- Name : SSD1306_OLED_RPI
- Description :
- Library to support the I2C OLED Display Module driven by the SSD1306 controller for the Raspberry PI PICO rp2040
- Invert color, rotate, sleep, scroll and contrast control.
- 10 fonts included, fonts can easily be added or removed.
- Graphics class included.
- Bitmaps supported.
- Can support both I2C ports. IC20 or IC21 selected by user.
- Tested on 128X64 & 128X32 display size. Should work for 96X16 display size.
- Polymorphic print class included to print many data types.
Author: Gavin Lyons
Developed on Toolchain:
- Raspberry pi PICO RP2040
- SDK(1.4.0) C++20
- compiler G++ for arm-none-eabi((15:10.3-2021.07-4)
- CMAKE(VERSION 3.18) , VScode(1.84.2)
- Linux Mint 22.1
There are 9 example files included. User picks the one they want by editing the CMakeLists.txt :: add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} section. Comment in one path and one path only.
Filename | File Function | Screen Size |
HELLO | Basic use case | 128x64 |
HELLO_128_32 | Basic use case | 128x32 |
BITMAP | Shows use of bitmaps | 128x64 |
CLOCK_DEMO | A basic clock Demo | 128x64 |
FUNCTIONS | Test OLED functionality: scroll, rotate etc | 128x64 |
SPEED_TEST | Frame rate per second test | 128x64 |
TEXT | Tests Text & fonts | 128x64 |
GRAPHICS | Tests graphics | 128x64 |
I2C_TEST | I2C interface testing | 128x64 |
The API (application programming interface) documentation is at link hosted on github pages and generated by Doxygen software. Lots of information on the software.
Hardware I2C.
I2C Address is set by default to 0x3C(your module could be different, user can change argument passed into "OLEDbegin" method).
Can support both I2C ports. IC20 or IC21 selected by user.
I2C Clock rate can be a passed into in the "OLEDbegin" method as a argument in Kilo hertz.
Frame rate per second example file results | I2C clock rate KiloHetrz |
5 | 100 |
12 | 400 |
- The user must also specify the data and clk lines which are linked to the interface used
In all the examples the I2C is set up for :: Address 0x3C , Interface I2C1 , Clock speed 100Khz, Data pin GPIO 18, Clock pin GPIO 19 .
There are 10 fonts packaged with library. Fonts can be easily added or removed by user. All the Font data is in file SSD1306_OLED_font.cpp and SSD1306_OLED_font.hpp
Font data table:
num | Font pointer name | character size XxY | ASCII range | Size in bytes |
1 | pFontDefault | 6x8 | 0 - 0xFE, Full Extended | 1534 |
2 | pFontWide | 9x8 | 0x20 - 0x5A, NO lowercase letters | 535 |
3 | pFontPico | 4x6 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 289 |
4 | pFontSinclairS | 8x8 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 764 |
5 | pFontMega | 16x16 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 3044 |
6 | pFontArialBold | 16x16 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 3044 |
7 | pFontHallfetica | 16x16 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 3044 |
8 | pFontArialRound | 16x24 | 0x20 - 0x7E | 4564 |
9 | pFontGroTesk | 16x32 | 0x20 - 0x7A | 5828 |
10 | pFontSixteenSeg | 32x48 | 0x2D-0x3A , 0-10 : . / - only | 2692 |
Font size in bytes = ((X * (Y/8)) * numberOfCharacters) + (4*ControlByte)
Font class Function | Notes |
writeChar | draws single character |
writeCharString | draws character array |
Polymorphic print class which will print out many data types |
These methods return an error code in event of an error.
Remove a font
To remove an unwanted font from project simply comment out or delete.
- The Font data in SSD1306_OLED_font.cpp file
- The span to font at middle of SSD1306_OLED_font.cpp file
- The associated extern declaration in the SSD1306_OLED_font.hpp file
Adding a new font
- Add the Font data in SSD1306_OLED_font.cpp file
- Add a span to font at bottom of SSD1306_OLED_font.cpp file
- Add an associated extern declaration in the SSD1306_OLED_font.hpp file
The new ASCII font must have following font structure. First 4 bytes are control bytes followed by vertically addressed font data.
// An 4 by 8 character size font starting at
// ASCII offset 0x30 in ASCII table with 0x02 characters in font.
// 0 and 1
static const std::array<uint8_t, 12>FontBinaryExample[] =
0x04, 0x08, 0x30, 0x02, // x-size, y-size, offset, total characters
(data),(data),(data),(data) // font data '0'
(data),(data),(data),(data) // font data '1'
Some of the fonts packaged with library came from URL.
OLEDBitmap function will return an error code in event of an error. A horizontal addressed Bitmap's width MUST be divisible by 8. eg, for a bitmap with width=88 and height=48. Bitmap excepted size = (88/8) * 48 = 528 bytes.
Bitmaps can be turned to data here at link See example file "_BITMAP" for more details.