All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus-info extension
- concurrency setup for GitHub workflows
- quarkus-version set to 3.18.2 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] project init - quarkus-3-gradle-kts flavour available
- Add quarkus-3-gradle-kts flavour #284
- better native AOT compatibility workflow
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] spring-boot flavour version set to 3.4.2
- [fj-doc-val-pdfbox] pdfbox version 2.0.33
- quarkus-version set to 3.18.1 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] micronaut flavour version set to 4.7.4
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] spring-boot flavour version set to 3.4.1
- Fix native support for Apache FreeMarker #278
- subfolder for native embedded configuration file #276
- freemarker-version 2.3.34
- quarkus-version set to 3.17.6 across all the modules
- subfolder for native embedded configuration file #276
- freemarker-version 2.3.34
- quarkus-version set to 3.17.6 across all the modules
- fixed endline for markdown format
- quarkus-version set to 3.17.4 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] micronaut flavour version set to 4.7.2
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3 added eager init example #270
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour springboot-3 added eager init example #269
- [fj-mod-doc-openpdf-ext] basic list implementation
- info suppress-wrong-type-error, some type error will be ignored if set to true and '1'
- quarkus-version set to 3.17.3 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] spring-boot flavour version set to 3.4.0
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] micronaut flavour version set to 4.7.1
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] openliberty flavour version set to
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] better logging for FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade.loadConfigSafe()
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added documentation #265
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] better init check for PdfFopTypeHandler
- quarkus-version set to 3.17.0 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] micronaut flavour version set to 4.7.0
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] spring-boot flavour version set to 3.3.6
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new function formatDateTime
- quarkus-version set to 3.16.4 across all the modules
- [fj-doc-val-*] fix doc validation #262
- [fj-doc-val-core] DocValidatorTypeCheck facade to check file type #260
- [fj-doc-val-p7m] check the inner type on P7MContentValidator #260
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] show quakus version
- quarkus-version set to 3.16.3 across all the modules
- xsd-parser-version set to 1.2.18
- native-helper-maven-plugin version set to 1.4.6
- [fj-doc-native-quarkus] added build arg : -H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] added information for flavour quarkus-3 native version
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] fix version check for AsciiDoc example
- [fj-doc-mod-opencsv] added GraalVM native metadata to csv format
- [fj-doc-native-quarkus] added quarkus integration tests
- native-helper-maven-plugin version set to 1.4.5
- workflow "CI native modules build and test" added test against native executable
- native metadata sort
- [fj-doc-native-quarkus] native metadata test project and workflow #246
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] flavour quarkus-3 native configuration
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] added quarkus-freemarker dependency to flavour quarkus-3
- [fj-doc-freemarker] generate stub and config conversion now supports registerById and allowDuplicatedId attributes
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] base image
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added output format ADOC (AsciiDoc)
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus-version 3.16.1
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3, default version 3.16.1
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] base image switched to ubi9/openjdk-21-runtime:1.20-2.1729773452
- section
- Added sourceType 'kotlin' to freemarker-doc-process-1-0.xsd
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init/add - support for base-kotlin example #236
- [fj-doc-freemarker] kotlin step, attribute map
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init/add - support for base-json, base-yaml and base-kotlin example #231
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] module base-kotlin is now accepted.
