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New example: rectangle_bounds
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Hultan committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent 5100377 commit b7ac695
Showing 1 changed file with 282 additions and 0 deletions.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions examples/text/rectangle_bounds/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
* raylib [text] example - Rectangle bounds
* Example originally created with raylib 2.5, last time updated with raylib 4.0
* Example contributed by Vlad Adrian (@demizdor) and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
* BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software
* Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Vlad Adrian (@demizdor) and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
package main

import (

rl ""

const (
screenWidth = 800
screenHeight = 450
MeasureState = 0
DrawState = 1

func main() {

rl.InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [text] example - draw text inside a rectangle")

text := `Text cannot escape this container ...word wrap also works when active so here's a long text for testing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget.`

resizing, wordWrap := false, true

container := rl.Rectangle{X: 25.0, Y: 25.0, Width: screenWidth - 50.0, Height: screenHeight - 250.0}
resizer := rl.Rectangle{X: container.X + container.Width - 17, Y: container.Y + container.Height - 17, Width: 14, Height: 14}

// Minimum width and height for the container rectangle
minWidth := float32(60.0)
minHeight := float32(60.0)
maxWidth := screenWidth - float32(50.0)
maxHeight := screenHeight - float32(160.0)

lastMouse := rl.Vector2{} // Stores last mouse coordinates
borderColor := rl.Maroon // Container border color
font := rl.GetFontDefault() // Get default system font

rl.SetTargetFPS(60) // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

for !rl.WindowShouldClose() { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeySpace) {
wordWrap = !wordWrap

mouse := rl.GetMousePosition()

// Check if the mouse is inside the container and toggle border color
if rl.CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, container) {
borderColor = rl.Fade(rl.Maroon, 0.4)
} else if !resizing {
borderColor = rl.Maroon

// Container resizing logic
if resizing {
if rl.IsMouseButtonReleased(rl.MouseButtonLeft) {
resizing = false

width := container.Width + (mouse.X - lastMouse.X)
height := container.Height + (mouse.Y - lastMouse.Y)

container.Width = rl.Clamp(width, minWidth, maxWidth)
container.Height = rl.Clamp(height, minHeight, maxHeight)
} else {
// Check if we're resizing
if rl.IsMouseButtonDown(rl.MouseButtonLeft) && rl.CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, resizer) {
resizing = true

// Move resizer rectangle properly
resizer.X = container.X + container.Width - 17
resizer.Y = container.Y + container.Height - 17

lastMouse = mouse // Update mouse

// Draw

rl.DrawRectangleLinesEx(container, 3, borderColor) // Draw container border

// Draw text in container (add some padding)
DrawTextBoxed(font, text, rl.Rectangle{X: container.X + 4, Y: container.Y + 4, Width: container.Width - 4,
Height: container.Height - 4}, 20.0, 2.0, wordWrap, rl.Gray)

rl.DrawRectangleRec(resizer, borderColor) // Draw the resize box

// Draw bottom info
rl.DrawRectangle(0, screenHeight-54, screenWidth, 54, rl.Gray)
rl.DrawRectangleRec(rl.Rectangle{X: 382.0, Y: screenHeight - 34.0, Width: 12.0, Height: 12.0}, rl.Maroon)

rl.DrawText("Word Wrap: ", 313, screenHeight-115, 20, rl.Black)
if wordWrap {
rl.DrawText("ON", 447, screenHeight-115, 20, rl.Red)
} else {
rl.DrawText("OFF", 447, screenHeight-115, 20, rl.Black)

rl.DrawText("Press [SPACE] to toggle word wrap", 218, screenHeight-86, 20, rl.Gray)
rl.DrawText("Click hold & drag the to resize the container", 155, screenHeight-38, 20, rl.RayWhite)


// De-Initialization
rl.CloseWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

// Module functions definition

// DrawTextBoxed draws text using font inside rectangle limits
func DrawTextBoxed(font rl.Font, text string, rec rl.Rectangle, fontSize, spacing float32, wordWrap bool, tint rl.Color) {
DrawTextBoxedSelectable(font, text, rec, fontSize, spacing, wordWrap, tint, 0, 0, rl.White, rl.White)

// DrawTextBoxedSelectable draws text using font inside rectangle limits with support for text selection
func DrawTextBoxedSelectable(font rl.Font, text string, rec rl.Rectangle, fontSize, spacing float32,
wordWrap bool, tint rl.Color, selectStart, selectLength int32, selectTint, selectBackTint rl.Color) {

length := int32(utf8.RuneCountInString(text)) // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop

