⚠️ This script most likely has bugs in it. We are not responsible for any data loss that might occur from using this. Continue at your own risk.
This script can create a shadow copy and mount it as a drive. Then it will run a script that has been passed to it. Last it will delete the exposed snapshot.
In order to use this, you'll need to have vshadow.exe on your system. I've found it in the past in the Windows SDK ( See https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/ )
To calls this script from within Task scheduler, I set the program/script to:
And then the arguments to:
-File C:\BackupScripts\shadowcopybackup.ps1 -datadrive C -mountletter Z -script "powershell.exe" -passargs "-file c:\BackupScripts\email_backup.ps1"