- fj-bom version 1.6.7
- [repository] new issue template
- [documentation] README review to better refer to guide
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] PdfFopTypeHandler now concat PDFA and PDFUA mode in format field if both present (i.e. 'PDF/A-1b_PDF/UA-1')
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3, default springboot version 3.16.0
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] set quarkus version 3.16.0
- [fj-mod-lib-kotlin] fj-script-helper-version set to 2.0.3
- [fj-mod-lib-kotlin] added simpleMap conversion function to HelperDSL #229
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] init supported versions review : '8.10.1', '8.10.0', '8.9.7', '8.9.0', '8.8.9', '8.8.0', '8.7.6'
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] io.quarkus:quarkus-webjars-locator relocated to io.quarkus:quarkus-web-dependency-locator
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added quarkus-smallrye-openapi
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour springboot-3, default springboot version 3.3.5
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] in stead of quarkus.resteasy-reactive.path in REST reactive environment quarkusio/quarkus#35794
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] set of profile PDF-UA
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] fail to create a PDF which is both compliant to PDF/A-1b and PDF/UA-1 #52
- [fj-doc-base-kotlin] fj-script-helper version set to 2.0.0
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new step type 'kotlin' #222
- [fj-doc-base-kotlin] support to use kotlin script (KTS) as source #222
- [fj-doc-lib-kotlin] kotlin utilities #222
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new FreeMarkerSkipProcessStep (skipfm) #225
- [fj-doc-freemarker] support for source type in FreemarkerDocProcessConfig #223
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] removed annotation @Tags for quarkus X flavour
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] removed unused dependencies for quarkus X flavour
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] Fix path test openrtf quarkus X flavour
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] support for openpdf-ext and openrtf-ext modules
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] support for asciidoc doc handler (fj-doc-version 8.8.7+)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] updated readme information for quarkus-3 flavour
- [fj-doc-guide] added pdf documentation
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] fj-doc-ext-kotlin-version set to 0.4.2
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] fj-doc-ext-kotlin-version set to 0.4.1
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] apply DocFacadeSource.cleanInput() to document generation playground
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] fj-service-helper-bom-version set to 1.4.3
- [fj-doc-base] doc-2-1.xsd, element phrase, para, h are now allowed as children for para and h.
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] fop-version set to 2.10
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] kotlin.version set to 2.0.21
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new CleanXmlFun and CleanTextFun #213
- [fj-doc-base] new DocXMLUtils utility #213
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new attribute : validating, failOnValidate, cleanSource
- [fj-doc-guide] new asciidoc guide
- [fj-doc-base] Fix log doc xml validation
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour micronaut, default micronaut version 4.6.3
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added options for new venus versions in playground
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version set to 3.15.1
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3, default quarkus version 3.15.1
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version set to 3.15.0
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour springboot-3, default springboot version 3.3.4
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3, default quarkus version 3.15.0
- [fj-doc-freemarker] handle space-before and space-after in table #206 [html]
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] handle space-before and space-after in table #206 [pdf]
- [fj-doc-freemarker] new simple asciidoc renderer
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] base image changed to
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version set to 3.14.4
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, new parameter : flavourVersion
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] doc project init, added flavour version parameter
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-2, default quarkus version 2.16.12.Final
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour springboot-3, default springboot version 3.3.3
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour openliberty, default openliberty version
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour micronaut-4, default micronaut version 4.6.2
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour quarkus-3, default quarkus version 3.14.3
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] doc project init, default venus version 8.8.6
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added venus version 8.8.5 and 8.8.6 to doc project init
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version set to 3.14.3
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, generation of flavour 'vanilla' was bugged
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, added openapi documentation for flavour 'openliberty' #193
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] springboot-3 flavour on doc project init
- [fj-doc-mod-openrtf-ext] handling doc-title, doc-subject, doc-author, doc-language, doc-creator #196
- [fj-doc-mod-openpdf-ext] handling doc-title, doc-subject, doc-author, doc-language, doc-creator #196
- [fj-doc-mod-openpdf-ext] default creator set to 'OpenPDF over Fugerit Venus DOC' #196
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] default creator set to 'Apache FOP over Fugerit Venus DOC'
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added venus version 8.8.3 and 8.8.4 to doc project init
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] m2e lifecycleMappingMetadata (xml is not valid) # 194
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, added openapi documentation for flavour 'micronaut-4'
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, added openapi documentation for flavour 'springboot-3'
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] added venus version 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 to doc project init
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, new flavour : springboot-3
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, Quarkus and Micronaut generation based on freemarker macros.
