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Releases: genesis-community/bosh-genesis-kit


05 Mar 23:34
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If you are upgrading from a version of this kit that uses bpm version 0.12.3, or otherwise have bpm 0.12.3 uploaded as a release to the bosh director that deploys this kit, then please reference GMP-BOSH-0001 when upgrading to this release.

Known Issues

uaa-release has a problem in this release with monit healthchecks when the HTTP (non-HTTPS) port is not enabled. To make uaa work with this release, add this override to your env file:

- name: bosh
  - name: uaa
        port: 8080

Be aware that this opens up a HTTP listener in addition to the HTTPS listener on 8443. BOSH will continue advertising the HTTPS listener as the login endpoint.


This release updates the following:

  • BOSH director to 268.6.0
  • Credhub to 2.1.2
  • UAA to 70.0
  • bosh-google-cpi to 29.0.1
  • bosh-vsphere-cpi to 52.1.0
  • bosh-openstack-cpi to 42
  • bosh-warden-cpi to 41
  • garden-runc to 1.18.3

Core Components

Release Version Release Date
bosh 268.6.0 -
bpm 0.12.3 -
uaa 70.0 -
credhub 2.1.2 -
bosh-azure-cpi 35.5.0 -
bosh-google-cpi 29.0.1 -
bosh-aws-cpi 73 -
bosh-vsphere-cpi 52.1.0 -
bosh-openstack-cpi 42 -
bosh-warden-cpi 41 -
garden-runc 1.18.3 -
port-forwarding 6 -
os-conf 20 -


26 Oct 04:27
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This release updates the BOSH director to 268.2.0

Core Components

Release Version Release Date
bosh 268.2.0 -
bpm 0.12.3 -
uaa 60.2 -
credhub 2.0.2 -
bosh-azure-cpi 35.4.0 -
bosh-google-cpi 27.0.1 -
bosh-aws-cpi 72 -
bosh-vsphere-cpi 50 -
bosh-openstack-cpi 39 -
bosh-warden-cpi 40 -
garden-runc 1.6.0 -
port-forwarding 6 -
os-conf 20 -


17 Oct 17:38
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This release updates several of the core components and BOSH CPIs.

New Features

  • BOSH will now resize underlying VM disks via the CPI (if
    supported), rather than going through the costly process of
    provisioning a new disk and copying the data over to it via the
    operating system.

  • This release now targets the Ubuntu Xenial stemcell series,
    starting on 97.x. Xenial Xerus 16.04 is a Canonical LTS
    release, and will continue to receive security updates through
    April of 2021. Trusty Tahr 14.04 is EOL as of April 2019.

  • The default bosh_vm_type has changed from small to large.
    If you deployed BOSH using the defaults, upgrading to this kit
    version will incur a rebuild of the BOSH VM.

Core Components

Release Version Release Date
bosh 268.1.0 27 September 2018
bpm (new) 0.12.3 10 September 2018
uaa 60.2 19 July 2018
credhub 2.0.2 09 August 2018
bosh-azure-cpi 35.4.0 14 August 2018
bosh-google-cpi 27.0.1 -
bosh-aws-cpi 72 31 July 2018
bosh-vsphere-cpi 50 08 June 2018
bosh-openstack-cpi 39 06 July 2018
bosh-warden-cpi 40 28 March 2018
garden-runc 1.6.0 03 May 2017
port-forwarding 6 26 July 2016
os-conf 20 -


07 Sep 17:34
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Component Upgrade

vSphere CPI has been updated to v50 to fix a bug found in earlier versions that
only selected the first ephermeral disk in a list of datastores.

Release Version Release Date
bosh-vsphere-cpi 50 8 Jun 2018


21 Aug 20:21
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Bug Fixes

  • The warden feature flag now properly configured the agent.mbus
    property that the Warden CPI needs to deploy. We can make
    BOSH-lites again!


09 Aug 12:40
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This release adds a prometheus UAA client to the BOSH director,
which has the authorities and the scope This
client is to be used by the prometheus-genesis-kit for gathering
BOSH metrics.


28 Jul 00:48
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  • Stemcells are now pinned to 3468.latest, instead of latest,
    since that is the major version that our compiled BOSH releases
    are compiled against.

  • When deploying to vSphere, genesis new now asks for what
    resource pool you want to deploy to, underneath the cluster,
    and generates the appropriate environment YAML structures.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bad default value for params.trusted_certs (should have
    been an empty string instead of nil. Now it's an empty string,
    and all is right with the world).

  • The aws_key_name being erroneously emitted by genesis new
    for the AWS IaaS/cloud is no more, leading to less confusion
    when deploying to Amazon EC2.


23 Jun 00:04
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New Features

  • A new runtime-config addon script has been added to generate a
    BOSH runtime config for adding two users to all deployed BOSH
    VMs: netop has an SSH key (generated and stored in the Vault)
    and can be used for out-of-band SSH management; sysop has a
    type-able password for use in things like the vCenter remote
    console. Operators can choose to deploy both, one, or neither.

  • Proto-BOSH deployments will have the netop / sysop users added
    by default, unless you activate the skip_op_users feature

  • Operators can now inject custom X.509 certificate authorities
    into deployed VMs via the trusted_certs parameter. Now you
    too can run your own Certificate Authority!


  • The login and logout addon scripts now always set up the
    BOSH env alias, even if you already have one. This helps in lab
    situations, where the CA cert may change often across regular
    secret rotation and/or slash-and-burn redeployment.

  • The kit now checks your NATS certificates for mTLS, to ensure
    that they are valid and usable in modern gnatsd implementations.
    This is particularly useful to people upgrading from the 0.1.x
    versions of this kit, which generated certs that are
    incompatible with the 0.2.x series.


05 Jun 01:56
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The BOSH Genesis Kit now leverages some exciting new features in
Genesis v2.6.0+, notably blueprints and feature flags. Existing
environments should be able to update to this version without any
undue stress of churn, but a few "refreshes" are desirable.

  • The *-init subkits are gone, and have been replaced by
    combining two feature flags, proto and $iaas (i.e.
    vsphere, aws, etc.)

  • The credhub subkit is gone; CredHub is now included implicitly
    in all deployments of the BOSH director.

  • The proxy subkit is now gone. If you specify proxy
    parameters, they will be honored. If you don't they default to
    "no proxy in effect".


16 Feb 12:48
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Bug Fixes

  • Top-level manifest keys that bosh create-env needs for the
    proto-BOSH / bosh-init subkit are now properly pruned only for
    so-called "normal" BOSH deployments, not everything. This fixes
    our ability to deploy proto-BOSHes.

    Our CI pipeline has been retrofitted with a new test that
    exercises the bosh-init + vsphere configuration, to catch future
    regressions that follow in the same vein.