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Foundations and reference design for Cedar Coin, UNDP Alt Finance Lab

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This project is the frontend & backend of the Cedrus Reference Design and it handles the following functionality

  • Endpoint for static files used by the website
  • REST API for creating new CedarCoin claims (cedrusservice)
  • Sendgrid integration for sending email instructions on how to claim a CedarCoin (emailservice)
  • REST API that wraps seth command line utility which allows CedarCoin to be claimed (sethservice)

For detailled explanation of the services, see services.


All Ethereum contracts are located in the contracts/ folder.

We use OpenZeppelin CLI to manage contracts dependencies, deploy and upgrade contracts.


  • Mongo DB (3.4.23)
  • Sendgrid
  • Seth
  • Golang (1.12)
  • NPM



  • Install go
$> make deps


$> make build


$> make test

Run locally


1 - Install:

  • docker-compose
  • docker

2 - Create a .env file at the root location of the repository, and add the SENDGRID_API_KEY environment variable :


Make sure to have outbound connection not blocked by your local network.

Then run on first time (might takes minutes to complete):

$> make build-docker

It will build docker containers of mongodb, cedrusservice, emailservice and sethservice, see docker-compose.yaml.
Warning: the sethservice container build may takes minutes.

Then, run the containers with:

$> make run

Note that emailservice will be restarted every 10 seconds to simulate a CRON job.

Execute docker ps to show the running containers

To stop the containers, run:

$> make stop

API Documentation

API Swagger can be found at the path: http://localhost:8000/documentation/swagger/index.html#/

To generate documentation static files, run

$> make docs

Deploy to Pivotal Clound foundry


  1. Make sure you have Cloud Foundy CLI installed.
  2. Set the environments variables :
  • REGISTRY: Docker registry url (i.e dockerhub-account/my-image)
  • USERNAME: Docker registry username
  • PASSWORD: Docker registry password


  1. make docker-images
  2. make docker-tag
  3. make docker-push
  4. cf login and select the right space whish is cedar
  5. make cf-deploy

Update minter address

To replace minter keystore file:

  1. Get private key of minter from mnemonic:
  2. geth account import privatekey without the 0x