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, micronaut-4 typo in Controller class name
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal add, new parameter : freemarkerVersion (default : 2.3.32)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, new flavour : micronaut-4
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] doc project init default version set to 8.8.0
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal init, flavour parameter (currently : vanilla, quarkus-3, quarkus-2)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] goal add, optimized order for fj-doc-* dependencies
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] addDependencyOnTop parameter to put fj-doc-* dependencies on top
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] addLombok parameter to add lombok dependency (will add slf4j-simple in test scope)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] addJunit5 parameter to add junit-jupiter dependency (will skip main generation)
- [fj-doc-val-p7m] P7MPemValidator and P7MRawValidator
- fj version 8.6.5
- fj-bom version 1.6.6
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version 3.14.2
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] changed base image eclipse-temurin:21.0.4_7-jre-alpine
- [fj-doc-val-p7m] Optimized P7MValidator (for previous behaviour use P7MLegacyValidator)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] add goal, short name module recognition
- [fj-doc-val-p7m] failed to validate PKCS7 : unknown tag 31 encountered #188
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] Add project init function
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] is no on plugin management of fj-doc parent
- [fj-doc-sample] fj-doc-maven-plugin:verify configuration
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] Could not find goal 'verify' #180
- docker build
- [fj-doc-mod-fop] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not supported: http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] added init fugerit venus goal
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] build order changed, now will build before fj-doc-sample
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] new param 'reportOutputFormat' (default 'html') of 'verify' plugin
- obsolete docgen folder.
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] new param 'addVerifyPlugin' (default 'true') of 'add' plugin
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] verify plugin using FreeMarkerTemplateSyntaxVerifier
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] m2e lifecycle configuration
- [fj-doc-freemarker] tool FreeMarkerTemplateSyntaxVerifier (check for FreeMarker templates syntax) with report
- [fj-doc-freemarker] back color handling in html check
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] removed template reference to font.
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] groupId from parent
- [fj-doc-playground-quarkus] quarkus version set to 3.14.0
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] new parameter excludeXmlApis (could be needed with quarkus)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] new parameter addExclusions
- [fj-doc-mod-openpdf-ext] revert openpdf to version 1.3.43
- [fj-doc-val-pdfbox] pdfbox version 2.0.32
- [fj-doc-mod-openpdf-ext] openpdf version 1.4.2
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] latest version discovery
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] version customization
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] check if project is already configured for fj-doc (default fail)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] new parameter : force (if set will not fail if project already configured)
- [fj-doc-maven-plugin] check if module exists
- fj-doc-maven-plugin (configure a maven project for Fugerit Venus Doc usage)
- [base] new findHandlerRequired() method
- [freemarker] new fullProcess() by handler id method
- [freemarker] added load-bundled-functions property
- [freemarker] Changed latest freemarker constant to 2.3.33
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.13.2
- [playground-quarkus] Config conversion user interface
- [freemarker] text wrap function (using zero with space
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.13.1
- [mod-fop] fop-pool-min and fop-pool-max properties (fop configuration can be now resued)
- [playground-quarkus] added kotlin input
- DocTypeHandlerDefault.toString() has more informations now, and a customID generated from UUID when the class is created
