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Chinmay Wyawahare edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 4 revisions


Autoencoders are neural networks composed of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder compresses the input data into a lower-dimensional representation. The decoder reconstructs the representation to obtain an output that mimics the input as closely as possible. In doing so, the autoencoder learns the most salient features of the input data.

Autoencoders are closely related to principal component analysis (PCA). In fact, if the activation function used within the autoencoder is linear within each layer, the latent variables present at the bottleneck (the smallest layer in the network, aka. code) directly correspond to the principal components from PCA. Generally, the activation function used in autoencoders is non-linear, typical activation functions are ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) and sigmoid.

Hyperparameter Tuning:

An autoencoder consists of 3 components: encoder, code and decoder. The encoder compresses the input and produces the code, the decoder then reconstructs the input only using this code.

There are 4 hyperparameters that we need to set before training an autoencoder:

Code size: Number of nodes in the middle layer. Smaller size results in more compression.

Number of layers: The autoencoder can be as deep as we like. In the figure above we have 2 layers in both the encoder and decoder, without considering the input and output.

Number of nodes per layer: The autoencoder architecture we’re working on is called a stacked autoencoder since the layers are stacked one after another. Usually stacked autoencoders look like a “sandwich”. The number of nodes per layer decreases with each subsequent layer of the encoder, and increases back in the decoder. Also the decoder is symmetric to the encoder in terms of layer structure. As noted above this is not necessary and we have total control over these parameters.

Loss function: We either use mean squared error (mse) or binary crossentropy. If the input values are in the range [0, 1] then we typically use crossentropy, otherwise we use the mean squared error. For more details check out this video.


Autoencoder architecture

The network is composed of 5 convolutional layers to extract meaningful features from images. To execute a convolution, a convolutional kernel slides over the input. At each location, matrix multiplication is performed between the kernel and the overlapping region of the input, to produce the feature map passed to the next layer. The values of the kernel matrix are learned during training, using backpropagation with gradient descent. These layers are well-suited to image inputs as they successfully capture spatial dependencies.

In the first four convolutions, we use 64 kernels. Each kernel has different weights, perform different convolutions on the input layer, and produce a different feature map. Each output of the convolution, therefore, is composed of 64 channels. Thus, in the first convolution, each kernel has dimension 3x3x1, while in the next ones, the kernels are of dimension 3x3x64 in order to convolve every channel. The last convolution uses a single 3x3x64 kernel to give the single-channel output. During convolutions, we use same padding. We pad with zeros around the input matrix, to preserve the same image dimensions after convolution.

To contain non-linearity in our model, the result of the convolution is passed through Leaky ReLU activation function.

The encoder uses max-pooling for compression. A sliding filter runs over the input image, to construct a smaller image where each pixel is the max of a region represented by the filter in the original image. The decoder uses up-sampling to restore the image to its original dimensions, by simply repeating the rows and columns of the layer input before feeding it to a convolutional layer.

Batch normalization layers are included to improve the speed, performance, and stability of the model. We normalize values from the previous layer by subtracting the batch mean and dividing by the batch standard deviation. Batch normalization reduces covariance shift, that is the difference in the distribution of the activations between layers, and allows each layer of the model to learn more independently of other layers.

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