diff --git a/jest/setupFiles.js b/jest/setupFiles.js
index be21625..2ce3f26 100644
--- a/jest/setupFiles.js
+++ b/jest/setupFiles.js
@@ -70,10 +70,25 @@ jest.mock("react-native-base64", () => ({
encode: jest.fn(),
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/Feather", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign", () => "Icon");
-jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/Entypo", () => "Icon");
+ "react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons",
+ () => "MaterialCommunityIcons Icon"
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5", () => "FontAwesome5 Icon");
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome", () => "FontAwesome Icon");
+ "react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons",
+ () => "MaterialIcons Icon"
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/Feather", () => "Feather Icon");
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign", () => "AntDesign Icon");
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/Entypo", () => "Entypo Icon");
+jest.mock("react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons", () => "Ionicons Icon");
+jest.mock("react-native-network-info", () => ({
+ NetworkInfo: {
+ getIPV4Address: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(""),
+ getGatewayIPAddress: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(""),
+ getSubnet: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(""),
+ },
diff --git a/src/pages/Informations/__tests__/Informations.test.tsx b/src/pages/Informations/__tests__/Informations.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cefa1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/Informations/__tests__/Informations.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import GeneralInfoPage from "..";
+describe("Informations", () => {
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText(/Informações Gerais/i);
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should show contributors", () => {
+ render();
+ const contributors = screen.getByText(/Contribuidores/i);
+ expect(contributors).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ describe("Links buttons", () => {
+ it("should show and open github link", () => {
+ render();
+ const githubButton = screen.getByText(/Ir para o repositório github/i);
+ expect(githubButton).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(githubButton);
+ });
+ it("should show and open buy me a coffee link", () => {
+ render();
+ const coffeeButton = screen.getByText(/Buy me a coffee/i);
+ expect(coffeeButton).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(coffeeButton);
+ });
+ it("should show and open Privacy Policy link", () => {
+ render();
+ const privacyPolicyButton = screen.getByText(/Políticas de Privacidade/i);
+ expect(privacyPolicyButton).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(privacyPolicyButton);
+ });
+ it("should show and open Terms of Use link", () => {
+ render();
+ const termsButton = screen.getByText(/Termos de Uso/i);
+ expect(termsButton).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(termsButton);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/MyNetwork/__tests__/MyNetwork.test.tsx b/src/pages/MyNetwork/__tests__/MyNetwork.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9e6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/MyNetwork/__tests__/MyNetwork.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
+import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import axios from "axios";
+import MyNetwork from "..";
+describe("MyNetwork", () => {
+ it("should render correctly", async () => {
+ jest
+ .spyOn(axios, "get")
+ .mockResolvedValue({ data: { ip: "" } });
+ render(
+ );
+ const title = await screen.findByText(/Informações de Rede/i);
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should copy especific text to clipboard", async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ const buttons = await screen.findAllByLabelText(/buttonCopy/i);
+ expect(buttons).toHaveLength(4);
+ buttons.forEach((button) => {
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ });
+ });
+ it("should show error message when get external ip fails", async () => {
+ jest.spyOn(axios, "get").mockResolvedValue({ data: undefined });
+ render(
+ );
+ const error = await screen.findByText(
+ /Houve um problema não identificado na solicitação, tente novamente mais tarde/i
+ );
+ expect(error).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should console.error when get external ip fails", async () => {
+ const consoleErrorSpy = jest
+ .spyOn(console, "error")
+ .mockImplementation(() => {});
+ jest.spyOn(axios, "get").mockRejectedValue(new Error("error"));
+ render(
+ );
+ await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
+ consoleErrorSpy.mockRestore();
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/MyNetwork/index.tsx b/src/pages/MyNetwork/index.tsx
index 8167ccf..ac3cff0 100644
--- a/src/pages/MyNetwork/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/MyNetwork/index.tsx
@@ -52,15 +52,6 @@ const MyNetwork = () => {
- /**
- * if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
- const airplane = false;
- setAirplaneMode(airplane);
- } else {
- setAirplaneMode(null);
- }
- */
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
@@ -86,6 +77,7 @@ const MyNetwork = () => {
{geteway || t("Carregando...")}
copyToClipboard(geteway ? geteway : t(""))
@@ -104,6 +96,7 @@ const MyNetwork = () => {
{ipAddress || t("Carregando...")}
copyToClipboard(ipAddress ? ipAddress : t(""))
@@ -122,6 +115,7 @@ const MyNetwork = () => {
{subnet || t("Carregando...")}
copyToClipboard(subnet ? subnet : t(""))
@@ -140,6 +134,7 @@ const MyNetwork = () => {
{ipAddressExternal || t("Carregando...")}
ipAddressExternal ? ipAddressExternal : t("")
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/Cnpj/index.tsx b/src/pages/generators/Cnpj/index.tsx
index f61538e..bdd78ba 100644
--- a/src/pages/generators/Cnpj/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/generators/Cnpj/index.tsx
@@ -29,20 +29,19 @@ export default function CnpjGeneratorPage() {
const [cnpjWithPeriod, setCnpjWithPeriod] = useState(false);
const formatCnpj = (Cnpj: string) => {
- if (Cnpj && Cnpj.length === 14) {
- return `${Cnpj.slice(0, 2)}.${Cnpj.slice(2, 5)}.${Cnpj.slice(
- 5,
- 8
- )}/${Cnpj.slice(8, 12)}-${Cnpj.slice(12)}`;
- }
- return Cnpj;
+ return `${Cnpj.slice(0, 2)}.${Cnpj.slice(2, 5)}.${Cnpj.slice(
+ 5,
+ 8
+ )}/${Cnpj.slice(8, 12)}-${Cnpj.slice(12)}`;
const generateRandomCnpj = () => {
let randomCnpj: string;
do {
randomCnpj = generateRandomDigits();
} while (!cnpjIsValid(randomCnpj).isValid);
if (cnpjWithPeriod) {
} else {
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ export default function CnpjGeneratorPage() {
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/Cpf/__tests__/Cpf.test.tsx b/src/pages/generators/Cpf/__tests__/Cpf.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9a12bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/generators/Cpf/__tests__/Cpf.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
+import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import CpfGeneratorPage from "..";
