Repository contains structures and methods to execute linear algebra operations (matrix multiplication etc)
Matrix implementation using List as backing filed for elements Implements methods for by-row and by-column access to elements
Operations supported:
- matrix addition ( a + b or )
- matrix subtraction ( a - b or a.minus(b) )
- value addition ( a + b or )
- value subtraction ( a - b or a.minus(b) )
- matrix multiplication ( a * b or a.times(b) )
- vector multiplication ( a * b or a.times(b) )
- value multiplication ( a * b or a.times(b) )
- hadamard product ( a.hadamard(b) )
- transpose (!a or a.not() )
Vector implementation using List as backing filed for elements Implements methods for accessing elements
Operations supported:
- vector addition
- vector subtraction
- value addition
- value subtraction
- matrix multiplication
- vector multiplication
- value multiplication
- hadamard product
- dot product