dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral stable The domain is dct:Standard
* Metadata standard version owl:versionInfo rdf:PlainLiteral stable The domain is dct:Standard

As a rule, the domain of the mappings is either dcat:Dataset (when the element is used for datasets and series) or dctype:Service / dcat:Catalog (when the element is used for services). However, “starred” elements – i.e., elements whose name is preceded by an asterisk (“*”) – are those having as domain either dcat:Distribution (when the element is used for datasets and series) or dctype:Service / dcat:Catalog (when the element is used for services).

Metadata elements (ISO 19115 / INSPIRE) Mappings Mapping status Comments
Property Range
Resource title dct:title rdf:PlainLiteral stable
Resource abstract dct:description rdf:PlainLiteral stable
Resource type Any type dct:type skos:Concept stable Only for the extended profile
Data set rdf:type dcat:Dataset stable
Data set series
Service dcat:Catalog stable For catalogue / discovery services
dctype:Service stable For all the other services. Only for the extended profile
Spatial extent dct:spatial dct:Location stable Spatial extent / coverage is specified as a geographic identifier and/or bounding box - see below
Spatial extent: Geographic identifier Code dct:spatial rdfs:Resource (URI reference) stable If the geographic identifier is an HTTP URI.
dct:identifier xsd:anyURI stable If the geographic identifier is a URN. The domain is dct:Location
skos:prefLabel rdf:PlainLiteral stable If the geographic identifier is a textual label. The domain is dct:Location
Authority skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme stable If the geographic identifier is an HTTP URI, the information about the authority is omitted. The domain is dct:Location
Spatial extent: Geographic bounding box locn:geometry locn:Geometry (rdfs:Literal or rdfs:Class) stable The recommendation is to use WKT or GML literals, encoded as per the GeoSPARQL specification. The domain is dct:Location
Temporal reference Temporal extent dct:temporal dct:PeriodOfTime stable
Date of publication dct:issued xsd:date stable
Date of last revision dct:modified xsd:date stable
Date of creation dct:created xsd:date stable Only for the extended profile
Spatial resolution rdfs:comment rdf:PlainLiteral unstable Only for the extended profile. To be replaced with an appropriate mapping to a standard vocabulary, when available
Conformance result / Conformity (Data quality) Any degree prov:wasUsedBy prov:Activity testing Only for the extended profile
Conformant dct:conformsTo dct:Standard stable
Not conformant - -    
Not evaluated - -    
* Use limitation / Conditions for access and use dct:license dct:LicenseDocument testing For datasets and dataset series, the domain is dcat:Distribution.
* Access constraints, other constraints / Limitations on public access dct:accessRights dct:RightsStatement testing For datasets and dataset series, the domain is dcat:Distribution.
Responsible organisation Any role prov:qualifiedAttribution prov:Attribution unstable Only for the extended profile.
Resource provider - -  
Custodian - -    
Owner dct:rightsHolder foaf:Agent stable Only for the extended profile
User - -    
Distributor - -    
Originator dct:creator foaf:Agent testing  
Point of contact dcat:contactPoint vcard:Kind stable
Principal investigator - -    
Processor - -    
Publisher dct:publisher foaf:Agent stable  
Author - -    

As a rule, the domain of the mappings is dcat:Dataset. However, “starred” elements – i.e., elements whose name is preceded by an asterisk (“*”) – are those having as domain dcat:Distribution.

Metadata elements Mappings Mapping status Comments
Property and/or attribute Range
Online resource / Resource locator * Download dcat:accessURL rdfs:Resource stable The domain is dcat:Distribution
Information foaf:page foaf:Document testing
* Offline access dcat:accessURL rdfs:Resource testing The domain is dcat:Distribution
* Order dcat:accessURL rdfs:Resource testing The domain is dcat:Distribution
Search foaf:page foaf:Document testing
missing dcat:landingPage foaf:Document stable
Resource identifier / Unique resource identifier dct:identifier rdfs:Literal testing
Resource language dct:language dct:LinguisticSystem stable
Keyword dcat:theme skos:Concept stable For keywords from controlled vocabularies (as the INSPIRE spatial data themes and GEMET)
dcat:keyword rdfs:Literal stable For free text keywords
Topic category dct:subject skos:Concept unstable
Maintenance frequency (Maintenance information) dct:accrualPeriodicity rdfs:Resource stable
Lineage dct:provenance dct:ProvenanceStatement stable
Coordinate reference system dct:conformsTo rdfs:Resource unstable Only for the extended profile. To be replaced with an appropriate mapping to a standard vocabulary, when available
Temporal reference system dct:conformsTo rdfs:Resource unstable Only for the extended profile. To be replaced with an appropriate mapping to a standard vocabulary, when available
* Spatial representation type adms:representationTechnique rdfs:Resource testing Only for the extended profile. The domain is dcat:Distribution
* Format / Encoding dct:format dct:MediaTypeOrExtent testing The domain is dcat:Distribution
* Character encoding cnt:characterEncoding rdfs:Literal testing Only for the extended profile. The domain is dcat:Distribution

The domain of the mappings is dcat:Catalog for catalogue / discovery service, and dctype:Service for all the other services.

