Tool to convert application installation files to .intunewin format.
In this example, we are converting the installation of 7-Zip (7z2407-x64.exe) to the .intunewin file.
1. Download the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe file and save it in any folder.
2. Select the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe file, the location where the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe file was saved.
3. Select a folder. All the files in this folder will be compressed into a .intunewin file.
4. Select the installation file.
5. Select the location where the .intunewin file will be created.
6. After selecting all fields, click on execute to start the conversion.
7. Clear all fields. (Optional)
8. Access the link to Gabriel Luiz's Blog. (Optional)
For a better understanding of how to execute this application, visit the article link:
Credits - Gabriel Luiz - and