This repository contains the source code of the examples presented throughout my thesis.
Dependency | Version | Reason |
Zélus | Required == 1.2.3 | Compile the examples to OCaml code |
OCaml | Required == 4.04.0 | Run the Zélus compiler and compile the examples |
XQuartz | Optional >= 2.7.9 | Required on MacOS to run the examples using OCaml Graphics |
There is one directory for each technical chapter of the thesis:
2- A Short Introduction to Zélus
3- Quasi-Periodic Architectures
4- The Quasi-Synchronous Abstraction
5- Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures
6- Symbolic Simulation
To build all the examples, install Zélus, then execute the following commands in the root directory.
It is also possible to use the Zélus compiler without installing it. In this case, you need to specify the path to the Zélus directory before building the examples:
./configure ZELUSROOT=~/Downloads/zelus-1.2.3-nosundials-byte
Alternatively there is an individual Makefile in each directory but you still need to generate the config file first.
A pdf version of all the publications can be found on my personal webpage:
Soundness of the Quasi-Synchronous Abstraction
with Timothy Bourke and Marc Pouzet.
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), Oct. 2016 -
Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures: Improvements and Comparisons
with Albert Benveniste and Timothy Bourke.
International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), Oct. 2015. -
Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures: Improvements and Comparisons
with Albert Benveniste and Timothy Bourke.
ACM Transaction on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol.15 N.4 Aug. 2016. -
A Unifying View of Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures
with Albert Benveniste, Anne Bouillard and Paul Caspi.
INRIA Research Report RR-8494, Mar. 2014