Metadata elements Mappings Mapping status Comments
Property and/or attribute Range
Online resource / Resource locator Any function foaf:homepage foaf:Document testing
Coupled resource dct:hasPart dcat:Dataset stable Only for the extended profile
Spatial data service type dct:type skos:Concept testing Only for the extended profile
Keyword dct:type skos:Concept testing Only for the extended profile. For spatial data service categories defined in ISO 19119
dct:subject skos:Concept testing Only for the extended profile. For keywords from controlled vocabularies (as the INSPIRE spatial data themes and GEMET)
dc:subject rdfs:Literal testing Only for the extended profile. For free text keywords
Spatial data service category dct:type skos:Concept testing Only for the extended profile

This section illustrates with examples specific metadata elements whose mappings are not completely described in the mapping summary.

If specified with an HTTP URI (see how):

  <dct:spatial rdf:resource=""/>

If specified with a literal:

  <dct:spatial rdf:parseType="Resource">
<!-- Code -->
    <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">Location &gt; Continent &gt; Europe</skos:prefLabel>
<!-- Authority -->
        <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">NASA/GCMD Location Keywords</rdfs:label>
        <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">2009-01-01</dct:modified>

The XSLT outputs a geographic bounding box in multiple encodings, namely, the ones recommended in GeoDCAT-AP (i.e., WKT and GML), and GeoJSON.

To denote the datatype of the GeoJSON literal, the URL of the relevant IANA Media Type is used.

  <dct:spatial rdf:parseType="Resource">
<!-- As WKT -->
    <locn:geometry rdf:datatype=""><![CDATA[POLYGON((-6.41736 55.7447,2.05827 55.7447,2.05827 49.8625,-6.41736 49.8625,-6.41736 55.7447))]]></locn:geometry>
<!- As GML -->
    <locn:geometry rdf:datatype=""><![CDATA[<gml:Envelope srsName=""><gml:lowerCorner>-6.41736 49.8625</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>2.05827 55.7447</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope>]]></locn:geometry>
<!-- As GeoJSON -->
    <locn:geometry rdf:datatype=""><![CDATA[{"type":"Polygon","crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}},"coordinates":[[[-6.41736,55.7447],[2.05827,55.7447],[2.05827,49.8625],[-6.41736,49.8625],[-6.41736,55.7447]]]}]]></locn:geometry>

This is currently mapped to a free text field (namely, rdfs:comment).

The text is built by using the following pattern:

  • If spatial resolution is specified with a distance:

    Spatial resolution (distance): <distance> <uom>

  • If spatial resolution is specified with an equivalent scale:

    Spatial resolution (equivalent scale): 1:<denominator>


  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
    Spatial resolution (distance): 5 km
  <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
    Spatial resolution (equivalent scale): 1:10000

GeoDCAT-AP provides only a partial mapping for data quality information, limited to the component "conformance result".

GeoDCAT-AP core profile

  <dct:conformsTo rdf:parseType="Resource">
    <dct:title xml:lang="en">COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2010-12-08</dct:issued>

If the conformity specification is specified with an HTTP URI (see how)

  <dct:conformsTo rdf:resource=""/>

GeoDCAT-AP extended profile

      <prov:qualifiedAssociation rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <prov:hadPlan rdf:parseType="Resource">
<!-- Specification -->
            <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
              <dct:title xml:lang="en">COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services</dct:title>
              <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2010-12-08</dct:issued>
<!-- Conformance result / conformity degree -->      
      <prov:generated rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <dct:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:description xml:lang="en">See the referenced specification</dct:description>

If the conformity specification is specified with an HTTP URI (see how)

      <prov:qualifiedAssociation rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <prov:hadPlan rdf:parseType="Resource">
<!-- Specification -->
          <prov:wasDerivedFrom rdf:resource=""/>
<!-- Conformance result / conformity degree -->      
      <prov:generated rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <dct:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:description xml:lang="en">See the referenced specification</dct:description>

GeoDCAT-AP core profile

      <vcard:organization-name xml:lang="en">European Commission, Joint Research Centre</vcard:organization-name>
      <vcard:hasEmail rdf:resource=""/>

GeoDCAT-AP extended profile

In addition to the mapping supported in the core profile, the extended profile uses the following mapping. It makes use of the PROV ontology. The responsible organisation is specified with prov:agent, whereas the role is specified by using dct:type, with the relevant role from the responsible party role code list operated by the INSPIRE registry.

<!-- Responsible organisation -->
          <vcard:organization-name xml:lang="en">European Commission, Joint Research Centre</vcard:organization-name>
          <vcard:hasEmail rdf:resource=""/>
<!-- Responsible party role -->
      <dct:type rdf:resource=""/>

If specified with an HTTP URI (see how):

  <dct:format rdf:resource=""/>

If specified with a literal:

  <dct:format rdf:parseType="Resource">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">TIFF</rdfs:label>