+describe("Cpf Generator", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ AsyncStorage.clear();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.resetAllMocks();
+ });
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText("Gerador de CPF");
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should generate a random CPF without punctuation", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("Clique no botão abaixo");
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar CPF");
+ expect(button).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ expect(input.props.value).toMatch(/^\d{11}$/);
+ });
+ it("should change checkbox value", async () => {
+ render();
+ const checkbox = screen.getByRole("checkbox");
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", true);
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(true);
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", false);
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it("should generate a random CPF with punctuation", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("Clique no botão abaixo");
+ const checkbox = screen.getByRole("checkbox");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar CPF");
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", true);
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ expect(input.props.value).toMatch(/^\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}-\d{2}$/);
+ });
+ it("should copy generated CPF to clipboard", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar CPF");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should not copy if there is no generated CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should load checkbox value from AsyncStorage", async () => {
+ (AsyncStorage.getItem as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce("true");
+ render();
+ const checkbox = await screen.findByRole("checkbox");
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(true);
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/Cpf/index.tsx b/src/pages/generators/Cpf/index.tsx
index 3dfe56b..e307797 100644
--- a/src/pages/generators/Cpf/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/generators/Cpf/index.tsx
@@ -28,13 +28,10 @@ export default function CpfGeneratorPage() {
const [cpfWithPeriod, setCpfWithPeriod] = useState(false);
const formatCpf = (cpf: string) => {
- if (cpf && cpf.length === 11) {
- return `${cpf.slice(0, 3)}.${cpf.slice(3, 6)}.${cpf.slice(
- 6,
- 9
- )}-${cpf.slice(9)}`;
- }
- return cpf;
+ return `${cpf.slice(0, 3)}.${cpf.slice(3, 6)}.${cpf.slice(
+ 6,
+ 9
+ )}-${cpf.slice(9)}`;
const generateRandomCpf = () => {
@@ -103,7 +100,7 @@ export default function CpfGeneratorPage() {
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/__tests__/CreditCard.test.tsx b/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/__tests__/CreditCard.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e23558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/__tests__/CreditCard.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
+import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import CreditCardPage from "..";
+describe("CreditCard Genarator", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ AsyncStorage.clear();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.resetAllMocks();
+ });
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText(/Gerador de Cartão de Crédito/i);
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should generate a random CreditCard without punctuation", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("Clique no botão abaixo");
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar Cartão de crédito");
+ expect(button).toBeDefined();
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ expect(input.props.value).toMatch(/^\d{16}$/);
+ });
+ it("should change checkbox value", async () => {
+ render();
+ const checkbox = screen.getByRole("checkbox");
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", true);
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(true);
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", false);
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it("should generate a random CreditCard with punctuation", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("Clique no botão abaixo");
+ const checkbox = screen.getByRole("checkbox");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar Cartão de crédito");
+ fireEvent(checkbox, "onValueChange", true);
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ expect(input.props.value).toMatch(/^\d{4} \d{4} \d{4} \d{4}$/);
+ });
+ it("should copy generated CreditCard to clipboard", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Gerar Cartão de crédito");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should not copy if there is no generated CreditCard", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should load checkbox value from AsyncStorage", async () => {
+ (AsyncStorage.getItem as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce("true");
+ render();
+ const checkbox = await screen.findByRole("checkbox");
+ expect(checkbox.props.accessibilityState.checked).toBe(true);
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/index.tsx b/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/index.tsx
index 67d6903..01088ad 100644
--- a/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/generators/CreditCard/index.tsx
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export default function CreditCardGeneratorPage() {
diff --git a/src/pages/generators/PasswordGen/__tests__/PasswordGen.test.tsx b/src/pages/generators/PasswordGen/__tests__/PasswordGen.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41c76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/generators/PasswordGen/__tests__/PasswordGen.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+describe("Password Generator", () => {
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ expect(true).toBe(true);
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/__tests__/Cnpj.test.tsx b/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/__tests__/Cnpj.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d6317c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/__tests__/Cnpj.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import Clipboard from "@react-native-clipboard/clipboard";
+import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import CnpjValidatorPage from "..";
+describe("Cnpj Validator", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.resetAllMocks();
+ });
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText("Validador de CNPJ");
+ const resultView = screen.queryByTestId("resultView");
+ expect(resultView).toBeNull();