// TextOffsetY : Offset between lines (on line break '\n')
// TextOffsetX : Offset X to next character to draw
var textOffsetY, textOffsetX float32

scaleFactor := fontSize / float32(font.BaseSize) // Character rectangle scaling factor

// Word/character wrapping mechanism variables
state := DrawState
if wordWrap {
state = MeasureState

// StartLine : Index where to begin drawing (where a line begins)
// EndLine : Index where to stop drawing (where a line ends)
// LastK : Holds last value of the character position
var startLine, endLine, lastk int32 = -1, -1, -1

for i, k := int32(0), int32(0); i < length; i, k = i+1, k+1 {
// Get next codepoint from byte string and glyph index in font
codepoint, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(text[i:])
codepointByteCount := int32(width)
index := rl.GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint)

// NOTE: Normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
// but we need to draw all the bad bytes using the '?' symbol moving one byte
if codepoint == 0x3f {
codepointByteCount = 1
i += codepointByteCount - 1

var glyphWidth float32
if codepoint != '\n' {
chars := unsafe.Slice(font.Chars, font.CharsCount)
if chars[index].AdvanceX == 0 {
glyphWidth = unsafe.Slice(font.Recs, font.CharsCount)[index].Width * scaleFactor
} else {
glyphWidth = float32(chars[index].AdvanceX) * scaleFactor

if i+1 < length {
glyphWidth = glyphWidth + spacing

// NOTE: When wordWrap is ON we first measure how much of the text we can draw before going outside the rec container
// We store this info in startLine and endLine, then we change states, draw the text between those two variables
// and change states again and again recursively until the end of the text (or until we get outside the container).
// When wordWrap is OFF we don't need the measure state so we go to the drawing state immediately
// and begin drawing on the next line before we can get outside the container.
if state == MeasureState {
// TODO: There are multiple types of spaces in UNICODE, maybe it's a good idea to add support for more
// Ref:
if (codepoint == ' ') || (codepoint == '\t') || (codepoint == '\n') {
endLine = i

if (textOffsetX + glyphWidth) > rec.Width {
if endLine < 1 {
endLine = i

if i == endLine {
endLine -= codepointByteCount
if (startLine + codepointByteCount) == endLine {
endLine = i - codepointByteCount

state = 1 - state // Toggle state between MeasureState and DrawState
} else if (i + 1) == length {
endLine = i
state = 1 - state // Toggle state between MeasureState and DrawState
} else if codepoint == '\n' {
state = 1 - state // Toggle state between MeasureState and DrawState

if state == DrawState {
textOffsetX = 0
i = startLine
glyphWidth = 0

// Save character position when we switch states
tmp := lastk
lastk = k - 1
k = tmp
} else {
if codepoint == '\n' {
if !wordWrap {
textOffsetY += float32(font.BaseSize+font.BaseSize/2) * scaleFactor
textOffsetX = 0
} else {
if !wordWrap && ((textOffsetX + glyphWidth) > rec.Width) {
textOffsetY += float32(font.BaseSize+font.BaseSize/2) * scaleFactor
textOffsetX = 0

// When text overflows rectangle height limit, just stop drawing
if (textOffsetY + float32(font.BaseSize)*scaleFactor) > rec.Height {

// Draw selection background
isGlyphSelected := false
if (selectStart >= 0) && (k >= selectStart) && (k < (selectStart + selectLength)) {
rl.DrawRectangleRec(rl.Rectangle{X: rec.X + textOffsetX - 1, Y: rec.Y + textOffsetY, Width: glyphWidth,
Height: float32(font.BaseSize) * scaleFactor}, selectBackTint)
isGlyphSelected = true

// Draw current character glyph
if (codepoint != ' ') && (codepoint != '\t') {
col := tint
if isGlyphSelected {
col = selectTint
pos := rl.Vector2{X: rec.X + textOffsetX, Y: rec.Y + textOffsetY}
rl.DrawTextEx(font, string(codepoint), pos, fontSize, 0, col)

if wordWrap && (i == endLine) {
textOffsetY += float32(font.BaseSize+font.BaseSize/2) * scaleFactor
textOffsetX = 0
startLine = endLine
endLine = -1
glyphWidth = 0
selectStart += lastk - k
k = lastk

state = 1 - state // Toggle state between MeasureState and DrawState

if (textOffsetX != 0) || (codepoint != ' ') { // avoid leading spaces
textOffsetX += glyphWidth

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