One e-Pass is provided per family, based on the address from their aadhar card. The family member who wants to go out to get essentials have to upload his/her aadhar card image to get the pass. The e-Pass is valid for 2 hours from the time of generation. Once the pass is approved, an Alarm is set for 2hours from the time of generation which helps the user to keep the track of time. The user receives a notification 5 minutes before the pass is going to expire. Once the pass is expired, the user gets a notification, stating the necessary precaution and steps that need to be followed after returning home.
Chatbot for queries and questions that we wanted to be answered qucikly.
The user is constantly reminded to drink water and wash their hands. A reminder is sent every 30 minutes which helps the user to maintain personal hygiene. The notifications are sent even if the app is closed or is in the background.
Users can view live data from all over the world in an interactive pictorial representation. Along with that, the user can have an interactive state-wise distribution for the cases in India.
The app gives the latest worldwide news. This feature allows the user to have a one-stop facility to get information about the pandemic.
The app provides the option to call the national helpline number with one click. It saves a lot of time which is otherwise wasted in searching for the helpline number.
The app answers a lot of general questions that help de-burden doctors and other help officials from un-necessary questions and queries.
Option to donate to PM Care Fund directly from the app.
Anmol, Gaurav Sethia and Harish