Cookbook to deploy the WildFly Java Application Server
Provides resources for installing/configuring WildFly and managing WildFly service instances for use in wrapper cookbooks. Installs WildFly from tarball and installs the appropriate configuration for your platform's init system.
- RHEL and derivatives
- Ubuntu
- Chef 12.19+
This cookbook has recently been rewritten to be resource-driven. It was a large undertaking and breaks old behavior, hence the major version bump. The API-driven configuration and deployment resources are much faster to converge.
The old recipes were kept around for similar, legacy behavior, but using the resources directly in your wrapper cookbook will yield more flexibility.
Example wrapper cookbook scenarios are available in the test cookbook, under test/fixtures/cookbooks/test
- Specify the version of Wildflynode['wildfly']['url']
- URL to WildFly tarballnode['wildfly']['checksum']
- SHA256 hash of said tarball
- Installs WildFly and any enabled connectors.::install
- Installs WildFly using thewildfly
- Installs MySQL Connector/J::postgres_connector
- Installs PostgreSQL Java connector
- Installs and configures WildFly.
wildfly_wildfly 'wildfly' do
mode 'standalone' # => WildFly Mode
config 'standalone-full.xml' # => The WildFly Configuration File
base_dir '/opt/wildfly' # => Directory to install WildFly to
service_user 'wildfly'
service_group 'wildfly'
provision_user true # => Whether to create the WildFly service user/group
create_mgmt_user true # => Provision a random, secure user for API interactions
url 'http://.../wildfly.tar.gz' # URL to WildFly tarball to download
checksum 'SHA256_CHECKSUM' # WildFly Tarball Checksum
version '1.2.3' # Version of WildFly (Should correspond to URL)
- the HTTP port for the Management Interface & API
- Flexible resource which allows provisioning of attributes and their parameters via the WildFly Management API. This should be used over other resources as it affords more flexibility.
wildfly_resource 'Syslog Handler' do
path ['subsystem', 'logging', 'syslog-handler', 'SYSLOG']
parameters 'app-name' => 'TEST',
'enabled' => true,
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'level' => 'ALL',
'port' => 514,
'server-address' => 'test.syslog.local',
'syslog-format' => 'RFC5424'
action :create
- Resource to deploy applications via the API
# => URL-Based Deployment
wildfly_deploy_api 'Sample' do
deploy_name 'sample-v1'
runtime_name 'sample.war'
parameters 'url' => ''
# => File-Based Deployment
myapp = remote_file 'helloworld' do
source ''
path ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], 'hello-world.war')
mode '0644'
action :create
wildfly_deploy_api 'HelloWorld File Deployment' do
deploy_name "HelloWorld-file-V1"
runtime_name 'helloworld-file.war'
parameters 'url' => 'file://' + myapp.path
- These will be deprecated in the future. The
resource can do everything these can, and via the much faster Management API. Thedeploy_api
resource will replace thedeploy
resource as well.
wildfly_datasource 'example' do
jndiname 'java:jboss/datasource/example'
drivername 'some-jdbc-driver'
connectionurl 'jdbc:some://'
username 'db_username'
password 'db_password'
sensitive false
Allows you to deploy JARs and WARs via chef
wildfly_deploy 'jboss.jdbc-driver.sqljdbc4_jar' do
url ''
wildfly_deploy 'jboss.jdbc-driver.sqljdbc4_jar' do
path '/opt/resources/sqljdb4.jar'
Requires a common runtime_name and version-specific name
wildfly_deploy 'my-app-1.0.war' do
url ''
runtime_name 'my-app.war'
Use :disable
to keep the contents, and :enable
to re-deploy previously kept contents
wildfly_deploy 'jboss.jdbc-driver.sqljdbc4_jar' do
action :remove
Allows you to set an attribute in the server config
<server name="default-server">
<http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" max-post-size="20971520"/>
<host name="default-host" alias="localhost">
wildfly_attribute 'max-post-size' do
path '/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default'
parameter 'max-post-size'
value '20971520L'
notifies :restart, 'service[wildfly]', :delayed
wildfly_attribute 'max-post-size' do
path '/subsystem=mail/mail-session="postbox"'
parameter 'jndi-name="java:/mail/postbox",debug=true'
action :add
Allows you to set or delete system properties in the server config. (Supported Actions: :set, :delete)
wildfly_property 'Database URL' do
property 'JdbcUrl'
value 'jdbc:mysql://'
action :set
notifies :restart, 'service[wildfly]', :delayed
Author:: Brian Dwyer - Intelligent Digital Services
Contributor:: Hugo Trippaers
Contributor:: Ian Southam