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mongolab-data-api Build Status npm version Known Vulnerabilities

mongolab-data-api is a node.js module designed to allow you to access mLab's Data API with minimal overhead.

I designed mongolab-data-api so the only documentation you need, in addition to the Data API specification, is how to install node, how to install the module, and how to make a call.


Using npm:

$ npm install --save mongolab-data-api

If you don't have or don't want to use npm:

$ cd ~/.node_modules
$ git clone git://


To require the library and initialize it with your account API key:

var mLab = require('mongolab-data-api')('<Your Api Key Here>');


List databases

mLab.listDatabases(function (err, data) {
    if (err) { console.log(err); }
    else {
        console.log(data); // => [db1, db2, db3, ...]

List collections

mLab.listCollections('exampledb', function (err, collections) {
  console.log(collections); // => [coll1, coll2, ...]

List documents

var options = {
  database: 'exampledb',
  collectionName: 'examples',
  query: '{ "key": "value" }'

mLab.listDocuments(options, function (err, data) {
  console.log(data); //=> [ { _id: 1234, ...  } ]



Get the databases linked to the authenticated account



Get the collections in the specified database

.listCollections(database, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes


Get the documents in the specified collection

.listDocuments(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
query restrict results by the specified JSON query String No
resultCount return the result count for this query Boolean No
setOfFields specify the set of fields to include or exclude in each document (1 - include; 0 - exclude) Object No
findOne return a single document from the result set (same as findOne() using the mongo shell) Boolean No
sortOrder specify the order in which to sort each specified field (1- ascending; -1 - descending) String No
skipResults number of documents to skip Number No
limit number of documents to return Number No


Create a new document in the specified collection

.insertDocuments(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
documents a document or array of documents to be inserted Object/Array Yes


Update one or more documents in the specified collection

.updateDocuments(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
data replacement document or update modifiers Object Yes
query only update document(s) matching the specified JSON query String No
allDocuments update all documents collection or query (if specified). By default only one document is modified Boolean No
upsert insert the document defined in the request body if none match the specified query Boolean No


Replace the contents of some or all documents of a collection

.deleteDocuments(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
query only replace the document(s) matching the specified JSON query String No


View a single document

.viewDocument(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
id the document's id - Yes


Update a single document

.updateDocument(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
id the document's id - Yes
updateObject object sent as replacement Object Yes


Delete a single document

.deleteDocument(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
collectionName MongoDB collection name String Yes
id the document's id - Yes


Run a MongoDB database command

.runCommand(options, callback)


Name Description Type Required
database MongoDB database name String Yes
commands MongoDB database command Object Yes


  • Creating a new collection
    • As soon as you POST your first document you should see the collection appear
  • runCommands
    • Only certain MongoDB commands are exposed through the Data API
    • The available commands are:
      • getLastError
      • getPrevError
      • ping
      • profile
      • repairDatabase
      • resetError
      • whatsmyuri
      • convertToCapped
      • distinct
      • findAndModify
      • geoNear
      • reIndex
      • collStats
      • dbStats


  • mLab account w/API key.
  • node.js v4.2.6+ (4.2.6 is the version I used to develop this module. I'm unsure if it will work with previous ones. If you run a previous version, and it works, let me know and I'll update this)
  • xmlhttprequest 1.8.0+


mLab databases can be accessed by your application code in two ways.

The first method - the one we strongly recommend - is to connect using one of the MongoDB drivers (as described above). You do not need to use our API if you use the driver. In fact, using a driver provides better performance, better security, and more functionality.

The second method is to connect via mLab’s RESTful Data API. Use this method only if you cannot connect using a MongoDB driver.

Visit mLab's official documentation if you have any security concerns about using the Data API


If you run into problems, have questions, or whatever else you can open an issue on this repository, or tweet me @gmontalvoriv. If you'd like to submit a patch, shoot me a pull request. I'd like to keep this module simple, so if you want to add all kinds of crazy functionality - you might want to fork. When in doubt, send a pull request - the worst that can happen is that I won't merge it.


mlab-cli: A command-line power tool for mLab (PKA MongoLab)


MIT © Gabriel Montalvo