This is a program to simplify dividing an Ocado shop bill between flatmates. The program parses the shop text to extract individual purchases, you assign each purchase and the program calculates how much each flatmate owes for their part of the shop. Everything is saved in a database so you can go back to it later.
The libraries necessary to run this program are in requirements.txt
git clone
Sandman can act as an API client for the database. It's an easy way to carry out admin stuff (like deleting flatmates) and features that I haven't yet added to the program. Sandman is however not necessary to run the program.
pip install sandman
sandmanctl sqlite:///<path to the database>
You can interact with the program through:
- a command-line interface:
python3 <filepath to shop receipt file>
- a graphical interface which works by running a local server on your computer:
- directly interacting with the database by sending GET and POST requests to the API, or using Sandman's GUI.
date assignments
give percentages to assignments
record who makes assignments (would require to have users) (?)
figure out different way of displaying people's names for when assigning delivery
have a page for a flatmate
find most important word in purchase (eg. 'Milk' in 'Full Cream Milk 2 Pints essential Waitrose')
Mail API to fetch shop receipt email automatically
Makes guesses on whose item it is based on previous shop assignments
See TODOs ...