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MyBatis Component Bean


Simplifies the use of MyBatis with Component Bean

The overlay allows:

  • Simply insert, update and delete a component bean
  • Simplify the findById of a component bean
  • 0 writing a ResultMap for component bean
  • lazy loading of component bean
  • Managing a legacy cache for component beans
  • Management of multi-lingual on multiple fields in component bean
  • Complex request generation, Rsql format, sorting and pagination (extension Rsql)
  • Use MyBatis normally, add ResultMap, Mapper, Cache, it's just a extension


@Entity(name = "T_COUNTRY")
public interface ICountry extends IComponent {

    @Column(name = "ID")
    String getId();
    void setId(String id);

    @Column(name = "VERSION")
    int getVersion();
    void setVersion(int version);

    @Column(name = "CODE")
    String getCode();
    void setCode(String code);

    @NlsColumn(name = "NAME")
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

    @Column(name = "CONTINENT_ID")
    IId getContinentId();
    void setContinentId(IId continentId);

    @Association(propertySource = CountryFields.continentId)
    IContinent getContinent();
    void setContinent(IContinent continent);

    @Collection(propertyTarget = StateFields.countryId, orderBy = @OrderBy(StateFields.code)
    List<IState> getStates();
    void setStates(List<IState> states);



To use it, add the dependencies in the 'pom.xml' of the project:


With Guice


Extension Rsql


With Guice (Simple)

Example with an HSQLDB database:

Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MyBatisModule() {
            protected void initialize() {

                install(new DefaultComponentMyBatisModule());



                Names.bindProperties(binder(), createTestProperties());



                Multibinder<ITriggerObserver> triggerObserverMultibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), ITriggerObserver.class);
                triggerObserverMultibinder.addBinding().toConstructor(ConstructorUtils.getAccessibleConstructor(TracableTriggerObserver.class, TracableTriggerObserver.IUserByHandler.class));


            private Properties createTestProperties() {
                Properties myBatisProperties = new Properties();
                myBatisProperties.setProperty("", "test");
                myBatisProperties.setProperty("JDBC.schema", "mybatis-guice_TEST");
                myBatisProperties.setProperty("JDBC.username", "sa");
                myBatisProperties.setProperty("JDBC.password", "");
                myBatisProperties.setProperty("JDBC.autoCommit", "false");
                return myBatisProperties;


        Environment environment = new Environment.Builder("test").dataSource(new PooledDataSource(null, "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:mybatis-guice_TEST", "sa", ""))
                .transactionFactory(new JdbcTransactionFactory()).build();

        ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration = new ComponentConfiguration(environment);
        componentConfiguration.setObjectFactory(new ComponentObjectFactory());
        componentConfiguration.setProxyFactory(new ComponentProxyFactory());
        componentConfiguration.setNlsColumnHandler(new DefaultNlsColumnHandler());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new FindEntityByIdMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new FindComponentsByMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new FindComponentsByJoinTableMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new FindNlsColumnMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new InsertMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new UpdateMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new DeleteMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new DeleteEntityByIdMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new DeleteComponentsByMappedStatementFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getResultMapFactoryRegistry().registry(new ComponentResultMapFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getCacheFactoryRegistry().registry(new ComponentCacheFactory());
        componentConfiguration.getTriggerDispatcher().addTriggerObserver(new TracableTriggerObserver(new DefaultUserByHandler()));


        SqlSessionManager sqlSessionManager = SqlSessionManager.newInstance(new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(componentConfiguration));
        ComponentSqlSessionManager componentSqlSessionManager = ComponentSqlSessionManager.newInstance(sqlSessionManager);


It is assumed that there is a component bean:

public interface ICountry extends IComponent {

List of Annotations

  • **@Entity **: Gives the name of the table on a component bean
Property Type Description
name String Mandatory, table name in database

Example :

@Entity(name = "T_COUNTRY")
public interface ICountry extends IComponent {
  • @Cache : Activates the cache for a component bean. The cache will be automatically emptied in the following instances: insert, update, delete, and after modifying a sub-component (Association, Collection). The cache is sensitive to nls.
Propriété Type Description
readWrite boolean If false, the same instance of the object will be supplied by the cache if not a new instance each time. Default false
size int Number of objects kept in the cache. Default 512
clearInterval long Cache time with a cleaning in millisecond. Default 1 hour (60 * 60 * 1000)
links Class<? extends IComponent>[] List of component bean linked to this cache. If the links are modified the cache is emptied

Example :

