A curated list of free resources for learning data structures & algorithms.
Last updated: November 30, 2020
- The resources aren't listed in any particular order.
- Learn the Top Data Structures And Algorithms every Computer Science student should know
- Complete Introduction to the 30 Most Essential Data Structures & Algorithms
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Python
- 8 Common Data Structures every Programmer must know
- An introduction to Big O in Swift
- Learn DS and Algorithms
- Complete Beginner's Guide to Big O Notation
- Common Python Data Structures
- The Algorithms
- GeeksForGeeks
- Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures Tutorial
- Swift Algorithm Club
- Computer Science
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- The Open Source Computer Science Degree
- 11 Weeks Workshop on Data Structures and Algorithms
- Intro to Dynamic Programming: Data Structures and Algorithms (5)
- Data Structures - Computer Science Course for Beginners
- Understanding Data Structures using C#
- C ++ Advanced to Data Structures
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python
- Data Structures and Algorithms with C++ Practical Implementation
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift
- Introduction to Algorithms and Data structures in C++
- Data Structure - Part I
- Data Structures in C++
- Algorithms, Part I
- Algorithms, Part II
- Data Structures Playlist
- Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course
- Big O Notation
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- MIT data structure and algorithms 2015
- Data Structures
- System Design Interview – Step By Step Guide
- Introduction to Algorithms
- CS50 2017
- JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms Certification
- Essential Data Structures and Algorithms for Coding Interviews
- Debugging the Tech Recruitment Process
- Tech Interview Cheat Sheet
- 3 Month Coding Interview Preparation Bootcamp
- Tech Interview Handbook
- System design primer
- Algorithms-and-Coding-Interviews
- Leetcode Patterns
- 14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question