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- C02 Emission count prediction using Bayesian Model
- 1. Problem Statement
- 2. Data Description
- 3. EDA
- 4. Modelling Evaluation
- 5. Results
This dataset captures the details of how CO2 emissions by a vehicle can vary with the different features. The dataset has been taken from Canada Government official open data website.This contains data over a period of 7 years. Thus, using Bayesian model to predict the count of C02 emission could be useful in solve this dangerous problem
Predicting the count of C02 emission given some qualitative and quantitative attribute.
Data is obtained from Kaggle
Number of instances - 7385
Number of attributes - 12
- make
- model
- vehicle_class
- engine_size_l
- cylinders
- transmission
- fuel_type
- fuel_consumption_city_l_100_km
- fuel_consumption_hwy_l_100_km
- fuel_consumption_comb_l_100_km
- fuel_consumption_comb_mpg
- co2_emissions_g_km
- co2_emissions_g_km
- Algorithms used
- Bayesian Linear Regression (1 Approach)
- Bayesian Linear Regression (2 Approach
- Bayesian Poisson Regression
- Bayesian Poisson Overdispersion Regression
- Bayesian Hierarchical Poisson model
- Metrics: RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error)