@Entity(name = "T_COUNTRY")
public interface ICountry extends IComponent {
  • @Column : Declare a column relative to a field. It must be put on the getter only.
Propriété Type Description
name String Mandatory. Name of column in database
javaType Class<?> Java type of the column. By default void.class, this is calculated relative to the return type
jdbcType JdbcType The jdbc type of the column. Default JdbcType.UNDEFINED
typeHandler Class> TypeHandler for the jdbc transformation. Default UnknownTypeHandler.class

Example :

    @Column(name = "CODE")
    String getCode();
    void setCode(String code);
  • @Id : Declare a column as the unique identifier of the table. There can only be one. It must be paired with a @Column.
Propriété Type Description
keyGeneratorId String Id of a key generator. By default "".
keyGeneratorClass Class<? extends KeyGenerator> Class of a key generator. By default, NoKeyGenerator.class.
    @Column(name = "ID")
    String getId();
    void setId(String id);
  • @Version : Declare a column as the version of the object. There can only be one. It must be paired with a @Column. It must be an int or long.

Example :

    @Column(name = "VERSION")
    int getVersion();
    void setVersion(int version);
  • @NlsColumn : Declare a column as translatable. See below for setting INlsColumnHandler
Propriété Type Description
name String Mandatory. Name of column in database
javaType Class<?> Java type of the column. By default void.class, this is calculated relative to the return type
jdbcType JdbcType The jdbc type of the column. Default JdbcType.UNDEFINED
typeHandler Class> TypeHandler for the jdbc transformation. Default UnknownTypeHandler.class
propertySource String[] List of fields to return to the select. By default [], if empty, it uses the field marked @Id
select String Namespace + id of the MyBatis request. By default "", if empty, it uses the dynamic version from INlsColumnHandler
fetchType FetchType Type of loading. Default DEFAULT

Example :

    @NlsColumn(name = "NAME")
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);
  • @Association : Allows to make a relation to 1. The identifier must be in the current component.
Propriété Type Description
propertySource String[] Mandatory. Name of the field in the source component, there may be more than one
propertyTarget String[] Name of the field in the target component, it must be the same number of fields as the source. By default [], the unique identifier of the target will be taken
javaType Class<?> The type of association. By default void.class, it will be taken on the return type
select String Namespace + id of the MyBatis dream. By default "", if empty, it uses the dynamic
fetchType FetchType Type of loading. Default DEFAULT
joinTable JoinTable[] Lets you define subjoins for the dynamic query. See below

Example :

    @Column(name = "CONTINENT_ID")
    IId getContinentId();
    void setContinentId(IId continentId);

    @Association(propertySource = CountryFields.continentId)
    IContinent getContinent();
    void setContinent(IContinent continent);
  • @Collection : Allows to make a relation towards n.
Propriété Type Description
propertySource String[] Name of the field in the source component, there may be more than one. By default [], the unique identifier of the source will be taken
propertyTarget String[] Mandatory. Name of the field in the target component, it must be the same number of fields as the source
javaType Class<? extends java.util.Collection> The type of the collection. By default Collection.class, it will be taken on the return type
ofType Class<?> The type of item in the collection. By default, void.class, it will be taken on the return type in the collection
select String Namespace + id of the MyBatis dream. By default "", if empty, it uses the dynamic
fetchType FetchType Type of loading. Default DEFAULT
joinTable JoinTable[] Lets you define subjoins for the dynamic query. See below
orderBy OrderBy[] Lets you define a sort order

Example :

    @Collection(propertyTarget = StateFields.countryId)
    List<IState> getStates();
    void setStates(List<IState> states);

Explanation of the join for association and collection.

Joins the source to the target. The name of the table must be specified and each column must be left and right.

Example, if you need to do 2 joins to get the list of states from a country:

@Collection(propertyTarget =, { @JoinTable(name = "T_ASSO_COUNTRY_TOTO", left = "COUNTRY_ID", right = "TOTO_ID"), @JoinTable(name = "T_ASSO_TOTO_STATE", left = "TOTO_ID", right = "STATE_ID") })

This will give

select c.* from T_STATE c inner join T_ASSO_TOTO_STATE u1 on u1.STATE_ID = c.ID inner join T_ASSO_COUNTRY_TOTO u2 on u2.TOTO_ID = u1.TOTO_ID where u2.COUNTRY_ID = #{id}

Final example

@Entity(name = "T_COUNTRY")
public interface ICountry extends IComponent {

    @Column(name = "ID")
    String getId();
    void setId(String id);

    @Column(name = "VERSION")
    int getVersion();
    void setVersion(int version);

    @Column(name = "CODE")
    String getCode();
    void setCode(String code);

    @NlsColumn(name = "NAME")
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

    @Column(name = "CONTINENT_ID")
    IId getContinentId();
    void setContinentId(IId continentId);

    @Association(propertySource = CountryFields.continentId)
    IContinent getContinent();
    void setContinent(IContinent continent);

    @Collection(propertyTarget = StateFields.countryId, orderBy = @OrderBy(StateFields.code)
    List<IState> getStates();
    void setStates(List<IState> states);


Component bean help

There are component help beans.

