npm install chingari-livepeer
yarn install chingari-livepeer
Create Signature
Signs a message using the user's private key and return signature.
const signature = await chingariLivepeer.createSignature(privateKey: string, message: string)
Web3 Auth
Verify signature and authorize user
const isVerified = await chingariLivepeer.web3Auth(
publicKey: string,
signature: string,
message: string
Is Sufficient Balance
Checks if the user has minimum required balance by coinType
const isSufficientBalance = await chingariLivepeer.isSufficientBalance(
account: string,
minimumBalance: number,
extraArgs?: {coinType?: string},
Upload video asset with URL
const response = await uploadAssetWithURL(
API_TOKEN: string, EXTERNAL_URL: string, Name: string
Fetch asset info
const response = await fetchAssetInfo(
API_TOKEN: string, assetId: string
Check Asset Ready
const response = await checkAssetReady(
API_TOKEN: string, assetId: string
Upload video on Livepeer
const response = await uploadOnIPFS(
API_TOKEN: string, assetId: string
Create NFT using Livepeer and Aptos
const response = await createNFT(
issuerPK: string, metadataURI: string