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should validate a valid CNPJ", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("48.955.245/0001-01");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Validar CNPJ");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("CNPJ Válido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should invalidate an invalid CNPJ", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("48.955.245/0001-01");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Validar CNPJ");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "48.955.245/0001-01");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("CNPJ Inválido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should paste a CNPJ", async () => {
+ jest.spyOn(Clipboard, "getString").mockResolvedValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ render();
+ const buttonPaste = screen.getByTestId("buttonPaste");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonPaste);
+ const input = await screen.findByDisplayValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should copy a CNPJ", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("48.955.245/0001-01");
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should not copy if there is no CNPJ", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should clean a CNPJ", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("48.955.245/0001-01");
+ const buttonClean = screen.getByTestId("buttonClean");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonClean);
+ const emptyInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue("");
+ expect(emptyInput).toBeDefined();
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/index.tsx b/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/index.tsx
index 179caef..162e60c 100644
--- a/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/validators/Cnpj/index.tsx
@@ -69,18 +69,21 @@ export default function CnpjValidatorPage() {
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ export default function CnpjValidatorPage() {
{cnpjIsValidResult !== undefined && (
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.resetAllMocks();
+ });
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText("Validador de CPF");
+ const resultView = screen.queryByTestId("resultView");
+ expect(resultView).toBeNull();
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should validate a valid CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("123.456.789-09");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Validar CPF");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "123.456.789-09");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("CPF Válido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should invalidate an invalid CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("123.456.789-09");
+ const button = screen.getByText("Validar CPF");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "123.456.789-08");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("CPF Inválido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should paste a CPF", async () => {
+ jest.spyOn(Clipboard, "getString").mockResolvedValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ render();
+ const buttonPaste = screen.getByTestId("buttonPaste");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonPaste);
+ const input = await screen.findByDisplayValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should copy a CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("123.456.789-09");
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should not copy if there is no CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should clean a CPF", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("123.456.789-09");
+ const buttonClean = screen.getByTestId("buttonClean");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonClean);
+ const emptyInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue("");
+ expect(emptyInput).toBeDefined();
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/validators/Cpf/index.tsx b/src/pages/validators/Cpf/index.tsx
index 91397c8..85725af 100644
--- a/src/pages/validators/Cpf/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/validators/Cpf/index.tsx
@@ -68,18 +68,21 @@ export default function CpfValidatorPage() {
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ export default function CpfValidatorPage() {
{cpfIsValidResult !== undefined && (
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.resetAllMocks();
+ });
+ it("should render correctly", () => {
+ render();
+ const title = screen.getByText(/Validador de Cartão de Crédito/i);
+ const resultView = screen.queryByTestId("resultView");
+ expect(resultView).toBeNull();
+ expect(title).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should validate a valid CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("5545 9874 2450 4172");
+ const button = screen.getByText(/Validar Cartão de Crédito/i);
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "5545 9874 2450 4172");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("Cartão de crédito Válido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should invalidate an invalid CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("5545 9874 2450 4172");
+ const button = screen.getByText(/Validar Cartão de crédito/i);
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "123.456.789-08");
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("Cartão de crédito Inválido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should invalidate if input is empty", async () => {
+ render();
+ const button = screen.getByText(/Validar Cartão de crédito/i);
+ fireEvent.press(button);
+ const resultView = await screen.findByText("Cartão de crédito Inválido");
+ expect(resultView).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should paste a CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ jest.spyOn(Clipboard, "getString").mockResolvedValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ render();
+ const buttonPaste = screen.getByTestId("buttonPaste");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonPaste);
+ const input = await screen.findByDisplayValue("30.187.097/3277-49");
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should copy a CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("5545 9874 2450 4172");
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should not copy if there is no CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ render();
+ const buttonCopy = screen.getByTestId("buttonCopy");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonCopy);
+ });
+ it("should clean a CREDIT CARD", async () => {
+ render();
+ const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("5545 9874 2450 4172");
+ const buttonClean = screen.getByTestId("buttonClean");
+ fireEvent.changeText(input, "30.187.097/3277-49");
+ fireEvent.press(buttonClean);
+ const emptyInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue("");
+ expect(emptyInput).toBeDefined();
+ });
diff --git a/src/pages/validators/CreditCard/index.tsx b/src/pages/validators/CreditCard/index.tsx
index d596000..6e8b7d4 100644
--- a/src/pages/validators/CreditCard/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/validators/CreditCard/index.tsx
@@ -78,18 +78,21 @@ export default function CreditCardValidatorPage() {
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ export default function CreditCardValidatorPage() {
{creditCardIsValidResult !== undefined && (