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Spectralis is a new method for de novo peptide sequencing that builds upon a new modeling task, bin reclassification. Bin reclassification assigns ion series to discretized m/z values even in the absence of a peak based on amino acid-gapped convolutional layers.

Spectralis allows the rescoring of any peptide-spectrum match (PSM, Spectralis-score), which can be used as a post-processing step of any existing de novo sequencing tool or to combine results from multiple de novo sequencing tools. Furthermore, Spectralis allows the fine-tuning of peptide-spectrum matches in an evolutionary algorithm (Spectralis-EA).

For more information see:

  • Klaproth-Andrade, D., Hingerl, J., Bruns, Y. et al. Deep learning-driven fragment ion series classification enables highly precise and sensitive de novo peptide sequencing. Nat Commun 15, 151 (2024).



Spectralis was trained and tested using Python 3.7 on a Linux system with a GPU. The list of required packages for running Spectralis can be found in the file requirements.txt.

Using pip and conda environments

We recommend to install and run Spectralis on a dedicated conda environment. To create and activate the conda environment run the following commands:

conda create --name spectralis_env python=3.7
conda activate spectralis_env

More information on conda environments can be found in Conda's user guide.

Spectralis requires a PyTorch installation, as indicated in the requirements file requirements.txt. However, for running Spectralis with a GPU, we recommend to install PyTorch manually to ensure compatibility between the installation and the user's GPU. For this, check PyTorch's installation guide.

To install Spectralis run the following command inside the root directory:

pip install .

Getting started

Trained models and example files can be found in the following Zenodo repository: zenodo.8393846.


First, create a new configuration file or use the existing file stored in spectralis_config.yamlwhich contains the following features and settings:

  • prosit_ce: collision energy to be used for collecting Prosit predictions
  • binreclass_model_path: path to the bin reclassification model
  • num_cores: number of cores to run Spectralis. Set to -1 to use all available cores.

Settings needed only for Spectralis-score and Spectralis-EA:

  • scorer_path: path to the model for Spectralis-score
  • max_delta_ppm: maximal delta difference in ppm to match theoretical to experimental peaks
  • min_intensity: minimal peak intensity
  • change_prob_thresholds: probability thresholds to construct numerical features for the scorer from the bin reclassification model.

Settings needed only for Spectralis-EA:

  • POPULATION_SIZE: number of individuals in each generation.
  • ELITE_RATIO: ratio of individuals in a generations that will be considered as elite individuals and passed directly to the next generation.
  • NUM_GEN: number of generations for the evolutionary algorithm.
  • TEMPERATURE: temperature constant to compute selection probabilities.
  • MIN_SCORE: minimal score of input sequences to be fine-tuned. If input sequence has a lower score than MIN_SCORE, the initial sequence is returned after Spectralis-EA.
  • MAX_SCORE: maximal score of input sequences to be fine-tuned. If input sequence has a higher score than MAX_SCORE, the initial sequence is returned after Spectralis-EA.
  • bin_prob_threshold: Minimal probability threshold required for a predicted bin to be considered in the spectrum graph algorithm.
  • input_bin_weight: Input weight for bins corresponding to initial sequence.

The following setting should be changed only when training a bin reclassification model from scratch. Leave the settings unchanged when using the model from the Zenodo repository.

  • BATCH_SIZE: GPU batch size
  • BIN_RESOLUTION: bin resolution
  • MAX_MZ_BIN: maximal m/z value to be considered in the model
  • N_CHANNELS: number of channels in each layer
  • N_CONVS: number of AA-gapped convolutional layers
  • DROPOUT: dropout probability
  • KERNEL_SIZE: kernel size
  • BATCH_NORM: indicates whether batch normalization should be applied in each layer
  • ION_TYPES: list of ion types (e.g. b, y) to be considered by the model
  • ION_CHARGES: list of ion charges (e.g. singly-charged only) to be considered by the model.
  • ADD_INPUT_TO_END: indicates whether a skip connection from the input layer to the final layer should be added.
  • add_intensity_diff: indicates whether an input channel with the intensity differences between theoretical and experimental spectra should be added
  • add_precursor_range: indicates whether a boolean input channel with the precursor m/z range should be added
  • log_transform: indicates whether the input intensities should be log-transformed
  • sqrt_transform: indicates whether the input intensities should be square root-transformed
  • focal_loss: indicates whether focal loss should be should as the loss function. Otherwise BCE loss will be used.
  • learning_rate: learning rate for training
  • n_epochs: number of maximal epochs for training

Input files

  • For running Spectralis-score or Spectralis-EA, a .csv or .mgf file serves as input.
  • The input file should contain the experimental spectra, precursor charge and m/z, spectrum identifiers, as well as the initial peptide sequence to score or fine-tune.
  • An example of an input file can be found in example_mgf/example.mgf.

