- Course Title:
- Cost:
- Duration:
- Instructor:
a few paragraphs telling the potential student what the contents of the course is.
Enter date and time information here.
Instructor bio
what they should already know
install tools, software, download examples
- Laptop & Charger (there will be Wi-Fi and power strips available)
- ??
Parking description here
Guide them to the entrance, and other info to arrive safely at the classroom on time
Sponsorship info here!
We try to find companies to sponsor a meal during our classes if they are over 4 hours long. If we are able to find a sponsor, the meals are usually something affordable for feeding a large group, like pizza. In these instances, we will offer both vegetarian and meat based options. If you have other dietary restrictions such as gluten free, dairy free, vegan, etc., please be sure to bring your own lunch. We will notify attendees a day or two before the class on whether a meal will be provided.
We're here to help! If you have additional questions or would like to talk further before signing up for a class, please contact Class Organizer, classorganizer@gdiminneapolis.com.
NOTE: We will be communicating with you about this class via the email address you have in Meetup.com. Please make sure you check the email address you use for Meetup regularly. If we have fewer than 10 people signed up for this class a week before the starting date, it will be postponed for a later date.
Refunds will be provided only if the class is cancelled. Please take a look at our refund policy and procedure at http://gdiminneapolis.com/resources/policies-forms/refund-policy/
Girl Develop It exists to provide affordable, judgement-free opportunities for adult women to learn web and software development. Please help support our mission by reviewing our Code of Conduct.
To learn more about our Minneapolis chapter, visit http://gdiminneapolis.com.