⚠️ This library is currently in Beta release. Expect changes.
You can easily install it using the command below :
⚠️ This library is not yet compatible with imports with script tag.
npm i dev-timer
NodeJS usage
const { Timer } = require("dev-timer");
Dev Timer can be imported as ES modules for browsers that support it. The specifics differ depending on the CDN, but here's a pattern for including the ES module where supported, and falling back to a UMD version for older browsers.
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
JS ( index.js )
import { Timer } from "https://unpkg.com/dev-timer@0.4.0/ES/Timer.js";
You can find the documentation here. To find more examples, please refer to examples folder or step by step examples.
const { Timer } = require('dev-timer');
// Create a new timer instance with a 15 seconds duration
const timer = new Timer(15000);
timer.start(); // Start the timer
// Add a callback to be called when the timer ends
timer.onEnd = ()=>{
console.log('Timer ended');
This project was mainly created by me... so... But I would like to thank Patafix who helped me to create this README.
But this project was only possible thanks to TypeScript, Javascript, npm and Github <3
Dev Timer's code is licenced under BSD-3 Clause Licence. You can find the licence file here too.