🎉 * Intro to Bootstrap* 🎉 📆 Calendar Day, Month 🕕 XX AM - XX PM @ Venue
In this project-based workshop, you'll learn how to go beyond with HTML and CSS: using the popular CSS Framework Bootstrap for responsive design and pre-built components. We also have scholarships available.
Sign up here: [TODO: add link to meetup]
- Make websites look good on laptops and phones faster than you can say "responsive". Learn Bootstrap with us: [LINK to meetup]
- Join us for Intro to Bootstrap to get a modern, responsive site without sweating all the custom CSS 💦 [LINK to meetup]
- Want to master the Bootstrap grid system? @gdisf can help you: [LINK to meetup]
- Confused about Bootstrap CSS, component classes, atomic design? Join us on Intro to Bootstrap [LINK to meetup]