Node v18 or higher
git clone
cd metabarcoding-data-toolkit-backend
npm install
node server/index.js --credentials /Path/to/credentials.json --organizationfile /Path/to/organizations.json
In order to run very large datasets, increase heap space
export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=6144" # Increase to 6 GB
This section describes the API methods needed to run a dataset through the MDT, from raw data files to a Darwin Core Archive, published to
In the examples below, the base url of the API is assumed to be
. You will need to modify the examples to use the base url of your MDT installation.
In order to operate the Metabarcoding Data Toolkit through the API, you need to login and get a token:
curl -u username:@password '' | jq .token
This will give you an AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN
valid for 30 minutes,
Start by uploading a set of files to the MDT. Replace @/Path/to/OTU_table.tsv
, @/Path/to/samples.tsv
etc with the actual paths to your data files.
curl '' \
-F 'tables=@/Path/to/OTU_table.tsv' \
-F 'tables=@/Path/to/samples.tsv' \
-F 'tables=@/Path/to/taxonomy.tsv' \
-F 'tables=@/Path/to/study.tsv' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>'
This will return a DATASET_KEY
(UUID) for the dataset.
After uploading the files, you can verify that the MDT is able to process them, using the validation endpoint:
curl '<DATASET_KEY>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' | jq .files.format
If your file names comply with the naming convention, and you have id
columns in the sample and taxonomy files, the validation should respond with one of the formats listed here:
If the response is INVALID
, you will probably need to tell the API which file is the OTU table, taxonomy and sample file.
You will do this by posting a simple mapping like the following:
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/file-types' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"MyArbitraryNamedOTUTable.tsv":"otuTable","MyArbitraryNamedSamples.tsv":"samples","MyArbitraryNamedTaxa.tsv":"taxa","MyArbitraryNamedStudy.txt":"defaultValues"}'
You can now re-run the validation to verify that the files have been properly mapped to entities.
If you use recognised DWC fields such as decimalLatitude
, decimalLongitude
, eventDate
etc, this step is not needed. However, if you want to translate some of your sample metadata into the extended measurement or fact extension, you will need to post a mapping (see the "measurements" property in the example below)
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/mapping' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"taxa":{"id":"id","kingdom":"kingdom","phylum":"phylum","class":"class","order":"order","family":"family","genus":"genus","DNA_sequence":"sequence","scientificName":"species","verbatimIdentification":"taxpath"},"samples":{"id":"id","decimalLatitude":"Latitude","decimalLongitude":"Longitude","footprintWKT":"polygon","eventDate":"Date"},"defaultValues":{"env_medium":"soil [ENVO:00001998]","target_gene":"ITS2","pcr_primer_forward":"GTGARTCATCGARTCTTTG","pcr_primer_name_forward":"gITS7","pcr_primer_reverse":"TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC","pcr_primer_name_reverse":"ITS4","sop":"","seq_meth":"Illumina MiSeq","samplingProtocol":"","samp_vol_we_dna_ext":"1000 mL","annealingTemp":"69.5","annealingTempUnit":"Degrees Celsius","amplificationReactionVolume":"25","amplicationReactionVolumeUnit":"µl","nucl_acid_ext":"","nucl_acid_amp":"","lib_layout":"paired","otu_db":"UNITE v9.3"},"measurements":{"surfacetemp_sd_all":{"measurementType":"surfacetemp_sd_all","measurementUnit":"Degrees (Celcius)","measurementAccuracy":"0.1"}}}'
Start processing of the data:
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/process' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' \
The processing status can be retrieved:
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/process-status' | jq .status
The status can be processing
or queued
, and when it is finished
you can move on to the next steps.
If the status is failed
, you will need to investigate what went wrong. The log file will be available at<DATASET_KEY>/log.txt
The Dataset Metadata can be posted as a JSON object.
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/metadata' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"title":"My first Metabarcoding dataset","license":"CC0","contact":{"givenName":"Thomas Stjernegaard","surName":"Jeppesen","organizationName":"GBIF","electronicMailAddress":"","phone":"","userId":"0000-0003-1691-239X","deliveryPoint":"Universitetsparken 15","city":"København Ø","administrativeArea":"","country":"DK"},"description":"A good description of my first Metabarcoding dataset.","creator":[{"givenName":"Thomas Stjernegaard","surName":"Jeppesen","organizationName":"GBIF","electronicMailAddress":"","phone":"","userId":"0000-0003-1691-239X","deliveryPoint":"Universitetsparken 15","city":"København Ø","administrativeArea":"","country":"DK"}]}'
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/dwc' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>'
The DWC processing status can be retrieved:
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/dwc-status' | jq .status
The status can be processing
or queued
, and when it is finished
you can move on to the next steps. Usually it will take a few seconds.
If the status is failed
, you will need to investigate what went wrong. The log file will be available at<DATASET_KEY>/log.txt
The dwc archive can be tested in the gbif-uat test environment.
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/register-in-gbif-uat' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' | jq .publishing.gbifUatDatasetKey
This will return a GBIF_UAT_DATASET_KEY
for the gif-uat environment. The dataset will be available at<GBIF_UAT_DATASET_KEY>
It is also possible to run a validation report, using the GBIF data-validator
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/data-validator' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' | jq .key
This will return a VALIDATION_KEY
from the gif data validator. The validation report will be accessible at<VALIDATION_KEY>
. You will receive an email when the validation has finished.
To publish the dataset to, your user account must be an admin within the tool, or the account must be paired with the organization. Once enabled you must provide a PUBLISHING_ORGANIZATION_KEY
curl '<DATASET_KEY>/register-in-gbif-prod?organizationKey=<PUBLISHING_ORGANIZATION_KEY>' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>' | jq .publishing.gbifProdDatasetKey
This will return a GBIF_PROD_DATASET_KEY
for The dataset will be published and available at<GBIF_PROD_DATASET_KEY>