  • IEntity : It adds an id of type IId and a version of type int. The identifier is generated automatically on insertion from IdFactory
@Entity(name = "T_COUNTRY")
public interface ICountry extends IEntity {

    @Column(name = "CODE")
    String getCode();
    void setCode(String code);

  • ITracable : Adds creation and update fields by who and when. An observer completes the fields from the TracableTriggerObserver, it takes a IUserByHandler parameter.

  • ICancelable : Adds cancellation fields by who and when. It uses the same observer as for the traces.


ComponentSqlSessionManager provides various functions:

  • FindById : Search for a component bean from its unique identifier
componentSqlSessionManager.findById(ICountry.class, IdFactory.IdString.from("0"));
  • Insert : Inserts a component bean
  • Update : Updates a component bean
  • Delete : Deletes a component bean


The various keys generated automatically:



Gives the result map of the object as a parameter, here com.monpackage.ICountry

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/resultMap"



Gives the cache for an object, here com.monpackage.ICountry

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/cache"



Search the object according to its Id

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findById"

Find objects according to a list of properties

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findComponentsBy?properties=id"

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findComponentsBy?properties=code,version"

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findComponentsBy?properties=id&ignoreCancel"

Finds the object according to joins

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findComponentsByJoinTable?sourceComponent=com.monpackage.IContinent&sourceProperties=id&targetProperties=id&join=t_continent_toto;continent_id;toto_id;#t_toto_country;toto_id;country_id"

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findComponentsByJoinTable?sourceComponent=com.monpackage.IContinent&sourceProperties=id&targetProperties=id&join=t_continent_toto;continent_id;toto_id;#t_toto_country;toto_id;country_id&ignoreCancel"

Search translation of a property of the object

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/findNlsColumn?property=name"

Inserting the object (not children)

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/insert"

Updating the object (not children)

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/update"

Updating the object and force updating an NLS property

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/update?nlsProperties=name"

Clears the object or cancels it if it is cancelable

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/delete"

Clears the object according to its Id

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/deleteEntityById"

Clears objects according to properties

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/deleteComponentsBy?properties=code,version"


Add to the configuration

IRsqlConfiguration rsqlConfiguration = RsqlConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder().stringPolicy(stringComparePolicy).nlsColumnRsqlHandler(defaultNlsColumnHandler).pageStatementFactory(new HSQLDBHandler()).build();

componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new RsqlMappedStatementFactory(rsqlConfiguration));
componentConfiguration.getMappedStatementFactoryRegistry().registry(new CountRsqlMappedStatementFactory(rsqlConfiguration));

Easy to use:

List<ICountry> countries = sqlSession.selectList(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildRsqlKey(ICountry.class), "code==FRA");
List<IPerson> persons = sqlSession.selectList(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildRsqlKey(IPerson.class), "firstName==L*,country.code==FR");

Integer count = sqlSession.selectOne(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildCountRsqlKey(ICountry.class), "code==FRA");

Use with Request:

List<ICountry> countries = sqlSession.selectList(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildRsqlKey(ICountry.class), Request.newBuilder().rsql("code==FRA").build());
List<ICountry> countries = sqlSession.selectList(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildRsqlKey(ICountry.class), Request.newBuilder().rsql("code==E*").sort("-code").build());
List<ICountry> countries = sqlSession.selectList(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildRsqlKey(ICountry.class), Request.newBuilder().rsql("code==E*").sort("-code").rows(Request.Rows.of(1, 3)).build());

Integer count = sqlSession.selectOne(RsqlStatementNameHelper.buildCountRsqlKey(ICountry.class), Request.newBuilder().rsql("code==FRA").build());

Let the simple request be a String "code == 10" or be from the object of the Request

Propriété Type Description
rsql String The request RSQL
customRequest ICustomRequest Allows to add a custom AND to the request
sort String Sorting
customSortLeft ICustomSort Allows to add a custom sort to the request, at the beginning of order by
customSortRight ICustomSort Allows to add a custom sort to the request, at the end of the order by
rows Rows Limit the request in line number

More info on the Rsql: and RsqlBuilder


The various keys generated automatically:


Returns the list of filtered objects

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/rsql"

Counts the number of objects

  • "com.monpackage.ICountry/countRsql"


Simplifies the use of MyBatis with Component Bean








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