Another module for providing some base functionality for a basic RESTFul JSON API. While everyone seems to be jumping onto GraphQL, if all you need is a quick setup with not too much configuration to get your head around, nothing beats a simple REST solution.
Handles authenication and provides common functions for serving and parsing
API requests. Compared to silverstripe-restfulserver
this module does very
little scaffolding of models and fields out of the box but instead relies on
developers to design the API layout (although scaffolding helpers are available)
composer require fullscreeninteractive/silverstripe-restful-helpers
If you plan on using Authenication for your API then you first need to config the module.
secret: 'replace-this-with-a-jwt-secret-for-jwt'
lifetime_in_days: 365
renew_threshold_in_minutes: 60
Next step is to setup the routing for the API. You can modify the name of the
routes as required for the project. At the very least you would have a
project-specific end point which would subclass the ApiController
for example,
'api/v1/auth/$Action': 'FullscreenInteractive\Restful\Controllers\AuthController'
'api/v1/projects//$Action': 'MyProjectsApi'
Here is an example of MyProjectsApi
which demostrates some of the helpers
provided by this module. Anyone can GET api/v1/projects/
to retrieve a
list of all projects, logged in ADMIN users can POST api/v1/projects/create
use FullscreenInteractive\Restful\Interfaces\ApiReadable;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
class Project extends DataObject implements ApiReadable
private static $db = [
'Title' => 'Varchar(100)',
'Date' => 'DBDate'
private static $has_one = [
'Author' => Member::class
public function toApi(): array
return [
'title' => $this->Title,
'date' => $this->dbObject('Date')->getTimestamp()
class MyProjectsApi extends FullscreenInteractive\Restful\Controllers\ApiController
private static $allowed_actions = [
public function index()
return $this->returnPaginated(Project::get());
public function createProject()
$member = $this->ensureUserLoggedIn([
list($title, $date) = $this->ensureVars([
'Date' => function($value) {
return strtotime($value) > 0
$project = new Project();
$project->Title = $title;
$project->Date = $date;
$project->AuthorID = $member->ID;
return $this->returnJSON([
'project' => $project->toApi()
public function deleteProject()
$member = $this->ensureUserLoggedIn([
list($id) = $this->ensureVars([
$project = Project::get()->byID($id);
if (!$project) {
return $this->failure([
'status_code' => 404,
'message' => 'Unknown project'
if ($project->canDelete($member)) {
return $this->success();
Authenication is managed via a JWT
which can be stored client side. To
receive a token the user must first exchange their username / password over
basic authenication by making a POST
request with the credentials. Usually
this is some form of javascript request e.g
fetch('/api/v1/auth/token', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Cache-control": "no-cache",
"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.encode(email + ":" + password),
The response from that request with either be an error code (> 200) or if user and password is correct, a 200 response containing the JWT. The token and related meta data can be saved securely client side for reuse.
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL...",
"member": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"firstName": "Julian",
"surname": "Scheuchenzuber"
If a user's token is invalid, or expired a 401 error will be returned. To
validate a users token use the verify
endpoint - this will check the token and
renew the token if required.
fetch('/api/v1/auth/verify', {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
The token can then be used to sign API calls as the Bearer
fetch('/api/v1/projects/createProject', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Cache-control": "no-cache",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
If you would prefer to use API keys rather than JWT tokens, you can use and configure it as a route specific middleware
class: SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter
RequestHandler: '%$MyProjectApi'
CustomMiddleware: '%$ApiKeyRequestMiddleware'
class: MyProjectApi
class: Sminnee\ApiKey\ApiKeyRequestMiddleware
Controller: '%$ApiRouteMiddleware'
Out of the box, the silverstripe-apikey module will not throw an error if no API key is provided (but it will if a wrong one is). So in the short term you're best to double check and handle if the API key is not provided
public function projects()
if (!$this->ensureUserLoggedIn()) {
return $this->failure(401);
// ..
When designing an API you may wish to avoid exposing your internal ID's to in responses.
To add a UUID field to your object add the following extension to your model
private static $extensions = [
A UUID will be generated on an objects onBeforeWrite()
In Silverstripe 5 CanonicalURLMiddleware
is enabled to add a trialing
slash by default. This can cause issues in production so we recommend
disabling this completely for any API routes.
- 'api/'
Todo but it's not massive. See ApiController
for now.