- Version update to 2.0.2
- Updated dependencies in ext_emconf.php and composer.json to correct versions!
- Made extension support Modal link in Backend work again
- Version update to 2.0.1
- Changed composer namespace to "fullstackfreelancer/showcase" instead of "simonkoehler/showcase"
- Added composer information
- Bugfix: constant editor category name collision fixed
- New setting added for detail plugin: "back page"
- Changed bg classes for better compatibility with dark/light themes in Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 5 templates updated with data attributes "data-bs-toggle" etc..
- JavaScript updated
- Modal functionality optimized, modal header added
- Many PHP changes for compatibility with TYPO3 version 12.4
- Many Fluid-Template changes for Bootstrap 5.3 compatibility
- New GitHub repository URL: https://github.com/fullstackfreelancer/showcase
- Bootstrap 5 templates added
- JavaScript now works without jQuery (Bootstrap 5)
- URL child records of a project are now hidden in the backend list view by default
- Added static width of 720px to project detail media elements / images (Requires: image generation. Todo: make configurable)
- Images of detail views are now ABOVE the text content on mobile devices (requires grid system of Bootstrap v4 or higher)
- Changed version from 1.3.0 to 1.3.0
- Added Documentation folders and some files (in progress and not working yet!)
- Added default YAML configuration for URL routing (Configuration/Routes/Default.yaml)
- Updated dependencies in emconf and composer file
- Changed version from 1.0.1 to 1.2.0
- Added iteration and comma to category list in detail view
- Added GERMAN translations to the backend forms
- Cleaned up backend TCA form configuration
- Changed version from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
- Plugin 'showcase_showcase' replaced by 3 new plugins for better handling
- More translations added for German
- Option to display projects from a folder or manually selected
- Status changed to BETA and version to 1.0.0
- German translations added
- Slider view with Glide.js integrated
- New Grid Layout select for the List plugin
- Plugin settings optimized and field descriptions integrated
- Extension support and rating function integrated
- Plugin names and translation keys changed! (update extension and clear all caches!)
- Category menu can be deactivated now
- Category menu has active state and style
- Category menu is now default bootstrap navbar component
- imagesLoaded library included
- Preview images for list layout added
- Image cropping added
- Language fixes
- CSS changes for card hover animations
- Version 0.0.1 alpha released