- [doc-base] DocHandlerFacade.findHandler() now changed a bit handlers id resolution, (will now search first the natural id from the xml configuration)
- fj-version set to 8.6.4
- fj-bom set to 1.6.5
- [playground-quarkus] kotlin source set to fj-doc-ext-kotlin 0.3.2
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.12.2
- [playground-quarkus] base image is no eclipse-temurin:21.0.3_9-jre-alpine
- xsd-parser-version set to 1.2.13 xmlet/XsdParser#67
- openpdf version set to 1.3.43
- bouncy-castle-version set to 1.78
- fj-version set to 8.5.4
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.9.4
- [playground-quarkus] docker image eclipse-temurin:21.0.2_13-jre-alpine
- fj-bom set to 1.6.3
- pdfbox-version set to 2.0.31
- html-charset property for freemarker(html) renderer
- [fj-doc-lib-autodoc] alternate template with additional schema handling #135
- xsd-parser-version set to 1.2.10 xmlet/XsdParser#63
- fj-version set to 8.5.3
- openpdf-version set to 1.3.42 #128
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.8.3
- codacy badge
- fj-xml-to-json-version set to 1.2.0
- exec-plugin.version set to 3.2.0
- xsd-parser-version set to 1.2.8
- fj-version set to 8.4.10
- fj-bom set to 1.6.1
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.8.1
- security issue on html include
- security issue on Dockerfile
- typo in test case
- [playground-quarkus] doc conversion shortcut for xml, json and yaml
- openpdf-version set to 1.3.40 #128
- xsd-parser-version set to 1.2.6
- fj-xml-to-json version set to 1.0.0
- Upgraded build_maven_package workflow to version 1.0.1, (accespt DISABLE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_SUBMISSION)
- [playground-quarkus] handle direct link to xml2xml, json2json and yaml2yaml conversion
- [playground-quarkus] theme selector
- [playground-quarkus] base image amazoncorretto:21.0.2-alpine3.19
- [playground-quarkus] migrate SPA bundler to Vite
- [playground-quarkus] suggested node 20 for react front end
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.7.3
- docker publish workflow
- fugerit org github project conventions reference
- snyk status badge and scan
- new deploy workflow
- workflows review and documentation
- fj-bom set to 1.6.0
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.7.2
- [playground-quarkus] base image changed to 21.0.2_13-jre-ubi9-minimal
- fj-doc-mod-openpdf-ext, PDF and HTML renderer based on OpenPDF
- fj-doc-mod-openrtf-ext, RTF renderer based on OpenRTF
- Setup java 17 for code ql workflow
- Switch to codeql actions v3
- Minimum java version to run quarkus playground set to 17
- Minimum java version for build set to 17
- fj-doc-playground quarkus, added openpdf and openrtf output format
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.7.1
- [playground-quarkus] base docker image eclipse-temurin:21.0.2_13-jre-alpine
- fj-core version set to 8.4.7
- fj-doc-mod-opencsv, new OpenCSVTypeHandlerUTF8 handler
- fj-doc-base, new SimpleMarkdownBasicTypeHandlerNoCommentsUTF8 and SimpleMarkdownExtTypeHandlerNoCommentsUTF8 handlers
- fj-doc-playground-quarkus, switched to freemarker doc process config xml
- fj-doc-sample, fj-doc-mod-openpdf version set to 1.3.0
- fj-doc-sample, setup fop-config fod pdf/a doc handler as inline
- freemarker-doc-process-1-0.xsd, docHandlerCustomConfigType now accepts any child elements
- fj-doc-mod-fop, now fop configuration can be inline
- fj-doc-freemarker, freemarker-doc-process-1-0.xsd now allows any child element in docHandlerCustomConfigType
- fj-doc-mod-openpdf version set to 1.2.2
- [playground-quarkus] sample for table align
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.6.4
- Added java 21 to github action workflow for compatibility check
- fj-core version set to 8.4.6
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.2
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.1, fix lombok-maven-plugin compatibility with java 21
- [playground-quarkus] xsl-fo output (as of mod-fop format)
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.6.1
- [mod-fop] fix cell vertifcal align #104
- [val-p7m] P7MContentValidator (validate p7m and possibly its content with a facade)
- [val-pdfbox] PdfboxStrictValidator (uses not lenient parser)
- [val-pdfbox] pdfbox version 2.0.30
- [core] meta info 'table-border-collapse' documentation improvement
- [core] 'table-border-collapse' document info to setup default border collapse behavior
- [mod-fop] support for table cell back-color attribute
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.6.0
- [val-p7m] utility to extract p7m content
- [val-core] XmlValidator for simple xml doc type validation
