- Step 1: Download Data
- Step 2: Put the images in the APP
- Step 3: Click it Predict
- Blood Cells Cancer analyzed via CNN
- 1. Problem Statement
- 2. Data Description
- 3. EDA
- 4. Modelling Evaluation
- 5. Results
The definitive diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), as a highly prevalent cancer, requires invasive, expensive, and time-consuming diagnostic tests. ALL diagnosis using peripheral blood smear (PBS) images plays a vital role in the initial screening of cancer from non-cancer cases. Thus , our aim is to use two different deep learning architectures, CNN, in order to classiify correctly all stages of cancer.
Classify correctly the 4 classes of stages of cancer, where one of them is benign and the others three are Malignant
Data is obtained from kaggle.
- Number of instances - 3242
- Number of classes - 4
- filepath: filepath of images
- label : classification of 4 types of cells cancer
- Algorithms used
- AlexNet
- VGG16
- Metrics used: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score