The distribution is a .zip file that includes the executable file, database file in .\Data folder and demo images under .\Images
Since the program is based on a fairly new version of .Net Core, that possibly is not installed in user's computer, the executable file contains all the .Net Core files that the program needs. That is the reason why the program executable is such big.
User interface has grown from zero adding the function needed, probably is bulky in many aspects. Feel free to propose improvements that I will probably NOT implement, or, better to produce pull requests that I could integrate.
Many functions are "hidden" behind a double click, so double click here an there to discover them :-)
Program is far to be mature, so please signal every malfunctions or improvement you think of.
The demo database is automatically configured during the first start. This is accomplished by writing a text file into the folder Schoolgrades\Configuration, into user's home directory.
Demo data is generated randomically by the program itself (see DbAndBusiness class, CreateDemoDatabase Method) .