- [val] P7MValidator in full validator facade
- [playground-quarkus] P7MValidator in validator feature
- [playground-quarkus] docker image eclipse-temurin:21.0.1_12-jre-alpine
- [playground-quarkus] quarkus-version set to 3.5.2
- fj-core version set to 3.4.5
- fj-bom version set to 1.5.0
- bouncycastle jdk18on-1.77
- org.codehaus.mojo-exec-maven-plugin-3.1.1
- fj-doc-mod-openpdf-1.2.0-sa.1
- [val-p7m] module for p7m validation
- [playground-quarkus] changed docker base image to 21.0.1_12-jre-ubi9-minimal
- [playground-quarkus] added no cache headers
- init handler with exception suppression
- Added init handler with exception suppression
- [playground-quarkus] set docker image to eclipse-temurin:21.0.1_12-jdk
- [playground-quarkus] validation disabled for FTLX
- [playground-quarkus] better validation handling
- fj-core version set to 8.4.4
- fj-bom version set to 1.4.8
- quarkus version set to 3.5.0
- [playground-quarkus] csv output format
- [fj-doc-mod-opencsv] 'csv-line-end' property to override the default line terminator (\n)
- [fj-doc-mod-opencsv] 'csv-separator' property to override the default separator (,)
- [lib-autodoc] documentation for csv properties
- [lib-autodoc] documentation for spreadsheet properties
- [playground-quarkus] DocConversion same format conversion (i.e. json -> json)
- [playground-quarkus] DocConversion only convert without pretty print
- [playground-quarkus] Venus XML Doc output format
- [playground-quarkus] messageFun (SimpleMessageFun) usable in ftl templates
- [playground-quarkus] freemarker (ftl) code highlight
- [playground-quarkus] complex example taken from
- [playground-quarkus] os.arch info in home page
- [playground-quarkus] generation error output
- [playground-quarkus] home page provides the 'snapshot' image tag (instead of previous 'latest').
- [playground-quarkus] code review to remove bootstrap
- [playground-quarkus] default html type handler set to FreeMarkerHtmlFragmentTypeHandlerEscapeUTF8
- [playground-quarkus] <#ftl> directive handling
- [playground-quarkus] markdown output
- [playground-quarkus] document catalog filter by input type
- [playground-quarkus] system info in home page
- [playground-quarkus] set -Dfile. encoding="UTF-8" on quarkus image
- [playground-quarkus] better json custom data handling in samples
- [playground-quarkus] base docker image set to amazoncorretto:21
- utf8 read function
- [playground-quarkus] link in home page
- [playground-quarkus] Run locally instruction
- [playground-quarkus] favicon and logo
- Maven wrapper
- Public Playground docker repository
- Dockerfile for playground and instructions
- FreeMarker Template sample features on fj-doc-playground-quarkus (91)
- quarkus version set to 3.4.3
- [fj-doc-freemarker] config attribute for FreeMarkerDocHelperTypeHandler : escapeTextAsHtml
- [fj-doc-freemarker] FreeMarkerHtmlTypeHandlerEscapeUTF8 with default escapeTextAsHtml=true and UTF8 charset
- [fj-doc-freemarker] FreeMarkerHtmlFragmentTypeHandlerEscapeUTF8 with default escapeTextAsHtml=true and UTF8 charset
- [fj-doc-freemarker] output_format xml test
- [fj-doc-freemarker] FreeMarkerHtmlTypeHandlerEscapeUTF8 and FreeMarkerHtmlFragmentTypeHandlerEscapeUTF8 set as default for config stub generation
- reference to fj-doc-mod-poi5 in
- FormatTypeConsts methods for standardDateParse() and standardNumberParse()
- FreeMarkerHtmlTypeHandler, element 'para', more attributes are evaluated : space-left, space-right, white-space-collapse, leading, text-indent
- PdfFopTypeHandler, element 'para', attribute leading evaluated
- methods to initAll handlers at once in InitHandler utility
- InitHandler initialization of PDF/A fop handlers failed if a font was not found.
- java and maven badges link
- LICENSE place holder
- page-break tag now rendered in html as
by freemarker html type handler
- new config attribute 'fop-suppress-events' top mod-fop
- fj-xml-to-json 0.1.1 dependency
- next generation json format support [experimental]
- refactor of json and yaml format to use fj-xml-to-json
- fj-bom set to 1.4.7
- jackon and opencsv version set in fj-bom
- fj-version set to 8.4.1
- pdfbox-version set to 2.0.29 (version 3.0.0 breaks compatibility, consider import)
- better test coverage DocHandlerFacade and FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade
- better error handling for FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade
- increased test coverage of fj-doc-base module
- DocXmlParser can now be set to fail when elements are unknown
- DocHandlerFacade.findHandler() was not looking for all registered handlers in some case.