Running Spectralis

Spectralis can be run either from the command line or in a Python script.

Running Spectralis from the command line

Start by testing the Spectralis installation with:

spectralis --help


To obtain Spectralis-scores for PSMs in an .mgf file, run the following command selecting the rescoring mode (--mode=rescoring) :

spectralis --mode="rescoring" --input_path="example_mgf/example.mgf" --output_path="output_spectralis_rescoring.csv" --config="spectralis_config.yaml"

The computed scores from the input file (--input_path="<file_name>.mgf") will be stored in the specified output file (--output_path=""<file_name>.csv"). If a configuration file is not specified, the default file spectralis_config.yaml will be used.


Similarly, to fine-tune initial PSMs with Spectralis-EA from an .mgf file, run the following command selecting the fine-tuning mode (--mode=ea):

spectralis --mode="ea" --input_path="example_mgf/example.mgf" --output_path="output_spectralis_ea.csv" --config="spectralis_config.yaml"

The fine-tuned sequences together with Spectralis-scores will be stored in the specified output file (--output_path=""<file_name>.csv").

Bin reclassification

To get predictions from the bin reclassification mode given an input .mgf file, run the following command selecting the bin reclassification mode (--mode="bin_reclassification"):

spectralis --config="spectralis_config.yaml" --mode="bin_reclassification" --input_path="example_mgf/example.mgf" --output_path="output_binreclass.hdf5"

This stores bin probabilities for singly-charged b and y ions with the corresponding m/z bins above the bin probability threshold, as well as the predicted changes and m/z bins for the input sequences in the specified .hdf5 file.

Running Spectralis in a Python script

Start running Spectralis by importing the package and creating a Spectralis object which takes as input the configuration file:

from spectralis.spectralis_master import Spectralis
spectralis = Spectralis(config_path="spectralis_config.yaml")


To obtain Spectralis-scores for PSMs in an .mgf file, run the following command:

spectralis.rescoring_from_mgf(mgf_path="example_mgf/example.mgf", out_path="spectralis_example_out.csv")

The function returns a data frame with Spectralis-scores and spectrum identifiers. The scores can be also stored in an output file specified in the out_path argument of the function.


To fine-tune initial PSMs with Spectralis-EA from an .mgf file, run the following command:

spectralis.evo_algorithm_from_mgf(mgf_path="example_mgf/example.mgf", output_path="spectralis-ea_example_out.csv")

The function returns a data frame with the Spectralis-scores for initial and fine-tuned sequences for each spectrum identifier.

Bin reclassification

Similarly, to get predictions from the bin reclassification mode given an input .mgf file, run the following command:

binreclass_out = spectralis.bin_reclassification_from_mgf(mgf_path="example_mgf/example.mgf", out_path="output_binreclass.hdf5")
y_probs, y_mz, b_probs, b_mz, y_changes, y_mz_inputs, b_mz_inputs = binreclass_out

The function returns bin probabilities for singly-charged b and y ions with the corresponding m/z bins above the bin probability threshold, as well as the predicted changes and m/z bins for the input sequences.

Retraining models

With Spectralis, you can train a random forest model regressor or an XGBoost model to estimate the Levenshtein distance of an input to the correct peptide from scratch. For this, you can use the following function:

spectralis.train_scorer_from_csvs(train_paths,          # path containing training data stored in csv file
                                  # Column names in csv path containing peptide, precursor charge and m/z, 
                                  #     experimental spectra and levenshtein distances
                                  peptide_col, precursor_z_col, exp_mzs_col, exp_ints_col, precursor_mz_col, target_col,
                                  original_score_col,   # column in csv file indicating original scores from denovo seq tool. Default: None
                                  model_type            # "xgboost" or "rf" 
                                  model_out_path,       # path to store trained model
                                  features_out_dir,     # directory to store feature files
                                  csv_paths_eval        # path to evaluation data


If you use Spectralis, please cite the following:

  • Klaproth-Andrade, D., Hingerl, J., Bruns, Y. et al. Deep learning-driven fragment ion series classification enables highly precise and sensitive de novo peptide sequencing. Nat Commun 15, 151 (2024).


  • Gessulat S, Schmidt T, Zolg DP, Samaras P, Schnatbaum K, Zerweck J, Knaute T, Rechenberger J, Delanghe B, Huhmer A, Reimer U, Ehrlich HC, Aiche S, Kuster B, Wilhelm M: “PROSIT: Proteome-wide prediction of peptide tandem mass spectra by deep learning”. Nature Methods. 2019; 16(6):509-518. doi: 10.1038/s41592-019-0426-7.