- Fixed missing attributes 'map-all' in complex step xsd.
- Markdown handler ext table with extra spaces on header
- fj-doc-mod-openpdf-version set to 1.1.0-sa.1
- jajarta-jaxb-version set to 4.0.1
- Code of conduct badge and file
- Sample jdk compatibility check workflow on branch develop
- quarkus version set to 3.4.1
- fj-bom set to 1.4.2
- fj-version set to 8.3.8
- Sonar cloud workflow merged in maven build
- Sonar cloud workflow yml removed. (after being merged with maven build)
- Quarkus HTTP vulnerable to incorrect evaluation of permissions resolved. (fix GHSA-4f4r-wgv2-jjvg)
- fj-core set to 8.3.7
- method FreemarkerDocProcessConfig.fullProcess() with minimal parameters, generating the document and returning xml data.
- fj-core set to 8.3.6
- now default chain in FreemarkerDocProcessConfig.newSimpleConfig() maps all attributes to freemarker template.
- added java/maven badges
- fj-core set to 8.3.5
- all Sonar Cloud issues addressed
- fj-bom set to 1.4.0 (fj-test-helper8 now managed by parent pom)
- Javadoc generation with java 17
- fj-core set to 8.2.8
- fj-test-helper8 set to 0.5.0
- increased test coverage
- fj-bom set to 1.3.6 (poi-version set to 5.2.3)
- FopConfigClassLoader (previously deprecated) (#61)
- The apache poi5+ is now the default version required (and java11+ unless the poi version is overridden )
- FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade.newSimpleConfig() has a new method accepting the free marker version as a parameter.
- SimpleTableDocConfig.newConfig() now works in legacy mode (freemarker 2.3.29), and there are new methods for setting freemarker version
- The module fj-doc-mod-poi5 has beend removed as now the module fj-doc-mod-poi requires apache poi 5+
- module fj-doc-val-poi now use poi5-version 5.2.3 (#61) CVE-2022-26336 (NOTE: now this module will only work with java 11+, unless Apache POI version is overridden)
- dependabot configuration
- fj-core set to 8.2.6
- sample module fj-doc-mod-itext substituted by fj-doc-mod-openpdf
- reference to v1.1.0 in changelog
- removed unsupported modules fj-doc-bom, fj-doc-bom-core, fj-doc-bom-fop
- fj-bom set to 1.3.5 (#59) CVE-2016-1000352 CVE-2016-1000344 CVE-2016-1000343 CVE-2016-1000342 CVE-2016-1000338 CVE-2018-1000180 CVE-2023-33201 CVE-2020-15522 CVE-2020-26939 CVE-2016-1000345 CVE-2015-7940 CVE-2016-1000341 CVE-2016-1000339 CVE-2021-3803 CVE-2016-1000346
- apache fop version set to 2.9 (#58) CVE-2022-44729 CVE-2022-44729 CVE-2022-44730
- tag element (HEAD) to scm element. (pom.xml)
- issueManagement element (pom.xml, url : )
- dependency fj-tester-helper8 set to 0.4.1
- workflow for package testing and dependency upload
- fj-bom set to 1.3.3
- fj-bom set to 8.2.4
- Changelog badge link set absolute ''
- module playground quarkus set to 'io.quarkus', version set to '3.3.1'
- playground samples doc version set to 2.1
- scm url (.git was missing at the end).
- Unit test for DocValidator and FreemarkerDocProcessConfigValidator (#56)
- Prohibit xml external entities on DocValidator and FreemarkerDocProcessConfigValidator (#56)
- Added assertions to TestPOI junit
- xsd badge
- keep a changelog badge
- maven repo central and javadoc badges to modules
- fj-bom version set to 1.3.1
- Added build metadata to artifacts fugerit-org/fj-bom#2 (#54)
- Sonar Cloud Maven Build set to use maven profile sonarfugerit and github environmental variable for sonarKey (#54)
- New changelog style based on : (#53)
- some link in the
- only the release notes are available.